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General Scylla Guide By a Non-Scylla Main.

16 0 26,604
by NOTASCYLLAMAIN updated September 29, 2020

Smite God: Scylla

Build Guide Discussion 0 More Guides
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Tap Mouse over an item or ability icon for detailed info

Scylla Build


Build Item Mage's Blessing Mage's Blessing
Build Item Book of Thoth Book of Thoth
Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver
Build Item Spear of the Magus Spear of the Magus
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon

Scylla's Skill Order Notes You can also just put 2 points in your crush at the beginning of the game but it's risky on Joust, and Arena (Not that Arena matters since everyone levels up pretty fast).


You can also just put 2 points in your crush at the beginning of the game but it's risky on Joust, and Arena (Not that Arena matters since everyone levels up pretty fast).

Sic 'Em

1 X Y
Sic 'Em
2 8 10 11 12


2 A B
1 4 6 7 9


3 B A
3 15 16 18 19

I'm a Monster

4 Y X
I'm a Monster
5 13 14 17 20
Sic 'Em
2 8 10 11 12

Sic 'Em

1 X
Scylla sends two hounds forward, damaging, rooting, and crippling the first enemy hit.

At max rank, two additional enemies nearby the first target will also be hit.

Ability Type: Line
Damage: 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 / 260 (+75% of your Magical Power)
Root Duration: 1.75s
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 10s
1 4 6 7 9


2 A
Scylla creates a magical field that Slows enemies. After 5s it detonates and damages enemies, dealing 30% increased damage to Minions and Jungle Camps. Scylla may activate the ability again to detonate it early.

At max rank, enemies in the area also have their Magical Protection reduced, and targets hit by the damage retain the debuff and are Slowed for 1s.

Ability Type: Ground Target
Damage: 100 / 155 / 210 / 265 / 320 (+85% of your Magical Power)
Slow: 30%
Max Rank Debuff: 15% Magical Protection Reduced
Radius: 20
Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Cooldown: 10s
3 15 16 18 19


3 B
Passive: Scylla gains MP5.

Active: Scylla summons a Sentinel to the target area, granting vision of enemies for 5s. Scylla may activate the ability again within 5s to move to the Sentinel location.

At max rank, the vision is granted through line of sight blockers, and placement range increases.

Ability Type: Ward, Leap
Passive MP5: 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 / 16
Vision Range: 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80
Summon Range: 70
Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Cooldown: 15s
I'm a Monster
5 13 14 17 20

I'm a Monster

4 Y
Scylla reveals her true nature, becoming immune to Crowd Control for the next 6s, and gaining movement speed. She may make one powerful attack during this time. If she kills an enemy god with the attack, she gains another 6s and may attack again.

At max rank, the movement speed bonus doubles.

Ability Type: Ground Target
Damage Per Hit: 400 / 500 / 600 / 700 / 800 (+120% of your Magical Power)
Movement Speed: 35 / 35 / 35 / 35 / 70%
Range: 60
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90s

Scylla Threats

Tap each threat level to view Scylla’s threats


I am not a Scylla main, but here's a guide.

I played a decent amount of time on Scylla and came by to share some info that helps new players get into the proper mindset when playing this character. Scylla is often A-Tier for most seasons, even the current season 7. This is why she has only ever had one nerf and only buffs after that.
-But why would I ever bother with an A tier when S tiers exist?
Well this A-tier can carry late games with proper positioning and skill. I'd say Scylla is high A tier tbh, but that's just me. Also she's fun so that's about a good reason as any to play Scylla.

Ability overview:

Your best ability is your cripple!

The most important ability for you to get used to learning is Sic' Em since, without it, your crush is very predictable and easy to dodge with boots.
  • Your cripple is almost the full 70 unit range, which means it can root from afar, but has slow travel time. Aim for where you think they are headed as you will never land it if you aim where they are. Even within 30 units the ability will never reach if you don't aim properly. Very useful for teamfights as it can easily force beads, aegis, or other support relics for up to 3 people at max rank.

