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Cu Chulainn Solo

11 2 31,010
by BrutalBelly updated February 6, 2024

Smite God: Cu Chulainn

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Cu Chulainn Build


Notes I like Golden Shard for clearing purposes, but Horn Shard is a good option for getting a second set of abilities off quicker.


I like Golden Shard for clearing purposes, but Horn Shard is a good option for getting a second set of abilities off quicker.

Build Item Bluestone Pendant Bluestone Pendant
Build Item Iron Mail Iron Mail
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Golden Shard Golden Shard
Build Item Horn Shard Horn Shard


Build Item Corrupted Bluestone Corrupted Bluestone
Build Item Mystical Mail Mystical Mail
Build Item Void Shield Void Shield
Build Item Glorious Pridwen Glorious Pridwen
Build Item Pestilence Pestilence
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord

Alternative Build

Build Item Corrupted Bluestone Corrupted Bluestone
Build Item Gladiator's Shield Gladiator's Shield
Build Item Prophetic Cloak Prophetic Cloak
Build Item Oni Hunter's Garb Oni Hunter's Garb
Build Item Archdruid's Fury Archdruid's Fury
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord


Notes These relics are generally picked up right now.

Persistent Teleport is my go to as pressure is important and there is generally always something to fight about in lane.

The next relic you choose is up to you. Each has pros and cons, just play around with it and find what works for you.


These relics are generally picked up right now.

Persistent Teleport is my go to as pressure is important and there is generally always something to fight about in lane.

The next relic you choose is up to you. Each has pros and cons, just play around with it and find what works for you.

Build Item Persistent Teleport Persistent Teleport
Build Item Emblem of Increasing Peril Emblem of Increasing Peril
Build Item Scorching Blink Rune Scorching Blink Rune
Build Item Temporal Beads Temporal Beads
Build Item Thorns of Judgement Thorns of Judgement

Alternate items

Notes Spectral Armor If enemy team has critical damage.

Corrupted Bluestone is the more popular item, but Sundering Axe is seeing playtime as well.

Breastplate of Determination is an option as well for CDR and a lot of protections.

Uncapped glyphs also allow Amulet of the Stronghold to be picked up creating a very tanky god.


Spectral Armor If enemy team has critical damage.

Corrupted Bluestone is the more popular item, but Sundering Axe is seeing playtime as well.

Breastplate of Determination is an option as well for CDR and a lot of protections.

Uncapped glyphs also allow Amulet of the Stronghold to be picked up creating a very tanky god.

Build Item Spectral Armor Spectral Armor
Build Item Sundering Axe Sundering Axe
Build Item Breastplate of Determination Breastplate of Determination
Build Item Amulet of the Stronghold Amulet of the Stronghold

Cu Chulainn's Skill Order Notes Don't get the 2 until you have to.


Don't get the 2 until you have to.

Barbed Spear / Ground Slam

1 X Y
Barbed Spear / Ground Slam
1 3 6 7 9

Vent Anger

2 A B
Vent Anger
14 15 16 18 19

Salmon's Leap / Furious Charge

3 B A
Salmon's Leap / Furious Charge
2 4 8 10 12

Spear of Mortal Pain / War Cry

4 Y X
Spear of Mortal Pain / War Cry
5 11 13 17 20
Barbed Spear / Ground Slam
1 3 6 7 9

Barbed Spear / Ground Slam

1 X
Cu Chulainn thrusts his spear forward, damaging all enemies in front of him and stunning less powerful minions. Successfully hitting an enemy minion with this ability restores 5 Rage, 8 for a god (to a max of 18). Barbs from his spear stick in opponents and reduce their healing received for 5s.

In his Berserk Form, Cu Chulainn instead slams his massive arms down, damaging and rooting all Enemies in front of him and this ability costs no Rage.

Ability Type: Line, Debuff, Damage
Damage: 80 / 140 / 200 / 260 / 320 (+55% of your Physical Power)
Healing Reduction: 40%
Stun Duration: 2s
Root Duration: 1 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 / 1.4s
Range: 45
Cost: 9 Rage
Cooldown: 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12s
Vent Anger
14 15 16 18 19

Vent Anger

2 A
Cu Chulainn vents his anger as superheated steam, increasing his Movement Speed and draining his Rage. Every .5s while in this state, all enemies within range are damaged by the heat. Vent Anger does not return Rage.

In his Berserk form, Cu Chulainn Vents Anger automatically and does not drain Rage.

Ability Type: Circle, Buff, Damage
Damage Per Second: 10 / 17 / 24 / 31 / 38 (+5% of your Physical Power)
Movement Speed: 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9%
Radius: 22.5
Cost: 16 Rage
Cooldown: 6s
Salmon's Leap / Furious Charge
2 4 8 10 12

Salmon's Leap / Furious Charge

3 B
Cu Chulainn vaults over his spear, leaping to a target location and slamming it down to damage enemies around and in front of him. Successfully hitting an enemy minion with this ability restores 5 Rage, 8 for a god (to a max of 18).

