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This is what a peak susanoo build should look like. Obviously all builds are situational and you might nlt always be able to get crusher and might instead have to replace it for brawlers beat stick if there's healing in the enemy team. But with this Build your damage from both abilities and autos will allow you to destroy squishes and even fight back against tanks late game, making you a lethal threat when played right.
Leveling your 1 for jungle clear is always optimal because of the low mana cost and cooldown. Its also pretty decent clear and auto cancelling. Afterwards you can level your 2 for a early gank in mid or play it safe and level your 1 for farming and being more passive. After you get all of your abilities online you wanna priotize putting points into your 1 and then your 3, the cooldown gets reduced for these abilities the more you level them hence the privatization.
Tap each threat level to view Susano’s threats
Introduction to a guide on how to play Susanoo in Season 8 conquest. Susanoo is a high burst damage god with a high skill ceiling whos also very slipery. In order to utilizie his kit to its maximum potential you must exercise Auto Cancelling in his ability's in order to deal as much damage as possible. His biggest weaknesses lay in having poor early game because of having high cooldowns and mana cost. Now, lets get into the guide.
With Susanoo jungle you want to build Bumbas dagger start and tier 2 Warrior tabi, you should have enough gold to buy Warrior tabi after you come back to fountain after farming. Your real first item depends on the enemy team, if they have any prominent healing whatsoever (Achilles, Ra, Devourers Gauntlet) you want to get Brawlers first item. Its better to deal with antiheal early first then let it become a problem later on. Afterwards you wanna buy Hydras Lament into Arondight into Heartseeker. All of those items just listed have insane synergy with Susanoo and are essential for his kit. Lastly you want to finish bumbas dagger for bumbas hammer and trade in your boots for Dominance when you buy your speed pot. Obviously builds are always situational and prone to change depending on the situation but for the most part this build will allow you to quickly burst down squishies, pressure tanks, and gain your abilities back quicker. In terms of what relics to buy you usually always buy Blink and Purification Beads.
Starting at level 1 you always want to get your 3 on Susanoo, it has a low cooldown if you teleport to it while its on an enemy, good auto cancelling, fair damage, and low mana cost in comparison to the rest of your abilities. After hitting level 2 you could go for a sneaky gank in mid and level your 2 (Wind Siphon) in order to stick to the mid laner taking their relic or even securing a kill. This strat is alot more risky then playing it safe and leveling your 1 but alot more rewarding as well. You want to get blink on Susanoo early in order to do this start or whenever playing Susanoo in general since blink is a very good option on him. In terms of Leveling order you want to prioritize putting points into your 1 after level 3, then your 3, and ultimate, and your 2 last. You prioritize leveling your 1 and 3 because of the cooldown reduction.
As Susanoo there 2 Gods in particular which shut you down pretty bad, ares and artio. They both have long lasting cripples which kill your mobility and a good chunk of your damage since youll lose out on auto attack cancelling on your 3. Any god with a cripple is a match up you must be really careful in and avoid engaging against unless you have the upper hand. For example, ganking a unsuspecting AMC.You are however really good against gods like Merlin, Ra, Hera, and Zeus. How sticky you are in combination with your mobility and displacement allows for you to destroy and cc these gods into oblivion while you remain relatively safe. This also includes gods with mobility such as Janus, Merlin, Discordia, and even Syclla since even after they use their escapes you can still teleport to them as long as you sticked your 3 into them.
Susanoo is a very good god at killing squishies and sticking to targets. With one of the highest skill ceiling's in the game a good Susanoo player can destroy and perform really well. One thing that is crucial to every Susanoo player however is knowing how to maximize auto cancelling, Susanoos kit is hand tailored to be a auto cancelling god and completely utilizing that will make your damage skyrocket. Every Susanoo player needs to auto cancel with him and know how to do it well. In addition to that, Susanoo is very good at picking off enemies that stray away from their team slightly so you could go for a checky pick late game which could decide the rest of the match if your good enough with him. Regardless however Susanoo is one of the most unique gods in Smite but in turn has a high skill ceiling. You must be patient when first picking him up since things wont be that easy, but after a while of getting to know him and his flow, youll be able to better utilize him and his potent kit.
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