Your Crush is underwhelming!

  • You can't throw your Crush and expect damage early. Your Crush will only do early damage with an early flat pen item like Divine Ruin or Spear of Desolation. Otherwise, once it's level 4 it can clear wave instantly (depending on if you have flat pen or high damage items like Bancrofts). You can't detonate this ability at max range till about a second later so it's hard to confirm kills when someone is running away back turned. Close range can detonate about half the time and is easily confirmed damage. At max this can reduce 25% protections (I will get onto why this matters later in the pen chapter).
  • One key thing to remember is that you need to watch for relics. Specifically aegis as it can ruin your kills. Most Scyllas will detonate Crush after it's been thrown onto someone who is about to die, but forget that they have aegis and will detonate crush with aegis up. To mitigate this, pay attention to whoever you are killing to see if they have aegis or have used it for the past 3 minutes. If possible, wait for them to pop aegis and wait the 1.5 seconds before detonating.

Your Sentinel is a utility not just for escaping!

  • Your Sentinel is an escape sure, but also a ward, baiting tool, and poly setup.
  • Warding with Sentinel allows you to check up on buffs that aren't yours. At max it can be set up near walls to throw crushes over them.
  • Your Sentinel is a baiting tool and works on many people, even if they see your escape set up. Just quickly place your escape away from your enemies, then walk towards them ready to cripple into a Crush. 9 times out of 10 they will throw their abilities and you can insta-dodge them by refiring your Sentinel. If they don't get baited, just throw out your abilities instead and recall back to your Sentinel to relieve the cooldown.
  • Your Sentinel can set up a poly shot (A basic with the Polynomicon buff) very quickly. You can sometimes use it to confirm kills or poke enemy gods and towers. Can get poly twice out of one sentinel as refiring it can also trigger poly.
  • My suggestion is that you get used to your 3 on instacast as it is much faster and less clunkier to use this way.

Your ultimate is a hindrance and blessing!

  • Your ultimate is basically an escape along with a kill secure tool. Ideally you want to use this when you have someone with some type of cc to help confirm or after you land your cripple immediately. However, this does not mean you can't always get rewarded for ulting without setup, it can be done as well but it is very easy to dodge a Scylla ultimate and aegis it. Your ultimate can also be used to Ult Bait into a cripple combo. Only use this tactic if you will most likely die using your ult as you are vulnerable for over a second when casting it. You can cancel it like any other ability and position yourself to aim the Sic'Em instead.
  • Only hindrace is that you stop moving while firing it, making you vulnerable. Against any mage with a quicker ult, you may want to consider using it when you know an enemy god's ult is down.

Pen is Important xd

Your Penetration needs to be optimal!

If you are not aware of how pen works, pen basically functions on a formula :
Damage dealt = Damage Total / 100 + Protections.
The order in which pen items work on is as follows:
  • First- % Protection Reduction (Scylla's Crush applies this debuff)
  • Second- Protection Reduction (old Void Stone and Void Shield;applies to gods with protection shred abilities like Guan's 3)
  • Third- Percentage penetration (Good for tanks, not squishies)
  • Last- Flat penetration (Good for minion clear, early game, and squishies all game.

Scylla's Base Pen is 25%!

Better for tanks than squishies though. For example, someone having 300 defense means by default you ignore 75 of those protections. Any pen you obtain after than is based of the remaining protections they have while under crush. Which means your Pen items will be based off 225 defense instead of 300.

Best pen items for Scylla -
- Divine Ruin (Situational but when used is very easy to apply)
- Spear of Desolation (High power and cooldown)
- Charon's coin (Good against tanks, decent MP5 and movement speed)
- Spear of Magus (Easy to apply debuff)

Situational Pen items -
Warlock's Staff - Underrated and helps you survive deadly late game abilities with the additional health.
Staff of Myrddin - Cooldown and percentage pen with high power. The passive is good against mobile gods.
Typhon's Fang - Only good if you have Bancrofts with Polynomicon added.
Soul Reaver - Power is subpar and the passive is not too useful, but the percentage pen and mana helps in pair with Book of Thoth. Otherwise I would skip it until they buff the power or passive.

