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Fire Treant (Solo Conquest Sylvanus funny build)

8 1 22,856
by Jormungandr96 updated April 16, 2024

Smite God: Sylvanus

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Sylvanus Build


Notes Start with Manikin and a ring.You can also go Manikin and a counter def. item if you have fear to be too squishy because you have an aggressive enemy. But usually this is the best start for Sylvanus Solo.


Start with Manikin and a ring.You can also go Manikin and a counter def. item if you have fear to be too squishy because you have an aggressive enemy. But usually this is the best start for Sylvanus Solo.

Build Item Manikin Scepter Manikin Scepter
Build Item Emerald Ring Emerald Ring


Notes This is the build i do, and it's really funny. It will allow you to have high basic attack damage while being a bit tanky. Manikin+rings for AS and basic attack damage&DOTs, berserk+shogun for attack speed and some bulk,binding for bulk, procs and extra prot reduction with the 1. Even if manikin is often sold late game, it's more funny to keep it, then update to Mace if the match allows you to do it.
Talisman of Energy is another choice instead of Shogun's, as it boosts also your movement speed which is needed for Sylvanus. Pridwen or Prophetic Cloak or Spirit Robe can be used instead of Stone of Binding.


This is the build i do, and it's really funny. It will allow you to have high basic attack damage while being a bit tanky. Manikin+rings for AS and basic attack damage&DOTs, berserk+shogun for attack speed and some bulk,binding for bulk, procs and extra prot reduction with the 1. Even if manikin is often sold late game, it's more funny to keep it, then update to Mace if the match allows you to do it.
Talisman of Energy is another choice instead of Shogun's, as it boosts also your movement speed which is needed for Sylvanus. Pridwen or Prophetic Cloak or Spirit Robe can be used instead of Stone of Binding.

Build Item Manikin Mace Manikin Mace
Build Item Telkhines Ring Telkhines Ring
Build Item Berserker's Shield Berserker's Shield
Build Item Shogun's Kusari Shogun's Kusari
Build Item Stone of Binding Stone of Binding
Build Item Cyclopean Ring Cyclopean Ring

Utility alternatives

Notes These are other defensive and utility items you can put on the main build i suggested if you want to change some items in the final build. If you want to change items, be always sure your attack speed stays high, or it would be useless. Also, you can sell manikin or one ring for one of these items lately if you are having too much trouble in late game teamfights. If you want to run prophetic, do it as first or second item after starter, never later.


These are other defensive and utility items you can put on the main build i suggested if you want to change some items in the final build. If you want to change items, be always sure your attack speed stays high, or it would be useless. Also, you can sell manikin or one ring for one of these items lately if you are having too much trouble in late game teamfights. If you want to run prophetic, do it as first or second item after starter, never later.

Build Item Talisman of Energy Talisman of Energy
Build Item Pridwen Pridwen
Build Item Archdruid's Fury Archdruid's Fury
Build Item Spectral Armor Spectral Armor
Build Item Lotus Sickle Lotus Sickle
Build Item Pestilence Pestilence
Build Item Contagion Contagion
Build Item Breastplate of Regrowth Breastplate of Regrowth
Build Item Oni Hunter's Garb Oni Hunter's Garb
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Midgardian Mail Midgardian Mail
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Prophetic Cloak Prophetic Cloak


Notes Teleport is core for Solo laning on early game. Then go Blink or Beads, depends on the team you have against. Blink is always better for attacking on fights or for escape, but if you are too focused it's more wise to use beads. Thorns could be another choice but after the rework it isn't that optimal on Sylvanus, as it attacks more ranged than frontliner against enemies.


Teleport is core for Solo laning on early game. Then go Blink or Beads, depends on the team you have against. Blink is always better for attacking on fights or for escape, but if you are too focused it's more wise to use beads. Thorns could be another choice but after the rework it isn't that optimal on Sylvanus, as it attacks more ranged than frontliner against enemies.

Build Item Persistent Teleport Persistent Teleport
Build Item Scorching Blink Rune Scorching Blink Rune
Build Item Temporal Beads Temporal Beads


Notes Another items you can use instead of the main build i did. Remove 1 ring and choose one of them, or sell manikin lately.


Another items you can use instead of the main build i did. Remove 1 ring and choose one of them, or sell manikin lately.

Build Item Ethereal Staff Ethereal Staff
Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon
Build Item Doom Orb Doom Orb
Build Item Demonic Grip Demonic Grip
Build Item Toxic Blade Toxic Blade

Sylvanus Threats

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Sylvanus Synergies

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My super fun build for Sylvanus, only for the Solo lane. This build isn't meta at all, but works well with funny synergies. It focuses on boosting his basic attacks, which hit in AOE and are really powerful, being similar to a Bellona but magical and ranged.
Overall this build and Sylvanus himself are really strong early game, but fall off a lot late game. The main strategy is playing really aggressive since early and do a big lane pressure to farm, feed and eventually bully or kill your opponent. Then on late game just ult, CC and spam some boosted AAs in teamfights.

Read notes on every build part for having more informations.

Pros / Cons

- Really strong early game.
- Awesome lane pressure. (also high sustain due to Sylvanus abilities)
- Super fast minions, creep, tower bastions and totem clearing, maybe the best clear of all Guardians actually.
- High bssic attack damage + nice damage from abilities.
- Lot of DOTs spammed.
- 80% of times unbeatable on early laning.

- Really bad build path for late game.
- Easily countered if you have a really skilled enemy against, especially if an aggressive warrior.
- Super easy to be ganked, you won't play if enemy jungler focuses your lane.
- Easily killed by enemy damagers late game as this build is not really tanky and Sylvanus is an easy focus.
- Countered a lot by antiheal.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jormungandr96
Fire Treant (Solo Conquest Sylvanus funny build)
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