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Cupid 4 ranked joust

0 3 15,115
by scarletcult updated May 17, 2018

Smite God: Cupid

Build Guide Discussion 2 More Guides
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Cupid Build



Build Item Hunter's Blessing Hunter's Blessing
Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi
Build Item Poisoned Star Poisoned Star
Build Item Demon Blade Demon Blade
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais

Cupid's Skill Order

Heart Bomb

1 X Y
Heart Bomb
5 6 10 11

Share The Love

2 A B
Share The Love
1 3 12 16


3 B A
2 8 14 17 19

Fields Of Love

4 Y X
Fields Of Love
4 9 15
Heart Bomb
5 6 10 11

Heart Bomb

1 X
Cupid fires an arrow of love at the target, causing damage when it hits and slowing them. After a short time, the targets heart explodes, dealing the damage again to the target and all enemies within the radius. If Cupid has max Heart Stacks then all enemies in the explosion area are Stunned for 1s. Minions take 55% increased damage from Heart Bomb.

Ability Type: Line, Crowd Control, Damage
Damage: 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 (+80% of your Physical Power)
Slow: 20%
Detonation Duration: 3s
Radius: 25
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 12s
Share The Love
1 3 12 16

Share The Love

2 A
Cupid places 3 floating hearts at his ground target location that heal himself or allied gods and provide a passive stack when picked up. Cupid regenerates Mana and heals for 60% of the value for each heart that is picked up by an ally.

Ability Type: Area, Heal
Heal per Heart: 25 / 50 / 75 / 100 / 125
Mana Regen per Heart: 30
Heart Lifetime: 8s
Cost: 50
Cooldown: 13s
2 8 14 17 19


3 B
Passive: Cupid gains increased Attack Speed.

Active: Cupid flutters quickly forward, leaving a trail behind him that increases all allies' movement speed. Additionally, after dashing, Cupid doubles the Passive Attack Speed he gains from this ability for 4s.

Ability Type: Dash, Buff
Attack Speed: 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20%
Movement Speed: 30%
Lifetime: 6s
Range: 55
Cost: 70
Cooldown: 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12s
Fields Of Love
4 9 15

Fields Of Love

4 Y
Cupid fires arrows of love at his ground target location, slowing enemies in the area and crippling them, preventing movement abilities. The arrows grow and explode, dealing damage and Mesmerizing enemies. Any damage done breaks the Mesmerize effect. If Cupid has max Heart Stacks the Mesmerize duration is doubled.

Ability Type: Circle, Crowd Control, Damage
Damage: 200 / 280 / 360 / 440 / 520 (+100% of your Physical Power)
Slow: 30%
Mesmerize: 1s
Radius: 35
Cost: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120
Cooldown: 100s


Season 5

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xmysterionz (72) | May 18, 2018 12:38pm
Hey scarltecult,

Ok, let's start with your skills. Why start with Share The Love and Flutter and no Heart Bomb, the core skill of Cupid? You should prioritize Heart Bomb ALWAYS (unless you are in assault). He is a mid-late game ADC by himself and doing this you putting him in a even worst situation.

Triple critic is viable (although I don't like it on him, I prefer do some cooldown), but put in mind that it is expensive and is totally late game build. Plus no penetration means you will do less damage against tanky targets, and Qin's Sais passive DO NOT count on critic items, so I strongly recommend you put Qin's and no critics or the opposite. I guess you will choose critics way so change this Qin in Titan's Bane. This will enhance your damage against full tanks.

Cupid don't need lifesteal due his Share The Love skill that can heal himself BUT ONLY OUT OF COMBAT, if you feel you are low life too much or can't fight well due you have no sustain in the fight, change Transcendence in Devourer's Gauntlet. You will lose some power but will have more sustain in battle.
Kriega1 (143) | May 18, 2018 11:25am
No Pen, no lifesteal, and Qins Sais with triple Crit?
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Cupid 4 ranked joust
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