How to build with Scylla

You need to know the items!

If you know how items work, building guides are irrelevant!

First off, a proper Scylla build requires you to have 3 things.
-Like most mages, cooldowns are very important. Max cooldown if possible as Crush only has 5 seconds under cooldown at 40%.
-Lastly, proper penetration. This means for conquest, where typically there are 2-3 tanks, you need 2 flat pen items and one percentage pen item. If there are onthing but tanks, get 2 percentage based items. Otherwise it's not too complicated.

Secondary priorities!
Lots of Mana (Book of Thoth) or MP5 (Chronos pendant with Charon's coin)
Lots of Sustain (Bancrofts Talon)

Situational priorities!
Magi's Cloak - For high cc team comps, though it's rare for this to be required IMO
Defense - Though irregular, aim for cooldown-based defense if there is a team with 4 or more of the same damage type, as this can render their flat penetration items useless.
Movement speed! - Because it's fun. Lets you juke easily and escape without Sentinel all the time. I recommend Doom Orb (literally the only movement speed item with good damage besides Charon's Coin).

I have prepared 3 example builds to get you started, 2 builds just for fun, and my most common build as well as a troll build for the lols. These builds are NOT OBJECTIVELY THE BEST BUILD FOR YOUR MATCH. You will find that you may need to change your build to play around certain team comps.

How to fight and position as Scylla

This section will cover how you ought to be thinking when fighting as Scylla.

Remember your priorities early game!
  • You ought to be clearing wave early game first since waves can easily widdle down Scylla because of her low base health. Aim crushes for the middle of the wave, prioritize archers. If the enemy is close to wave, try to hit the wave and the enemy god if possible.
  • You can also choose to get health potions and go for the Aggro Minion Strat where you basically hit the enemy god on purpose every once in a while to aggro minions on you, keeping them from attacking your own minions. This only works against mid laners with little sustain or bad waveclear.
  • Your crush can Zone. You can Zone out enemies from jungle by letting crush sit there, allowing teammates to close in on them.
  • You can also let crush sit there once it lands on an enemy (assuming their dash is down) to get closer as well as land in some easy basic attacks before detonating it.
  • Always ward!
  • Your sentinel acts as a free ability dodge, since during the leap animation, your are inpervious to damage. You can be a little cheeky with this and Sentinel Dodge an ability by placing it near you and refiring just before the damage hits. Only if you have good reaction time though and remember that to pull this off, you are using your one escape, so make sure no jungler is around.
  • Don't always be afraid to dash in on gods for a kill secure. While risky, it yields high reward early game since no one suspects it.
  • Always position yourself near tanks or behind in teamfights. You can also gank ongoing teamfights by ulting behind walls or throwing crushes over walls. If your team is smart, they can lead the enemy to you for an easy surprise Sic'em from around the corner. This is especially effective late game and in 5-man games.
  • Poly is your best friend. Use it to one shot squishies late game. Ideally you want to throw poly after you place your crush under them for additional damage. Typical combo is your Sic'em, Crush, into Poly, and Crush detonate.
  • Know your matchup, certain gods will always win against Scylla due to their kit, so you may need to play smart around these gods. I have a few gods in the guide but there are a few others not listed. The following section will cover which gods are a little difficult-

