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Hello! I'm Qinvann, a devoted Chang'e player. This is my first guide on SmiteFire, and I'm looking to help people who want to try this amazing damage/healing mage in season 4.
Also here is an awesome Smite Discord:
+Great Damage
+2 makes for an easy escape tool
+Powerful Healing
+Never have to return to base due to passive (with good mana management)
-Can get destroyed by assassins
-Lacks escape
-Mana-hungry at start
-Late Game
Chang'es Jade bunny essentially allows her to buy items wherever she wants. However, keep in mind the bunny takes his sweet time to get to the base and back. It's a nice passive that you don't have to worry about, and lets you buy items on the fly
1. Crescent Moon Dance:
A nice, damaging attack in a cone. Has nice range, and a very low cooldown. best used RIGHT AFTER Moonflower Dance, for more damage.
2. Moonlit Waltz:
Change's only way to escape attacks, she does a short, jump-like dodge, during which she is immune to all damage & CC. She also gets ticks of mana from the received damage.
3. Moonflower Dance:
Chang'e uses this ability to heal allies, damage opponents, & Give out healing debuff which stacks really good with Divine Ruin.
4. Waxing Moon:
Chang'e shoots out a crescent looking sliver of the moon stunning all enemys trapped in it the enemy's further people the enemy's stunned get longer stun time.(Also does so MUCH damage)
1: Moonflower Dance-Crescent moon Dance-Waxing Moon
2: Crescent Moon Dance-Moonflower dance- Waxing Moon
3: One of these combos with waxing moon first
4:When In Doubt Waltz Out!
Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
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I think Ill make some extra builds on peoples comments I will add sands of time and add some extra recommended additions to the build
I have found that sands is a much better starting item on chang'e than soul stone. In most cases, the cooldown and mana sustain are more important early game than a bit more damage.
Also, I think that chronos pendant is under-powered on chang'e. Her cooldowns are already super low, so the passive effect really only will tick on your ult and sometimes your 2. I would recomend trying out Sheild of Regrowth as a replacement if you want to go full CDR. Especially on your healer build, the speed boost can make an already slippery character, a full on greased up pig.
And I also think you should consider Gem of Isolation, its got some solid damage along with health and a neat passive.
Hope this was somewhat helpful.