In his Berserk Form, Cu Chulainn instead charges forward damaging, stunning and driving all enemies back with him and this ability costs no Rage.

Ability Type: Area, Leap, Damage
Damage: 70 / 125 / 180 / 235 / 290 (+60% of your Physical Power)
Range: 35
Radius: 15
Cost: 9 Rage
Cooldown: 15s
Spear of Mortal Pain / War Cry
5 11 13 17 20

Spear of Mortal Pain / War Cry

4 Y
Cu Chulainn swings his spear Gae Bulg in a circle around him, Damaging and Knocking Up all Enemies. Successfully hitting an enemy minion with this ability restores 10 Rage, 26 for a god (to a max of 36).

In his Berserk Form, Cu Chulainn instead gives a terrifying yell, Damaging all Enemies and causing them to Tremble. This yell costs no Rage and has a 35s cooldown.

Ability Type: Circle, Knockup, Damage
Damage: 175 / 245 / 315 / 385 / 455 (+65% of your Physical Power)
Tremble Duration: 1s
Radius: 30
Cost: 14 Rage
Cooldown (Spear of Mortal Pain): 105 / 100 / 95 / 90 / 85s
Cooldown (War Cry): 35s


Hello, I am BrutalBelly! I've been playing Smite for a few years now and am a Warrior enthusiast. I've been Masters in Duel and Conquest over this time as well. Even hitting GM in both, Duel Season 8 and Conquest current season. Over this time we've seen shifts to items and core builds. I saw a lot of the current builds being presented and wanted to show what I've been running in my games.

Cu Chulainn's Abilities

Cu Chulainn's Abilities

Passive - Berserk

Upon reaching 85 rage, Cu Chulainn becomes a technical stance switcher. Gaining a new set of abilities. The berserk transformation is typically feared level 2 as he can secure a kill or pressure to take over the lane.

Ability 1 - Barbed Spear / Ground Slam

Standard line ability in normal form that applies anti heal. In berserk form it roots. With Cu Chulainn it's all about rage management. This plus your 3 are your primary stackers of it. Be aware of how close you are to transforming as you might transform unwillingly sometimes.

Ability 2 - Vent Anger

Basically a throw away ability in normal form, usually only used to decrease rage to prolong transformation. When activated it is basically Mystical Mail. Enabled by default in berserk transformation, be aware if you are trying to blink the damage will keep you in combat.

Ability 3 - Salmon's Leap / Furious Charge

Standard form allows you to leap over abilities, very good for invincibility frames. Berserk form is a push very similar to Hercules. Be aware of how close you are to transforming as you might transform unwillingly sometimes.

Ultimate - Spear of Mortal Pain / War Cry

Standard form is a very good blink engage ability. Similar to Bellona Bludgeon windup with Chaac knock up. Berserk form is still good, but the CC from it isn't really the strongest. Tremble is alright, but this is mostly used when form is about to expire or trying to secure a kill.


Start at XP camp near red, you are going to solo this. Afterwards you go to blue, you solo this as well. Then you head to lane lvl 2 and start your gameplay.

Solo Lane Objectives

Your main priority is in your lane.

Your objectives are as follows:
  • Wave: This is number one, this is your main source of xp and gold.

  • Totem: Very beneficial to the whole map and solo right now is about pressure. Securing totems helps the whole map out very much.

  • Cooldown camp: This one is important as well since controlling the neutral farm is the best way to snowball without directly getting kills.

  • TP harpy: This one is still a decent source of xp, but cooldown camp and totem should be prioritized if you have to pick.

  • Comet: This one is random, but when it does land on your side it is very nice to have. It gives passive aura damage (kind of like a mystical mail) and some xp. Having pressure in solo really helps you secure this when it lands.

  • Blue Buff: This one is a given, you need to defend this (not to the death).

  • Enemy Blue Buff: If you can safely invade and try to steal it, do it. If there are lane objectives up go for them as walking into the enemy jungle is unpredictable.

  • Back XP Camp/Shaman: If your jungle is neglecting this you can steal it, especially if they are on the other side of the map. I've seen a lot of jungles on duo side when this camp and blue are spawning so it is important to get the shamans on the camps as soon as they spawn.

  • Teleporter: This is a good way to get over to duo side without having to sacrifice your TP relic (or way to get back after TPing over duo).

Ward Spots

Common spot to control during laning phase.

When fighting for objectives, you want to have general vision of these areas.

When sieging/defending having vision here allows your team to cast over the wall and lineup accordingly. Also helps to spot traps and split pushers.

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