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Hou yi guide S3 (on work)

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by NAC1222 updated January 23, 2017

Smite God: Hou Yi

Build Guide Discussion 0 More Guides
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Hou Yi Build

Build Item Charged Morningstar Charged Morningstar
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi
Build Item Asi Asi
Build Item Demon Blade Demon Blade
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer

Hou Yi's Skill Order


1 X Y
1 4

Mark of the Golden Crow

2 A B
Mark of the Golden Crow


3 B A


4 Y X
1 4


1 X
Hou Yi fires a powerful shot that can ricochet off of walls. After firing, if this arrow bounces off of a wall it will travel 70 units from that point and gain +40% bonus damage to gods per bounce up to a maximum of 2 bounces. This arrow will stun if the target has Mark of the Golden Crow.

Ability Type: Line, Damage
Damage: 95 / 145 / 195 / 245 / 295 (+70% of your Physical Power)
Stun Duration: 1s
Range: 70
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 10 / 9.5 / 9 / 8.5 / 8s
Mark of the Golden Crow

Mark of the Golden Crow

2 A
Hou Yi marks an enemy with Mark of the Golden Crow. Marked enemies take extra damage for every 10% of their missing health from Hou Yi's abilities and basic attacks. Also, marked enemies, including stealthed gods, are visible to Hou Yi on the minimap. The mark lasts for 10s.

Ability: Target, Debuff
Damage Increase: 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6% for every 10% of missing health
Range: 55
Cost: 50
Cooldown: 14s


3 B
Hou Yi launches into the air, and for a short time may target some distance away to quickly dive towards the ground damaging any enemies in the immediate area. If the target has Mark of the Golden Crow they are knocked back.

Ability: Circle, Leap, Damage
Damage: 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+60% of your Physical Power)
Range/Radius: 55/20
Cost: 70
Cooldown: 15s


4 Y
Hou Yi shoots nine arrows into the sky, striking one sun with each arrow. The nine suns come crashing down one by one, slowing and dealing damage in a target area over time. A target with Mark of the Golden Crow will have their movement speed slowed by an additional 20%.

Ability: Circle, Slow, Damage
Damage: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120 (+25% of your Physical Power) every 0.5s
Damage (Maximum): 720 / 810 / 900 / 990 / 1080 (+225% of your Physical Power)
Duration: 4.5s
Slow: 20%
Slow Duration: 0.5s per hit
Range/Radius: 55/30
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90s


Hou yi is a hunter, being able to deal lots of damage with abilities.
His main mechanics are the mark and riochet, who may de a little hard to aim.


Transcendence : this item will give you lots of mana and raw power, and it is a core item on hou yi.
Ninja tabi: i chose this over warrior tabi because of the attack speed, both are good.
Asi: a cheap item who gives you pen, attack speed and life steal.
Wind demon: the best option before DB, it gives you movement speed and attack speed with the passive.
Titan bane: lots of pen for a cheap item.
Death Bringer: the core item on crit builds, after you build this you will be able to kill enemies with 2 or 3 shots easily (the squishies, of course)


Ricochet is the ability you will level first.
Mark of the golden crow is second.
Divebomb is your escape so it goes last.
Sunbreaker is hou yi's ultimate and deals lots of area damage, use it wisely on teamfights.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author NAC1222
Hou yi guide S3 (on work)
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