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by Mattdew updated February 3, 2017

Smite God: Mercury

Build Guide Discussion 6 More Guides
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Mercury Build

start of the match

Build Item Combat Boots Combat Boots

what you should get next

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item Demon Blade Demon Blade
Build Item Poisoned Star Poisoned Star
Build Item Rage Rage
Build Item Stone Cutting Sword Stone Cutting Sword

if you really want defense -_-

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Shifter's Shield Shifter's Shield
Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade
Build Item Spectral Armor Spectral Armor
Build Item Blackthorn Hammer Blackthorn Hammer
Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia


Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings

Mercury's Skill Order

Made You Look

1 X Y
Made You Look
1 4 6 7 10

Maximum Velocity

2 A B
Maximum Velocity
3 8 15 16 18

Special Delivery

3 B A
Special Delivery
2 11 12 14 19

Sonic Boom

4 Y X
Sonic Boom
5 9 13 17 20
Made You Look
1 4 6 7 10

Made You Look

1 X
Mercury moves in the blink of an eye, dealing one melee attack to every enemy within the target area. This ability can Critically Hit, and triggers Ability related Item effects, not Basic Attack related Item effects.

Ability Type: Ground Target
Damage: 80 / 115 / 150 / 185 / 220 (+60% of your Basic Attack Power)
Radius: 7.5 / 9 / 10.5 / 12 / 13.5
Cost: 50
Cooldown: 9s
Maximum Velocity
3 8 15 16 18

Maximum Velocity

2 A
Mercury passively gains movement speed. When this ability is activated, Mercury increases his attack speed and is immune to slows for the duration.

Ability Type: Buff
Movement Speed: 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10%
Attack Speed: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70%
Duration: 5s
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 14 / 13.5 / 13 / 12.5 / 12s
Special Delivery
2 11 12 14 19

Special Delivery

3 B
Mercury dashes forward, knocking aside minions, grabbing the first enemy god he encounters and spinning them. The enemy god takes damage until the effect ends, and Mercury throws the god in the direction of his choice.

Ability Type: Dash
Minion Damage: 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 (+80% of your Physical Power)
Damage per Tick: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 (+20% of your Physical Power) every 0.25s
Damage (Total): 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 (+64% of your Physical Power)
Duration: 1s
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 15s
Sonic Boom
5 9 13 17 20

Sonic Boom

4 Y
Mercury gathers energy for a powerful dash, with the range extending as he does so. He travels the distance faster than the speed of sound, dealing damage to all enemies, stunning them and spinning them around in a random direction.

Ability Type: Dash
Damage: 200 / 275 / 350 / 425 / 500 (100% of your Physical Power)
Disorient Duration: 1.5s
Cost: 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100
Cooldown: 90s


yo this is matthew
insane smite player
and not to mention, a pro who uses absolutely no defense items but wins a game 14-0

i will teach you how to play mercury like a crispy glass cannon who kills the enemies before they kill you ;)

enjoy and pls learn something :D

Summary of the God

so here is a short summary of mercury:

-he is fast af
-once stole apollo's magic cattle and some random stuff to him while apollo was on twitter
-he is fast af
-has kind of a global dash as an ult
-his 3rd skill allows enemies to not do anything for a duration
-you can throw enemies in the direction you're facing in after the 3rd skill's "do nothing duration"
-he is fast af

in conclusion:
mercury is funny af to play

Pros and Cons

mercury, like every god, has pros and cons

his pros are kind of a summary of what he really does in mythology
it involves punching and kicking very fast
-his 1st skill is a nice wave clear and so is his 3rd (1st is more effective though)
-at the start of the game, you can charge your passive (by walking around the fountain or somewhere else) for either the crispy damage in random camps to help clear faster or the damage you can deal to minions
-his 2nd skill is basically a mini-purification but with added movement and attack speed
-his ult is insanely necessary in catching low-health enemies escaping; getting an enemy with this is just as satisfying as listening to a very sexy future bass drop with headphones

