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Erlang Shen (S10 Conquest Support)

28 10 61,342
by AmoralOne updated February 9, 2023

Smite God: Erlang Shen

Build Guide Discussion 4 More Guides
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Erlang Shen Build

Standard Build

Notes For actives Start with Blink Rune, and then get either a team fight active, or Sundering Spear

You can start with War Flag instead of Sentinel's Gift if you do not want the late game protections from [[Sentinel's


For actives Start with Blink Rune, and then get either a team fight active, or Sundering Spear

You can start with War Flag instead of Sentinel's Gift if you do not want the late game protections from [[Sentinel's

Build Item Heroism Heroism
Build Item Prophetic Cloak Prophetic Cloak
Build Item Runeforged Hammer Runeforged Hammer
Build Item Gladiator's Shield Gladiator's Shield
Build Item Mail of Renewal Mail of Renewal
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Corrupted Blink Rune Corrupted Blink Rune
Build Item Belt of the Berserker Belt of the Berserker

Amoral's Test Build

Notes For actives Start with Blink Rune, and then get either a team fight active, or Sundering Spear


For actives Start with Blink Rune, and then get either a team fight active, or Sundering Spear

Build Item Spartan Flag Spartan Flag
Build Item Prophetic Cloak Prophetic Cloak
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher
Build Item Stone Cutting Sword Stone Cutting Sword
Build Item Pridwen Pridwen
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Corrupted Blink Rune Corrupted Blink Rune
Build Item Belt of the Berserker Belt of the Berserker

Situational Items

Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade
Build Item Relic Dagger Relic Dagger
Build Item Toxic Blade Toxic Blade
Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak
Build Item Heartward Amulet Heartward Amulet
Build Item Spectral Armor Spectral Armor
Build Item Berserker's Shield Berserker's Shield
Build Item Frostbound Hammer Frostbound Hammer
Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item Ichaival Ichaival
Build Item Sentinel's Embrace Sentinel's Embrace
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher

Situational Relics

Build Item Phantom Shell Phantom Shell
Build Item Temporal Beads Temporal Beads
Build Item Blighted Ankh Blighted Ankh
Build Item Hastened Wings Hastened Wings

Erlang Shen's Skill Order

Spot Weakness

1 X Y
Spot Weakness
3 15 16 18 19


2 A B
1 8 11 12 14

72 Transformations ES

3 B A
72 Transformations ES
2 4 6 7 10

9 Turns Blessing

4 Y X
9 Turns Blessing
5 9 13 17 20
Spot Weakness
3 15 16 18 19

Spot Weakness

1 X
Erlang Shen opens his third eye and analyzes the enemy's strengths and weaknesses. When activated, Erlang Shen gains additional Physical Damage and Lifesteal on each strike. He also applies a stacking debuff to enemy gods, reducing their damage dealt to all sources. Stacks last 3s.

If the buff effect has ended and the ability is on Cooldown, successful Basic Attacks reduce the Cooldown of this ability by 1s.

Ability Type: Buff, Damage
Physical Damage: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 (+5% of your Physical Power)
Lifesteal: 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20%
Damage Reduction: 5 / 5.5 / 6 / 6.6 / 7%
Max Stacks: 3
Duration: 6s
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 14s
1 8 11 12 14


2 A
Erlang Shen launches a spear that damages enemies on impact. Enemies in the dead center of the effect when it lands are Rooted in place.

Ability Type: Circle, Root, Damage
Damage: 85 / 130 / 175 / 220 / 265 (+55% of your Physical Power)
Root Duration: 1.5s
Radius: 20
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 16 / 15.5 / 15 / 14.5 / 14s
72 Transformations ES
2 4 6 7 10

72 Transformations ES

3 B
Erlang Shen transforms into an Mink or Turtle and charges forward, becoming immune to knockups and slows.

Mink: Damages all enemies, stopping on first god hit and increasing Attack Speed and Movement Speed for 4s.
Turtle: Knocks up enemy gods and gains a health shield that is boosted by 75% of your protections from items for 12s.

Ability Type: Line, Buff, Damage
Turtle Damage: 55 / 100 / 145 / 190 / 235 (+40% of your Physical Power)
Shield Health: 50 / 100 / 150 / 200 / 250
Mink Damage: 70 / 130 / 190 / 250 / 310 (+70% of your Physical Power)
Mink Attack Speed: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35%
Mink Movement Speed: 15%
Cost: 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 / 85
Cooldown: 18 / 17.5 / 17 / 16.5 / 16s
9 Turns Blessing
5 9 13 17 20

9 Turns Blessing

4 Y
Erlang Shen Taunts nearby Enemy gods, gaining Damage Mitigation for the next 4s. Afterwards, if Erlang Shen is still alive he is Healed for a flat amount plus 12% of his Maximum Health.

Ability Type: Cone, Taunt
Heal: 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 (+12% of your Maximum Health)
Damage Mitigation: 35%
Taunt Duration: 1.5s
Cost: 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100
Cooldown: 85s

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This guide is made by the mentor team from the SMITE Official Discord. Anyone can join and receive help from the mentors, participate in inhouses, look for people to play with, or just talk about the game with other people who enjoy SMITE.

Erlang Shen - How To / What To

Erlang Shen is a very good pressure pick. This is a god that has the potential anywhere on the map to find a solo kill, and arguably the best warrior in the game for peeling.

Here is what you should be looking for. When you are fighting with the enemy you will be wanting to use your 72 Transformations ES to Turtle form into the enemy causing them to be knocked up, when they land on the ground you can use your Pin to root them in place. This is great set up for your ADC to put poke on them. Using your Spot Weakness also helps to add the damage on to the enemy.

In a team fight if you can manage to knock up as many players as you can this is a great way to distract the enemy while your team engages with you. Using your 9 Turns Blessing will taunt all of the enemies towards you peeling them away from your team. This is a great set up tool to go right into 72 Transformations ES - Pin

Erlang Shen is a bully. However he is not without his downsides. If the enemy has large amounts of CC's you can be easily picked on, and pressured out. This almost always means if the enemy has the CC you will need to pick up Purification Beads otherwise you will end up getting CC'd to death. However with that in mind, you do build tank enough with these builds that if the enemy commits one or two ultimate's on you, there is a high chance you will not die, and you can use your kit to get away. Any time the enemy Mid / Jungle / ADC / Solo has to use an ultimate on you the better. Value every single time.

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Change_main (2) | March 4, 2021 10:27am
dang that was fast 0.0
question how do you feel about frost bound hammer? i feel like it could potentially fit in with this build because it offers tons of health and you will be able to slow enemies and that could be kinda support ish?
Kriega1 (143) | March 4, 2021 10:30am
If you want Frostbound you could go something like: Sentinel's, Ninja Tabi > Thebes > Frostbound / Ichaival > situational > Spirit / Mantle > Sent Embrace.
AmoralOne (11) | March 4, 2021 10:29am
It can for sure work in the Hybrid build! I will add a note on it, I am also going to add another block with every situational item you could need. It will look similar to my guardian guides where the last block is all just items :)
Change_main (2) | March 4, 2021 10:31am
sorry i didint know you werent done it was just an ideah because i see it working well
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Erlang Shen (S10 Conquest Support)
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