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Greased-Up Guy - Fun Build

0 1 23,053
by DeathclawDisco updated June 23, 2017

Smite God: Hercules

Build Guide Discussion 2 More Guides
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Hercules Build

Build Item Talaria Boots Talaria Boots
Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade
Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia
Build Item Relic Dagger Relic Dagger
Build Item Demon Blade Demon Blade
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads


Hi Everyone.

Before you check, I must admit now that I'm no pro with Hercules, I've only played a handful of times at the time of writing this.

I've used a few different builds dependant on situations and the thrills I fancied at the time, this build being one of those times.

So what is the Greased-Up Guy build? That's what your enemies (and team-mates) will be wondering when they see you frolicking around the place like a weird fella.
You're not supposed to get into fights with this build but if you do, you'll be just fine. This setup is so you can do laps of the arena or map without any trouble.
Herc is tough and strong and handsome and all that junk, but he has a troll side.
This build is designed to get those amazing leg muscles of yours worked out. You're going to be running around for a good while.

Let's go...

Items and that

Talaria Boots - Speed and health regen while out of combat? Considering this build isn't combat related whatsoever (that's right, yes) these are the boots for you. How come the biggest guy on the park is the quickest? Talaria Boots, that's how.

Mantle Of Discord - Some serious protections and a nice wedge of CDR as well as a second of CC immunity if you drop to under 30% HP. Oh and if you do fall that low, you'll send a Geb-esque shockwave out to nearby enemies. *chuckle*

Magi's Blessing - Health, prots and a regular CC absorb. Those baddies trying to slow you down so they can hit you? Well every 70 seconds, a CC will be wasted on you and you'll just keep running.

More CC immunity please?
OK then, here's your Winged Blade - Health, 20% CC reduction, movement (and attack) speed. Now we're getting pretty hard to hold down.
So every 30 seconds, you're able to turn a CC ability from your enemy into extra speed. I know, right? Anubis, Cupid etc will be like 'Wha?!' when their slow has the opposite effect and you'll just keep on runnin'.

Stone Of Gaia - Health, HP5 and MP5 and the ability to ignore a pull or grab. Xing, Fenrir and Khepri among others will waste an ability on you at some point during the match because you have this. Ain't nobody slowing you down. Keep doing those laps.
If there's no pully, grabby, throwy enemy and the Stone isn't really viable, feel free to go with Wind Demon When you get a crit (20% chance) you move EVEN FASTER!

And finally, for a bit of fun, may I introduce a rarely used item -
the Relic Dagger See below the relics you should choose for this build. Upgrade these both asap. Then buy the dagger as your 6th item.
You'll get some more health, CDR and speed, which is nice too.

So now you're probably being left alone anyway because those enemy guys don't like wasting their abilities on a CC immune roadrunner. Plus they won't see you as a threat - you won't be hitting them back.

Grab these as your relics:
Heavenly Wings and Purification Beads Seriously, you'll be having lots of fun, but you may receive a message or two afterwards if you go 0-0-0. You can fight it you like - you're set up as a speedy tank.


I'm the greatest


Pros / Cons


Hard to hit
Hard to pin down (CC Immune)
Strong legs
Still able to fight (Tanky)
Works best with Derpules and Beach skins

Not pros

Not very team-worky
Doesn't come with fries

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Tlaloc1050 (17) | June 28, 2017 2:29am
Anyway, swift wing is like a free sprint that lasts for a long time. Makes him go even faster
Tlaloc1050 (17) | June 28, 2017 2:28am
Some things wrong with this build:

1. No Tahuti

2. Why didn't you buy Rat's acorn?

3. All 20 ability points should go to his passive
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DeathclawDisco
Greased-Up Guy - Fun Build
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