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The items listed give great protections and slight cool down reduction to Hercules as well as a crazy speed boost. By the end of the match, Hercules should basically be unkillable.
Note: ability order doesn’t matter as much after level 5
Pros: basically unstoppable
Broken 3
Cons: weak to anti-heal
Issues may occur against in solo lane:
Osiris (sometimes)
Cu Chalainn (honestly who doesn’t have problems with him)
You want to do a type of strategy called the “Pluck and F**k” you want to use your 2 against the enemy god and to draw them close and then use your 1 to either knock them under tower, keep them under tower, or separate them from the group in a team fight. Specifically target squishies. Make sure to use your 3 literally as often as possible especially after shield of regrowth. Use your 1 to stun followed by your 4 to do massive damage to the opponent.
Hercules was the first god that I actually enjoyed playin in smite. He was just a big bruiser that could do whatever he wanted and would never die. I do want you to take this into consideration (top 50 in ranked conquest on PS4) however I do want you to understand that this is just a guide. Find what fits YOU best. This is the first guide I’ve ever made so there’s obviously mistakes and such but thank you very much for your time.
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If you are struggeling with damaging the whole wave with it, just slapp the enemy solo with an AA and agro the melee minions towards the archers.
But again we are talking about 5 damage which is basically nothing and a smacking ability that you most likely wont use for anythin except wave clear until level 2 anyways.