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Thanks to Daelinn, who helped me creating this guide for you guys!
I have a Diamond Hou Yi, but definitely am not the best Hou Yi player. Still you guys need to see this!
First of all: Mix up the build as you prefer. The only thing you need to do with this build is buy Titan's Bane and Executioner and at least one, better two items with flat penetration. Try to find your own variation of this build!
Let's do the math first:
Executioner: 4 * 8% = 32%
Titan's Bane 33% * Executioner 32% * Mark Of The Crow 25% = ~66% Penetration + Asi 15 + Jotunns Wrath 10 = 66& + 25 Flat Penetration
Estimated Targets Physical Protection:
Warrior or defensive Assassin 150:
150 * 34% = 51 - 25 = 26 Protections left. ON A WARRIOR WITH PROTECTION ITEMS!
Mage, Hunter and offensive Assassin 70:
70 * 34% = 23 - 25 = 0 Protections left. Full Damage going through... you have no idea how hard that hits!
Guardian 200:
200 * 34% = 68 - 25 = 43 Protections left. Ever fought a guardian and thought "Hmm.. Boxing this guy feels like boxing an assassin with no damage output!"?
Playing this build feels like critting at a 100% and the Ricochet deals 800 Damage if only the first bounce hits too! Your Own Lifesteal becomes rediculously high too, like when critting.
The very best thing about this build is the Ult: Remember when you first started playing Hou Yi and thought "Hmm.. the Ult is super weak! I need to land a hard combo to deal at least some damage with it... What the Hell!?"? With this amount of penetration the Ult has a damage potential of about 700-1400 damage! Try to combo your ult with curse and use it when the enemy has no escape available. Thank me later!
Dont forget that Executioner not only is penetration, but a protection debuff, so teammates benefit from it too.
I have found myself escalating with this Hou Yi Build i came up with. A full tank enemy guardian came up to me. I did the combo and seriously instakilled him! No sh*t!
Mark Of The Crow, maybe a few basic attacks to get Executioners passive going. Jump next to opponent so you knock him towards a side wall. You will want to stand in a straigth line with him pointing to the side wall in a 90 degree angle. Now you shoot your Ricochet into him, so it bounces off the wall and hits him at least twice, better three times if possible. If you want place your ult either on top of this combo or if you can pull it off right beforce the ricochet shot to max the damage.
Using this combo and the Penetration Build will demolish everything even the tankiest opponent possible! Instakill pretty much garanteed!
I cant tell you all the stuff there is to Hou Yi but i will try to talk about him as good as i can so you have at least some kind of a guide to this very funny build.
Hou Yi is extremely hard to play but can be the best Hunter in the game in my opinion if played correctly.
Things you should know are:
Clearing a Jungle camp with a perfectly aimed Ricochet pretty much instakills the creeps. Like in the movie "Shooter" when Mark Wahlberg basicly said "Taking your time to aim is clean, and clean is fast!" (Never watched this movie in english sorry ;D).
When clearing minion waves wait for the moment melee minions group up in front, archer minions group up in the back. Then position yourself next to the melee minions aim the the side wall in an about 60% angle, so your ricochet will now go through melee minions and the ricochet bounce will go through the archer minions (and pretty much kill those intantly).
For all the other things about Hou Yi have a look at other Guides or Youtube Gameplay Videos.
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Isn't stone cutting sword for melee attacks only?
Yes, out of all hunters only
But what about swapping it for for example a
So it's not 33% + 32% + 25% but 1 (base) *0.68 (because of
Keep in mind though that