he doesnt really have much cons
as stated, he just punches and kicks things
but he can get into some trouble while doing so
-his 1st skill is only useful if you know where the enemy is going to be after the animation
-using your 3rd skill on someone who is close to the enemy team is a bad decision; in the "do nothing duration" the enemy can easily spot you and cc you once you come out of the duration
-his ult has the capacity to be fatal to mercury just as it is to his enemies; one small slide of your mouse could send you right into a tower, a phoenix, the enemy titan, the enemy fountain, or, worse, the enemy team
-once all your abilities are on cooldown, you're basically screwed if you're near the enemy team


mercury has a unique skill set that all relate with the word, "fastness"

basically, every time mercury walks to somewhere, his next ability or basic attack does more damage
btw, movement speed items increase physical power too :P

charge at the start of the game, then wait until the game starts
(a.k.a., when the fun begins)

pretty much, mercury just selects a small circle to punch and kick everyone in the genitals with
what your basic attack does will apply to everyone in the area

use to clear minions or do jungle stuff
its a nice snipe to use when your ult is on cooldown
use for early-game harassment too :D

stated, it is a mini-purification that negates slows (that's it) and gives movement and attack speed
that's it

use it to escape stuff or clear things faster

so technically, it's a dash
it knocks aside minions and stops if an enemy god is hit by this
if an enemy god is hit, you dudes do nothing for a duration, thus, this is what i call the "do nothing duration"
and lord, the only thing you'll be doing in that duration is damage!

lol haha funny funny me gg wp i want to die

use to capture enemies and throw them in the opposite direction to their possible escape routes
maybe throw them into your tower, friendly minions, or a nice teammate with cc :3

it's a global dash (but more like teleportation :/)
takes time for the path to charge, so you have to wait if you want to catch someone in their fountain
does lots of damage to enemies in the path
spins enemies that are hit

use to snipe dudes in low health or just stop a bunch of dudes from moving so your adcs can do damage to them like a good carry
don't be afraid to escape with this if it's off-cooldown


mercury is a simple god
he just needs one kind of item:
crit chance


"wind demon?"

"jotunn's wrath?"
you will stay in summer school for the rest of your worthless life, jimmy
you will never see your family again if you build jotunn's wrath on mercury



mercury is an insane god if you had insane coordination with your team

now, let's start with mercury's teammates

mercury isn't really a picky god
he just needs:

two words:

have lots of cc
has lots of cc
1st skill - knockback
2nd skill - root
3rd skill - mesmerize, movement and attack speed slow
ult - basically ne zha's ult but with no dragon ball z punches

you are a nice adc god, but you need gods with cc to stop them from escaping your damage
that's where kumbhakarna comes in

as mercury, you have some cc capabilities with your 3rd skill and ult
and they both do damage and give cc, right?
and if i'm not mistaken...

cc + 2(damage) + 2(ults) = dead god

this just increases your chances in securing a kill for your team

mercury, much like loki or any other assassins, are annoying
enemies will focus more on you and other assassins than the real objective of the game
mages like nu wa and ra are good clearers and pushers
and if they do focus on the objective, defending, you can just kill them with your very glass cannon-y-ish build :3

you know, there's more to mobas than mastery of the actual game itself
there's a psychological aspect to it too ;P

now, that's cleared
let's move one to coordinating those wombo combos with your teammates!

mercury is a good god to pick when you don't know what you're doing

"got 3 adcs and 1 healer?"

"got 1 adc, a guardian, and 3 junglers?"

preferably neith, but this is a MERCURY guide...
yeah ._.

mercury is a god who can be played with such versatility

let me put this into some smite reveal fighting scenarios...
*clears throat*


Ok, so...
Your bro, He Bo, is very low.
You see enemy Ullr trying to kill him with basic attacks.
Throw Ullr away from He Bo.
Ullr stops chasing He Bo.
He Bo sends you a friend invite.
(Nah, I was just kidding. This is SMITE. A MOBA. There are no friends, only enemies.)

That's your role as a lifesaver.

