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Diversified Strategies for Individual Gods - A Unique Tips & Tricks Guide (WIP)

3 0 3,644
by ThePerfectPrism updated July 11, 2016

Smite God:

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Hello there SMITE players ! My name is ThePerfectPrism, and the following Guide I present to you discusses how to be more flexible with the god you're playing, to maximize your potential in various situations. These tips may help you surprise the enemy team by employing little-known tricks or strategies. Each god will be under he's or her's type (e.g. : Mage).

Each god is divided into 3 categories :

~ Start ~
~ Build ~
~ Strategies ~

So knock yourself out.

This is a WIP guide. With each new patch for the PC version, I'll add ~ 10 gods, in alphabetical order.




~Change Log~

11/06/15 ~ Published guide, with all the gods from Agni to Guan Yu
07/10/16 ~ Started the rework of the guide, changing it's interface.

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ThePerfectPrism (56) | November 7, 2015 4:14pm
Thx everyone for the comments so far !


I understand your reasons, and I'm happy you're doing that ! It /somewhat/ motivates me to do better !

I'll also update/put up what you wrote.


It's cuz most of the starts are really meta oriented, and if it's not meta it's not as good. The starts I put up are alternative options that can work BETTER than the meta start in some situations, but not all of 'em.

@Zilby & ThatNonPro

Yeah I'll be putting it on spoilers the next patch.
ThatNonPro | November 7, 2015 1:09pm
I agree with Zilby! You should use the spoilers below the pictures of the Gods so when we click the link for, let's say Guan Yu, it shortcuts us to him but then we click the spoiler and it reveals the explanation of what you are trying to say. This would also help on how long and far you can go with some of the tips you can do with some characters.
Devampi (105) | November 7, 2015 7:12am

The ENTIRE strategy is the god's "box", not only ~Strategy~ . Also, some gods would occupy too much space, and it wouldn't be fun to read

Now comes the funny part I'm mostly talking about the start or build parts of the gods as those only over 1 strat while you have multiple (especially if you are talking build ways with defensive builds offensive builds (mostly solo lane though))
Greenevers (105) | November 7, 2015 7:03am
"Using Stinger for it's root value" root -> cripple

Ao Kuang
Auto before ult to prevent healing out of execution range

You can use 1/2 while in the air of your ultimate. Build tanky late game. Hastened Fatalis is kinda a nono but it's we

Auto after stunning and before Brutalize.

Idk if you'll use these just some quick tips/mistakes. Summon Suku at level 1 hinders your camp clear very significantly. Wastes enough time so that you can't fight for mids or miss out on both possibly. Plus, if your enemy does invade instead of running you can just fight with Feather Step. Overall, I feel like the tips/strats on here need to be more specific and less broad or you just get a very general how to build/play guide.

And instead of having a chapter for each god, you could divide the whole guide into 3 sections or 1. You don't even have half the gods in yet and your table of contents looks cluttered and unnecessarily long already.

Good luck, I hope for the best but I won't be voting on this one :(.
ThePerfectPrism (56) | November 7, 2015 4:25am
Devampi wrote:

I know it's WIP but I'm lacking more strategies for most gods though you only mention 2-3

The ENTIRE strategy is the god's "box", not only ~Strategy~ . Also, some gods would occupy too much space, and it wouldn't be fun to read
Devampi (105) | November 7, 2015 1:01am
I know it's WIP but I'm lacking more strategies for most gods though you only mention 2-3
Zilby (132) | November 6, 2015 8:05pm
Prism, I know you've got your index for moving around in your guide but this guide is becoming really hard to navigate. Maybe put the text of each section in a spoiler so vertical scrolling to be easier and/or put in a link section organized by class? Because right now just scrolling down through the entire thing takes almost as long as my entire items guide and you're only on G :P

What I mean by the link section is one using anchors and gotos


The code for this works like this if you don't know
[anchor=a] [goto=a]Click here to go to spot[/goto]

*note, you will want to put the anchor a few lines above where you actually want the goto to take you, idk why but it seems to always jump below.
ThePerfectPrism (56) | November 6, 2015 2:16pm
Wolfman5665 wrote:

Downvote, you said I could do Fenrir.

Bae you never sent me ANYTHING XD

Sned me the texts u want to be up on Fenrir and it'll be updated<3
Wolfman5665 (6) | November 6, 2015 2:15pm
Downvote, you said I could do Fenrir.
Branmuffin17 (401) | November 6, 2015 12:28pm
Unique idea for a guide. Upvoting with the assumption that this will continue to be worked on (you said WIP of course).
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ThePerfectPrism
Diversified Strategies for Individual Gods - A Unique Tips & Tricks Guide (WIP)
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