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Freya, the real 'No escape' (guide added!)

3 1 29,157
by HylianBrony updated October 20, 2012

Smite God: Freya

Build Guide Discussion 17 More Guides
Tap Mouse over an item or ability icon for detailed info

Freya Build

Balanced, slightly tanky (very slightly)

Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Spear of the Magus Spear of the Magus
Build Item Boots of the Magi Boots of the Magi
Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Creeping Curse Creeping Curse
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti

Freya the hedgehog (edited, new favorite)

Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Boots of the Magi Boots of the Magi
Build Item Qin's Blades Qin's Blades
Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade
Build Item Spear of the Magus Spear of the Magus
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Purification Beads (Old) Purification Beads (Old)
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings

High Damage

Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Boots of the Magi Boots of the Magi
Build Item Doom Orb Doom Orb
Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade
Build Item Creeping Curse Creeping Curse
Build Item Purification Beads (Old) Purification Beads (Old)

Magical Penetration

Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Spear of the Magus Spear of the Magus
Build Item Boots of the Magi Boots of the Magi
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Aegis Amulet (Old) Aegis Amulet (Old)
Build Item Purification Beads (Old) Purification Beads (Old)

Freya's Skill Order


1 X Y
2 6 7 11 14


2 A B
1 3 8 10 12


3 B A
4 15 16 18 19

Valkyrie's Discretion

4 Y X
Valkyrie's Discretion
5 9 13 17 20
2 6 7 11 14


1 X
Freya activates a Buff that makes her Basic Attacks do bonus Magical damage. Freya may cancel this ability early to put it on cooldown.

Ability Type: Buff, Damage
Damage per Attack: 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 (+20% of your Magical Power)
Duration: 5s
Cost: 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65
Cooldown: 8s
1 3 8 10 12


2 A
Freya activates a Buff that makes her Basic Attacks ranged, dealing bonus Magical damage and Slowing the target and all nearby enemies. The area effect and slow are lost when Irradiate is active.

Ability Type: Area, Buff, Damage
Damage Per Attack: 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 (+15% of your Magical Power)
Duration: 6s
Slow: 15 / 17.5 / 20 / 22.5 / 25%
Cost: 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65
Cooldown: 12s
4 15 16 18 19


3 B
At her ground target location, Freya Banishes her enemies into the air for a short time. The enemies can't be hit or take action while in the air.

Ability Type: Circle, Banish
Banish Duration: 1.5s
Radius: 10
Cost: 70 / 65 / 60 / 55 / 50
Cooldown: 18 / 17.5 / 17 / 16.5 / 16s
Valkyrie's Discretion
5 9 13 17 20

Valkyrie's Discretion

4 Y
Freya uses her Cloak of Feathers to fly above the battlefield where she fires down blasts of Magical damage up to 4 times while flying. Freya can't be hit when at full ascension and can cancel it anytime.

Ability Type: Circle, Damage
Damage Per Blast: 90 / 125 / 160 / 195 / 230 (+35% of your Magical Power)
Duration: 3.6s
Radius: 12
Cost: 90 / 95 / 100 / 105 / 110
Cooldown: 110s

Freya in general.


    Okay damage
    Works either really well or really bad with others

    Damage isn't fantastic unless you build for it (making her more frail)
    Potential clashes with ally Gods

Ability combos:
To start off I'm going to say I never use Pulse and Irradiate at the same time, cooldown reduction from the Fatalis allows me to use one after the other. Using pulse first (unless an Ally god as stunned them, in which case use Irradiate and pulse while they try to run) I switch off between the two, if you need to use Creeping Curse while they run and you are using Irradiate, that is why you bought it. Save your ultimate for gods that are low - below half health and are about to escape.

Gods to lane with (as far as I have tried):
Ares, Ymir, Odin, etc.
Or pretty much anyone who can; tank, slow, or stun easily

As far as jungling goes from level 9ish on it's pretty easy to get buffs from the jungle. I recommend starting to grab them as soon as you have your third Warlocks Sash to help build stacks. If you happen upon an enemy grabbing a buff I recommend just leaving unless you have someone to back you up. (most jungle fights I have like this end up with me losing) Something you can try, I personally haven't tried this yet, you can banish whoever is attacking the buff minions and proceed to irradiate the minion carrying the buff and then run like hell with your movement speed. I'll be sure to try this next chance I get.


-Early Game
Avoid initiating and just pulse minions to get money and exp. Simple as that.

-Post Early Game
Slightly dependent on who you are laned with is how carefully you should play. If you lane with Gods such as Ares, who can give a protection buff, or Odin, who can give an attack speed buff, you can be more on the offensive. Either way you are going to want to try to hang back as much as you can. This is why I like to use a movement speed build, so I can run away when I need to and if my lane partner initiates I can quickly run up and start to help.

-Mid game
Hopefully by this point you haven't died a lot, gotten a few kills, and are built fairly well. By now you should be grabbing buffs from the jungle every chance you get. Speed, Protection, and Attack are pretty nice for Freya.

-Late game
Pretty much just keep up with the buffs and gank any low health enemies that are trying to escape.

-If the enemy team is being fed.
At this point if you are under leveled and under built if you go out there you are going to die and just feed them some more. Avoid the enemies and take jungle buffs for money and exp. Just grab all the ones you can find and also pay as much attention to all enemies and just wait and watch for one of them to be weakened up.

