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Hou Yi Carry Build

3 1 21,261
by HnR Cha0s updated May 15, 2020

Smite God: Hou Yi

Build Guide Discussion 11 More Guides
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Hou Yi Build


Build Item Hunter's Blessing Hunter's Blessing
Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Full Build

Build Item The Crusher The Crusher
Build Item Asi Asi
Build Item Ichaival Ichaival
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais

Sell Starter and Boots

Build Item Heartseeker Heartseeker
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner

Aggressive Alts

Build Item Bloodforge Bloodforge
Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item Malice Malice
Build Item Poisoned Star Poisoned Star
Build Item Demon Blade Demon Blade

Possible Defense

Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak
Build Item Ancile Ancile


Hello everyone, this is my third guide so as always would appreciate any feedback you guys have.

Hou yi doesn't have the same flair as a lot of other carrys, but think he has extreme use when it comes to team fights.

He pairs very well with really any support that has some sort of stun or CC. The supports stun, into your stun, freezes the enemy for multiple seconds, and with your build, can have some serious burst damage early.

Combo's with Mid Lane

Hou Yi's ult excels during team fights, whether its AOE damage, or zoning enemies it is very useful.

Two mid lanes that pair very well with Hou Yi are Persephone and Hades, both have circles that trap enemies, so combo their ult with yours for an insane amount of damage. Even if the enemy has beads, your stun can keep them in after they pop.

Weakness and Strengths

Hou Yi has good movement, and his 3 helps kill time if you end up getting ganked. Popping your ult when getting ganked can help the team out by either zoning the enemy or at least doing as much damage as you can. Hou yi is also great at confirming objectives such as Gold Fury or Fire Giant. His ult once again gives good damage, as well as zoning enemies.

I think Hou yi's weakest aspect would be mid to late game 1 v 1s vs oposing carry. His attack speed isn't great and if you miss your combo, that's a huge chuck of damage you are missing, so be careful when facing high burst/high movement carries.


Anti-heal is a huge chunk of the meta right now, but i'm still not sure you shouldn't build a little. Asi is great for staying alive and also gives you pen power and speed. I think the anti-heal meta is obviously good, but I think there is some dynamic to force the opponent to get it, and if you have asi and bloodforge, even if hit by anti-heal, will have significant life steal as well as a good chunk of power. Plus bloodforges passive is great for staying in team fights, where Hou Yi is especially important.

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Kriega1 (143) | May 15, 2020 3:29pm
Here is how I would build Hou Yi ADC:

Build Path 1 (Devos Qins):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Spiked Gauntlet, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Devourer's Gauntlet > The Executioner > Qin's Sais > Titan's Bane > Odysseus' Bow > Elixir of Speed and Toxic Blade or Asi.

Build Path 2 (Devos Crit):

Start - Hunter's Blessing, Spiked Gauntlet, 2 Healing Potions and 2 Multi Potions.

Build - Ninja Tabi > Devourer's Gauntlet > The Executioner > Rage > Deathbringer > Wind Demon > Elixir of Speed and Titan's Bane or Toxic Blade or Asi.
HnR Cha0s | May 22, 2020 11:15pm
I think your right about getting Dev Gauntlet, it has worked great in my ranked matches. What do you think of getting Asi instead of Executioner, and Ichaival instead of Ody bow?
Kriega1 (143) | May 23, 2020 3:26am
No. Always get Executioner. It’s good for objectives, tanks, and still decent against squishy gods. Plus it’s cheap.

You can trade boots for Asi in the very lategame when you have speed pot, but otherwise you don’t really need it early game.

Trading O-Bow for Ichaival can work, but generally I don’t do it unless a AA god is diving me in teamfights, and generally O-Bow is a better choice. It’s cheaper, has slightly more attack speed to proc Qins faster, has a passive that will shred enemies if they’re grouped up (especially with Titan’s Bane passive) and lastly, Hou Yi has no attack speed steroid in his kit so it’s also great to get a high AS item like O-Bow on him.


If you’re interested, Pandacat (Pro ADC) made a recent Hou Yi guide on his youtube channel.
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boogiebass (46) | May 23, 2020 3:16am
No. Executioner is core on every hunter. The attack speed and huge %pen is mandatory in conquest. In other game modes, you can get away with not building it since people sometimes don't bother to build defense (arena for example-personal experience)
boogiebass (46) | May 15, 2020 2:53pm
Ancile isn't a good choice on him. You should never be diving enemy comps to Burst down Squishies, so anciles passive is NOT going to be beneficial for you
Kriega1 (143) | May 15, 2020 3:19pm
It's not for diving squishies, it's for being dived by a magical god. But I'd rarely build Ancile on a hunter, very very situational.
boogiebass (46) | May 15, 2020 3:21pm
It can also be used if you're diving a magical god.

If you need defense I'd just recommend mantle or magis cloak.
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