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Rushing Book is always a good start for Kuku. I buy the Meditation Cloak because it helps me to have a good sustain and keep up lane pressure. I usually use the Meditation Cloak first before I use my mini pots that way by the time I use the pots, if I'm not ready to back my Meditation Cloak is back up and I can stay in lane. If their is a Hades on the enemy team I will wait to purchase my first relic to see if Hades is in Mid lane. If I do not see Hades in Solo lane then I will take speed with jungle back and buy Beads because more than Likely Hades will be Mid.
If you want that early game cool down then this is the start for you. Because I am not rushing Book with this start I will buy one Health Pot to help me with sustain and being able to stay in lane. I will start off using Meditation Cloak before pots that way when i am out of pots my Meditation Cloak will be back up. My reasoning for Beads is the same as with the First Start Option.
At this point you should be ready to finish book and start your next item. If you don't mind doing a double stack build then Warlocks is the next item to build after Book. If you do not want a double stack build then start Boots.
Normally for my next item i will buy Magus for the Pen and damage. Charon's Coin is the new magical item that many people say is a must have for any magical god. These are always my next two items, the order in which depends on your preference. If you don't want Charon's Coin Rod of Tahuti is always a good item as it gives a lot of magical power.
My next buy is always Soul Reaver. The Mana, Penetration, and Passive given by Soul makes it a great item for Kuku.
Polynomicon I feel is a must buy for Kuku. Once you are full build the extra damage deals by you basic after using an ability is very worth wile. If you went with the double stack build then this is the item to sell boot for. make sure you do pick up Speed Pot at this point.
If you opted out of the double stack build then this is the point to sell boots for Speed Pot and buy Doom Orb.
This is the main build I use. I prefer the double stack over the single stack. It does take a little longer to get get the second stack online but in the long run it is worth it.
This is the Build I use for Joust mainly. Using a double stack build in Joust just takes to long to get Warlocks online. Depending on your team and the other team you might finish the game before you even get half of the stacks online.
All of these are great items that can be swapped out in both of the above final builds. If you want to add cool down either Chronos or Desolation are great choices. If you want the extra Penetration then you need to go Spear of deso. If you Have Magus, Charon's, and Soul Reaver you should have plenty of pen, but I'm sure plenty of people would agree that you can never have too much Penetration.
Tap each threat level to view Kukulkan’s threats
This build is a way to make the best use out of Kukulkan's passive. Using either of the two builds I gave above helps to give you as much power as possible with the given items. Kukulkan is a very good god when played by the right person. He can deal out massive amounts of damage while being able to escape taking big amounts of damage. So why choose this build: The two build options that i presented above are able to give you the most power possible while also giving you plenty of penetration.
*Book of Thoth- This one is mostly self-explanatory Thoth gives you 1,000 mana which help you to be able to make the most of Kuku's passive.
*Warlocks Staff- Warlocks has many good stats that come with it. Along with the 200 mana you gain, you also get 225 health, a lot of power, and some penetration.
*Spear of the Magus- Magus has always been a good item to Kuku. I felt that the rework of the passive gives Magus much more of a damage potential for Kuku. Having each tick of Whirlwind being able to have a minimum 5 ticks of damage, with the Magus passive that gives you 5 ticks of damage each doing 6% more damage than the last is a great perk.
*Rod of Tahuti- This is a great item for any mage. I felt it works best for Kuku when he gets into group fights and needs to finish off enemy players that are low. Gaining an additional 25% magical power on enemies under 50% health can make a huge difference during team fights.
*Soul Reaver- Just like with Rod of Tahuti, having an item passive that makes your abilities deal extra damage are always extremely useful. Having the 2% extra damage for 2000 health and scaling up to 7% at 2750 health will be very useful. Having 10% magical penetration will help you hit the tanks harder.
*Polynomicon- This item can be very useful if you are able to hit your basic after using an ability. With the double stack build using the passive Polynomicon gives allows your basic attack to hit for over 660 damage.
Second Full Build
*Doom Orb- Having the second most power across both of the build options this item allows you to hit for higher damage. If you are able to constantly have Doom Orb stacked you gain an additional 20 magical power. Doom Orb is not just a good item for Magical power but it it gives you a good movement speed boost. Doom Orb gives you a base speed boost of 6% and with it fully stacked can give you a speed boost of up t0 11%.
