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Full damage and cooldown

68 9 111,748
by Cedro22 updated February 5, 2022

Smite God: Vulcan

Build Guide Discussion 0 More Guides
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Vulcan Build

Build Item Sands of Time Sands of Time
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Spear of the Magus Spear of the Magus
Build Item Charon's Coin Charon's Coin
Build Item Calamitous Rod of Tahuti Calamitous Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin

Vulcan Threats

Tap each threat level to view Vulcan’s threats


Vulcain damage build

That build is perfect for the new gamemode Slash. It has some decent damages and cooldown + some penetration to deals damages to guards and warriors and also hase 40& healing reduction.

The only thing missing in this build is life drain, but it's not really necessary.

How to play ?

At the begining of the game, it is useless to focus on ennemies and dealing damages. Try to help your allies but focus on killing sbires, increasing your levels and gaining a lot of gold.

So sooner you can buy spear of magnus, so sooner you are going to deal some decent damages and be really usefull to your allies.

Once you completed the Rod of Tahuti, immediately buy the Calamitous upgrade since you are going to unlock the powerfull glyph !

If you need some lifesteal reduction in the erly game, you can switch Spear of the Magnus and Divin Ruin. You are going to loose some damages but agains gods like Anubis it is going to be life changing. Especially for your teammates.

Once level 20, I would go for the Pendulum of Ages. With all your PM5, you are never going to run out of mana and the passive of this item is going to be really interesting.

Threat gods and more

I am currently playing with that build and will update this guide if I discover new gods that could potentially be a threat to Vulcain. If you know other threats, please comment and I will update the guide.

As far as I know, the biggest threats are controls. If you loose your mobility and can't escape, you're surviving chances are close to zero.

To avoid that scenario, I try to play as much as possible with Guardians and Warriors.

One interesting point with Vulcain is to team up with gods that have at least 1 control hability. This will allow you to use your 2, then your 1 and your 3 to deal 1.5k or more damage in one combo.

Using you 4 at the same time as gods like Ares, Da Ji, Odin or Cupid will deal hudge damages to whoever is trapped in the area of impact. Could reverse your game at any time.

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