-These matchups are based off a 1v1 scenario, both high damage builds-

Anhur- Hard to fight good Anhurs, try to Sentinel Bait or land a cripple. Otherwise, try to not backpedal too much near them.
Anubis- Can always outclear you. A threat if you don't get antiheal. Juke his stun when he starts walking towards you with an ability up. Get Beads.
Hades- Get antiheal, otherwise, don't expect to win lane against him early.
Freya- Scylla can one-shot Freya no problem, assuming you land your cripple. If you miss, run away and come back later or by surprise. Otherwise don't fight Freya without your cripple.
Ullr- You won't be able to win very easily, so land every ability and dodge his axe to win. Ullr's can easily stop you from recalling so keep a safe distance when recalling.
Ah Muzen Cab- Can't land crush easily on him once he starts getting faster. Cripple has to be landed to win. You can also bait AMC's by running away and doing a 180 Sic'em.
Hou Yi- Don't expect to land your crush if his leap is up. Joust is the easiest gamemode for Hou Yi's to land their bounces so watch out under tower.
Arachne- Once you hit level 12, you can bait an Arachne into chasing you when you touch her spider trap. Once she is close to the spider minions, use Sic'em for an easy cripple. She should be no problem late game, unless she has beads and blink up so be careful.
Cabrakan- Hardest guardian to fight since he is immune to your cripple and always usually get blink to insta stun you. I recommend aegis and in some situations, defense.
Awilix- Don't miss your cripple and you're gucci. Get beads and be ready if you leap in front of an Awilix to beads her ultimate.
Chang'e- Hard to zone since she can poke and immune your Crush. Try to force her 2 by using sic'em instead and then throw crush out or vice versa. Just don't throw both at once. She is hard to deal with because of her sustain so Divine Ruin is a must.
Hel- Hardest healer for Scylla to fight, her immunity, protection debuff, slow, ranged easy poke and AOE clear allows her to poke you hard. If you constantly poke her, she will run out of mana eventually to heal. You may need bancrofts beofre Divine as she will always poke you out and force you to recall with no lifesteal.
Hatchiman- Hatchi's instant poke is hard to Sentinel unless you Sentinel Dodge, but it would leave you open to his dash stun. Get lifesteal and aegis, otherwise he is not too complex to fight.
Loki- Him being invisible doesn't mean you can't find him anymore. Use your crush under you if you know he is about to poke, wherever you see his slow immunity throw the Sic'em for a punish. I recomment beads and movement speed items like Doomorb.
Ne Zha- Ne-Zha has little counterplay. Try to bait him into sashing you so you can beads out of it and then go for an easy combo. If possible, beads his ult or juke it out. Try not to chase Ne Zha's into jungle as he can easily turn around and sash you to get out of your crush.
He Bo- Apply heavy pressure against He Bo early game to prevent him from snowballing you. His carpet makes him hard to hit but you can always confirm a crush when he uses his water spout. Thanks to Scylla's buff to crush, she can now detonate it while being knocked up by He Bo. Try to not ult He Bo if his ult is up. He will always win that trade.
Amaterasu- Keep your 3 up and try to learn when the Ama always dashes to cripple.
Nemesis- You can bait her shield by placing crush or crippling her for a second but never attack her during her shield. Try detonating crush after the shield is gone. Wait for her second dash to cripple if you see her dash towards you. Make sure if she ults you to aegis right as she gets close, she will always use her 2 before basics (most nem's do imo). Sprint is a better relic agaisnt Nemesis than beads.
Chronos- Don't let him get to late game. Can be a pain to land a crush or cripple. Try to bait his stun and dont bother attacking him again if he ults his health back, just retreat and comeback when your kit is up. Run at him and beads his stun to catch him off guard.

I could go on, but I won't since I can't be bothered to write a guide against every god in this game. The ones I covered are mostly the ones I see in Duel. Hope some of these help! :p

How to play from behind!

So you're knee deep and feeding, what can you do?


Or alternatively, play close to your team. You should always remember to farm, but say, you are in Mid lane and your first tower is gone. How can you be safe 2 levels down and low on gold?
Make use of VGS and make callouts!
  • Best thing you can do in Smite is communicate to setup team fights or ganks. When behind, try engaging with your teammates more and call for help. If you are being pushed back in any situation, call for help or a gank.
  • If you are feeding to someone better than you, try to set up your Sentinel for a bait often. Keep an eye on the one who is ahead of you if they have mana. No mana means you should be calling for ganks.
  • When behind, do not buy stack items or finish building stack items. You would rather invest in a pen item or cooldown item.
  • WARD

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