That pretty much sums this up. If you liked this guide, please, throw it a vote up.

Balanced build guide.

Not a too much to explain.
Considering Freya has a decent base speed, buying the Spear of Magus early on for the extra health is pretty nice but by the end of the build you'll have approx. an extra 1000 HP to initiate with.

Freya the hedgehog!

Sonic reference... Get it?

Depending on your skill level with Freya you can choose to get the Doom Orb instead of the Warlock Sash but the Winged Wand is completely necessary.

With this build I basically use it to hang back during cluster **** fights and wait for an enemy to get low and health and begin to flee. Chase that ***********er down with sprint kill them and get the **** back out Using either Pure Beads or Aegis Amulet to avoid getting caught by anyone else.

High damage

I would not recommend this build unless you are laning with a friend over Team Speak or Skype that is playing a tank. If you don't have a tank you can plan on dying... A lot..

If you don't feel confident with the Doom Orb stacks skip it for Warlocks Sash then buy Obsidian Shard (or Void stone, whichever suites your fancy)

Magic Penetration

Aegis Amulet and Pure Beads to keep your **** alive. Warlocks sash will help a little bit with extra hp but the Amulet and Beads are for getting out of a bad situation.

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JSJonathon | November 3, 2012 12:04am
The Hedgehog is easily my favourite freya build
Azure98 | October 21, 2012 4:28pm
Personally I would take a bit more cooldown in exchange for more burst damage swaping out a cooldown item for a Polynomicon or however its spelt. Basically for what ever reason which makes sense actually when you activate her skills 1 and 2 they are registered as BASIC ATTACKS so say you use the one that changes your attacks to a ranged one Polynomicon treats it as your BASIC ATTACK Giving you the +100% Magic Damage Bonus on first hit. Same goes for Skill 1. Also this WORKS ON STRUCTURES From what I have tested. Freya could pretty much One to Two shot a Pheonix and 3 Shot a Tower on Final Build and make extremely short work of the Minotaur... Not sure if this is a bug or anything but giving her the Polynomicon ENSURES a Heavy unscaled hit for your first strike all the time... I was doing in around 750Damage all the time when I activated a skill... I makes her burst damage EXTREMELY good...
HylianBrony | October 20, 2012 10:35am
Milky wrote:

No, replace Fatalis with Executioner.


I feel like Qin's Blades are better that Executioner. The extra health really helps.
Milky (7) | October 20, 2012 8:46am

While this guy just repeats what I have suggested in other threads and what now Ill give the reason why here.

As you gain magic power, your physical power goes up as well. Her passive is what makes this do such a thing. Now in doing so, a full magic build will give you roughly 230 phys power in total. Because you are doing both types of damage since Freya is the first true hybrid god this item will help you for when you were unable to burst them down quick enough as needed and need to auto attack them.

This is true. I should have given you proper credit for the initial idea regardless, but I felt they needed reiterating; nobody will read the comments on every single Freya guide besides a select few people. I think it was pretty cool that I actually knew the reason for using executioner in place of Fatalis.
bestbakaeva (1) | October 20, 2012 8:17am
needs color please i was really going mind blank lookin at a all white text
Westighouse (102) | October 20, 2012 1:29am
While this guy just repeats what I have suggested in other threads and what now Ill give the reason why here.

As you gain magic power, your physical power goes up as well. Her passive is what makes this do such a thing. Now in doing so, a full magic build will give you roughly 230 phys power in total. Because you are doing both types of damage since Freya is the first true hybrid god this item will help you for when you were unable to burst them down quick enough as needed and need to auto attack them.
FerrickX | October 20, 2012 1:19am
Milky wrote:

No, replace Fatalis with Executioner.


you do know that freya is mostly magic attack based right ?
Milky (7) | October 19, 2012 11:47pm
The replacement for Fatalis would be The Executioner. Freya is a very versatile god and having a mix of both Physical and Magical items would be beneficial to her overall damage output.
HylianBrony | October 19, 2012 1:12pm

Also guess I should mention I like the guide lol. Could use a bit more information. Pros/Cons, Skills (when to initiate, skill combinations, etc), just the basic stuff. Keep up the good work though!

Yeah I can throw together a more detailed guide. I'll try to have it up sometime today.
Thanks for the feedback as well! :)
Protato (1) | October 19, 2012 12:08pm
Also guess I should mention I like the guide lol. Could use a bit more information. Pros/Cons, Skills (when to initiate, skill combinations, etc), just the basic stuff. Keep up the good work though!
Protato (1) | October 19, 2012 12:02pm
Personally I find Fatalis slightly better for Freya because of the benefit it gives to her pushing/harassing abilities and overall damage output. I've been trying to find a replacement for it but so far no luck.

It's important to keep in mind that I build Freya as more of a magical carry type of God so I find the attack damage and cooldown reduction very helpful. I like the use of Chronos' Pendant but I still have yet to solve the attack speed problem. Having CDS and AS on one item just makes it so much easier for me to stack magical damage and implement some other useful items into my strategy.

I've created a thread about Fatalis and Freya. Please feel free to look it over and give some feedback (positive or negative). Nothing wrong with some good ol' fashion tough criticism!

You can find it here:
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