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Optimal starter for Build A
Due to HP5 and Lifesteal, this starter should only defect on early mana sustain.
A build with great sustain, decent atk speed and incredible ability damage
Brawler's Stick is the go-to for anti-heal
Hydra's Lament it's the perfect matchup for a Hybrid playstyle (and it's passive does proc in Giddy up basic atks, alongside with the increased power)
Titan's Bane for that extra pen%
Executioner for BA speed upkeep + enemy armor reduction
Asi for BA speed upkeep + lifesteal and pen
Bloodforge for even more lifesteal + incredible surge of physical power (keep in mind that Heartseeker passive physical power range goes from 200-400)
Shifter's and Berserker's shields are all good defensive options to me: for increased survivability with a surge of physical power or decent atk speed upkeep, respectively.
Qin's Sais are also viable, yet not fully optimized (due to low BA speed)
A physical power-focused build, with less sustain yet equally good to play with.
If lacking atk speed, Ninja Tabi can be used instead or save it for a boot replacement equivalent
Optimal starter for Build B
Although most builds will confer you high pen%, Sundering Spear help a lot with a Geb/Shield giving gods, especially while going for the ADC kill .
However, for survivability, Beads can be game-changing for Chiron, specially by allowing him to Giddy Up his way out of trouble from Ares Chains, Artio Roots, ***bakharna's Stuns & etc. I value it more than Aegis on Chiron.
Chiron's Herbal Medicine passive should not be taken for granted. It does help a lot for increased survivability and only requires a skill cast to proc (so be either spamming skills under tower or clearing buffcamps, it will help.
Tap each threat level to view Chiron’s threats
Tap each synergy level to view Chiron’s synergies
the sustain from Bluestone Pendant + Chiron's passive should suffice (although you can spent every penny on potions to stay longer - and safer - into the fight)
I am just a begginner player (lvl 60), yet this build rendered me quite a lot of wins in Ranked Joust matches and a very good time in Conquests. I mostly go for BA hunters as ADC and rarely enjoyed ability-based hunter builds until I came upon this.
Chiron's kit can be somewhat controversial and keep him as average from early to late game, with no power spikes or clear advantage, yet I do love playing with this god;
I found that Ninja Tabi + Crusher atk speed buffs help me take down structures and take 1v1 combats way more easily than with Warrior Tabi (specially due to Chiron's long cooldowns before finishing Jotunn's. However, if the lack of atk speed does not slow you down in early/mid game, go for maximum physical power. Build B morphed Transcendence grant a 10% cooldown in replacement of the Soul Eater 10%, which is something fundamental for midgame ability based Chiron. Either way, atk speed still low for a optimal hybrid-playstyle (which personally, I find it hard to use on Chiron), yet will help you do your job taking downs structures.
Normally, AB Hunter's builds uses corrupted bluestone, yet Bluestone Brooch morph suited me better (as I value the increased damage more than increased atk speed at this point of the match). The DoT of Crusher + Bluestone Brooch will secure a lot of kills and can harass the tankier enemies too.
Training Exercise: 1st skill to max out, as it is your main lane clearing and highest dmg skill. It is very good at poking enemies too, as it also applies Target Mark, not to mention the cleasing effect, granting a brief CC immune time for every friendly god inside (and yes, it does save lives + proc passive on target with lowest health around)
Masterful Shot: should be the 2nd maxed out skill. It follows every enemy with a Target Mark (either jungle, minion or god, with no cap of how many market targets you can gather simultaneously in 3.5 seconds). Any target hit by this ability also get a slow of 25-35% for 2 seconds, which can come in handy.
NOTE: be sure to maximize target number before casting, as Chiron's cooldowns can be his demise. Basica atks, training exercise and Centaurus hits applies Target Mark, so this 2nd ability should be the finisher damage in ability-ciclying.
Giddy Up: amazing escape/chase ability, that not only increases move speed, but also grants a physical power buff and allows basic atks mid-skill. Galloping through enemy gods cause some damage (and proc Crusher and Bluestone DoT) and knock-ups (beware of Gaia Stone users though, as the Health recovery should outweight damage from ability itself). Marking enemies with basic atks and Training Exercise, retreat with Giddy up and immediately casting Masterful Shot is the safer ability cycling with poke & lane clearing damage. In team fights, fleeing enemies that doesn't get killed by Masterful Shot still got a considerable slow, allowing Giddy up to catch up & finish them (either with basic atks, ability damage itself or a second Masterful Shot (if you cap skill CD%, it is possible).
Centaurus: one of the hardest-to-hit ult in the game, it does come with some perks. It does apply Target Mark, go through walls, towers, multiple enemies, and jungle objectives (useful for stealing objectives from afar while damaging opponents - and even finishing some of them with a Masterful Shot follow-up). However, you are basically still during the 3-shot casting ultimate, opponents facing you can easily dodge and predict your shots and it does take some time of DPS off from teamfights, so timing and positioning are essential here. You become so unbelievable still during this ult that even if you are killed during casting, you can shoot all 3 projectiles before actually dying and this comes with a second chance: getting the kill-damage with this ult while pseudo-dead allows you to come back to life with health = damage inflicted on kill. It is one of the most interesting perks of an ultimate (yet Kalli's version of this reincarnation is obnoxiously more aggressive and easier to explore). Mostly, 1v1's to death with another ADC/Jungler that has the advantage can be held until the last section of health and before dying right away, cast this ultimate and finish the opponent (not event Neith's escape can save her from this - yet breath deeply and use all your aiming skills to this, as you have a small window and 3 questionably-useful shots to hold the line).
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