*First Build Option*
Book of Thoth, Warlocks Staff, Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti, Soul Reaver, and Polynomicon.
Maximum Mana- 2965
Mana from Items- 1800
Power from Kuku Passive- 148
Power from Items (full stacks)- 650
Power from Thoth's Passive (Item Mana)- 180
Power from Thoth's Evolved Mana Passive- 89 (If I understand the 3% conversion correct)
Total Power from First Build Option- 1067 (I know that the cap is only 900)
*Second Build Option*
Book of Thoth, Doom Orb, Spear of the Magus, Rod of Tahuti, Soul Reaver, and Polynomicon.
Maximum Mana- 2965
Mana From Items- 1800
Power from Kuku Passive- 148
Power from Items (Doom Orb Not Fully Stacked)- 655
Power from Items (Doom Orb Fully Stacked)- 675
Power from Thoth's Passive (Item Mana)- 180
Power from Thoth's Evolved Mana Passive- 89 (Again if I understand the 3% conversion correct)
Total Power From Second Build Option- 1072(When Doom Orb is not fully stacked)
1092(When Doom Orb is fully stacked)
I personally prefer the first build. I went into jungle practice and against the Guan Yu bot and I found that the Double Stack Build over all dealt slightly more damage (and when I say slightly more I mean maybe at most 10-20 extra damage).
*Zephyr- This ability fires a single attack which should when maxed out deal 1040 base damage before Soul Reaver Passive.
*Slipstream- The only escape that Kukulkan has. Can normally help you escape most enemies but not all of them.
*Whirlwind- This ability drops an area attack that after a short time will begin damaging any enemy inside of the tornado. If the enemy for some reason stays inside of the original attack for the full time will tick the enemy for a total of 12 ticks of damage. This ability if the full 5 main ticks of damage hit an enemy should deal 205 damage per tick for a minimum damage of 1025 before the Soul Reaver Passive.
*Spirit of the Nine Winds- This ability is a straight line attack. This is a very easily dodged attack so it must be used carefully as to not waste it. This attack should deal damage equal to 2080 before the Soul Reaver Passive.
The basic combo that I personally use is drop Whirlwind, Zephyr, basic attack (Poly Passive), and if they are not dead yet hit them with your ult.
Another combo to use is Zephyr, Basic (Poly Passive), Whirlwind, and finish them with ult.
The 'Oh ****, Where'd you come from' Combo is Zephyr, Basic (Poly Passive), Ult, and not dead yet hit them with the Whirlwind.
In using all 4 of your abilities in a combo you should deal around 5,158 (including Polynomicon Passive) before Soul Reaver passive and before mitigations. Obviously including Soul Reaver passive the overall damage could reach a max of around 5350 and this is all be fore mitigations. Obviously mitigations will drastically decrease the overall maximum damage that will be dealt. (ALL OF THE ABOVE NUMBERS WERE USED USING THE TOTAL POWER FROM THE FIRST BUILD THE DOUBLE STACK BUILD).
I want to finish off this build guide by saying I apologize if someone crunches the numbers after me and finds a mistake in my calculations or if a passive ability does not work exactly how I understood it to work when doing the math. If you do find a mathematical error I will greatly appreciate you pointing it out to me.
Any input and or advice would be appreciated, thank you.
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That's it, good luck and have fun! :)
I suppose it is because I have gotten used to dodging Gooby's wraps, but I love playing Kuku into him. He makes a point of sitting still in 2 of his abilities. It becomes really easy to take him out with a zephyr, whirlwind, or an ultimate. If he ults you while your ult is up, he should die for it.
Other than that, I would recommed getting a good feel for how to use
Why do none of your listed build options have no more than 10 or 20 percentage magical pen?
Why are you building meditation on a squishy?
Why does your first start option not have 1 health and 2 mana pots?
Why are you trying to buy Rod 4th item?
If you want survivability, pick up Estaff or Book of the dead.
Thoth + Warlocks together was only very briefly a meta at the very start of season 5 when Warlocks was buffed and subsequently nerfed due to the thoth + warlocks + book of dead build that was meta at the time.