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Fafnir the greedy one, assassin

1 2 3,669
by Fafer updated September 13, 2014

Smite God:

Build Guide Discussion 1 More Guides
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Once when the Loki and Odin were hunting they shot an otter from a stream. When they came to discover that the otter was a shapechanger they were captored by a dwarf named Fafnir and his father for the shapechanger was fafnir a brother. The gods pleaded to be set free, so the dwarves said that they could leave if Loki would fil the dead otters skin with gold. So Loki went to the dwarf advari and forced him to give him the gold. When the dwarf gave him a golden ring he warned him that whoever wore it would die. Then when Loki gave it to the dwarves Fafnir killed his father and like his brother could change therefore he disided to take the form of serpent like dragon. Until one day he was killed by a dragon slayer yet somehow now he walks the battlefield and now he hunts to devour all who stand in his way.


Passive dragons energy,
When fafnir losses health he gains 10% as mana and additionally we gains melee damage he can't loose health for 2 seconds after using an ability.
Ability 1 razor claws,
He slides along the floor if he hits an enemy he rips at them with his class doing high damage.
Ability 2 hurricane beats
Fafnir beats his wings if an enemy has less health then him he pulls them to him if they have more health they are thrown away.
Ability 3 hardest armour,
His scales harden and his protections increase for a short time.
Ultimate flaming breathe,
Fafnir flies into the air and can fire down on enemies and enemies beneath him loose physical protection.

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HammaSmite (7) | September 19, 2014 5:46pm
Why is this a guide? No BBcoding, this is a god idea. Post in a THREAD, don't mark it as a guide!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Fafer
Fafnir the greedy one, assassin
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