Bass just dropped.
Team fight starting.
Enemy Loki starts going after Ymir.
Ymir CCs Loki and enemy Anhur.
Use SONIC BOOM to deal damage and CC when Loki and Anhur come out of Ymir's CC.
Use MADE YOU LOOK to deal some more damage while they are still in CC.
Basic attacks buffed with MAXIMUM VELOCITY should finish this job and get the kill on the Norse God of Trickery.
Anhur uses his Aegis to avoid damage.
But you CC him with SPECIAL DELIVERY, and a single critical strike with your Deathbringer and Wind Demon gets the final blow on Anhur, granting you a double kill.

That's your role as a team-killing machine.

Enemy Scylla is clearing middle lane.
You and Anubis are preparing to gank her.
Anubis uses MUMMIFY to CC Scylla.
You take the leisure to land a hit on Scylla with MADE YOU LOOK.
Scylla comes out of Anubis's MUMMIFY.
Use SPECIAL DELIVERY to CC Scylla again and deal some damage to her.
Throw Scylla towards Anubis and land some basic attacks.
Anubis steals your kill.

That's your role as a ganker.

Once again, this has been the Smite God Reveal for Mercury, Messenger of the Gods.

mercury fills out a lot of roles, but not all of them
so be sure to remind your team if they need any crucial gods in the match

How to Play the Game Itself

mercury is very simple to play as
i just play him in arena
arena is the only game mode i play in
but if you're an insane expert who only plays conquest or whatever...

early game is a good time to buy some boots, consumables and charge your passive
ward the jungle with your ally
head to a jungle camp with an ally carrying wards right before the game starts
grab a jungle buff or whatever at the start of the game
(preferably a mana or speed buff)
clear some minion waves
go back when you have enough gold for both your boots and a short sword to build your deathbringer
(deathbringer is #1 priority)
if you've got mad farming skills and got it right before the 10 minute mark, you should start building you wind demon or stone cutting sword

this is where you want to be very concerned with your wards in the jungle
(and yourself)
dudes are going to start ganking you
enemy loki's done building his 3rd item
clear camps as fast as you can
(use your 2nd ability for more attack speed or save it if an enemy ambushes you)
now that you've probably finished building deathbringer, try building wind demon at most
build stone cutting sword if you think your crit chance is good
build rage if you still suck at critting dudes
basically, you're supposed to look at your items all the time
however, you may participate in some ganks
do not open with your ult
maybe get a guy with hard cc to open
keep some distance between you and the enemy because you're playing as a GLASS CANNON yourself, but don't be so far away that you won't be able to make it in time before your ally's cc duration ends, but don't be so close for the enemy to think your 420% crit chance is less effective when far away from you (basically, don't scare the enemy)
one more thing: if you ally's cc runs out, use your 3rd ability and throw him back at your ally
if an enemy gets away, use your ult to snipe them
use your 3rd skill to get out of the enemy structures or anything that might kill you after the snipe you pulled

this is when you should stop trying to get kills and help your team push
but as mercury, you are NOT a pusher
instead, help with clearing minions and distracting enemy players from defending their structures
secure a couple kills and get some assists to finish your insane glass cannon build
but remember:

so keep some distance between you and the enemy team if you aren't quite sure if you should engage in combat or not
now that the enemy is all level 20 and stuff, you might want to catch them off guard and hit them with a crispy ult to the monitor
don't forget that this isn't dota or overwatch
your ult cooldown is just a minute long
also, this is a time when you should be going for the win at this point

*cues attack on titan music*



that's how to play mercury

the end

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HairyJuan (1) | February 20, 2017 9:05am
What's the point of building rage if you already have like a 70% chance to crit? Also I would recommend titans bane over stone cutting
Mattdew | February 22, 2017 12:19am
crits do wonders
and stone cutting was just there for extra penetration, and i completely forgot about titan's bane
thanks for the help m8
CirclesAreRound (14) | February 7, 2017 11:21am
Tried it in conquest....wouldn't recommend it. You might end up with some salty teammates. Not sure how well it works in other modes, I'll have to find out.
Mattdew | February 10, 2017 4:44am
welp, never played a match of conquest in my life...
but it does work out for me in siege and arena
Lore08 (2) | February 5, 2017 4:56am
actually works really well in arena
Mattdew | February 10, 2017 4:45am
im an expert at arena :P
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