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Typhon's fang still the best
Tap each threat level to view Ao Kuang’s threats
WARNING : English is not my main language
Ao Kuang or the conquest Loki. An hyper carry who can destroy tank with no diffiulty.
Early is hard but chen you arrive in mid game Ao Kuang become a real dragon so the boost of ring of hecate boost him and now he is one of the 3 best jungler with bakasura and arachne
(your first sustain at pvp)
(your invisibility)
(your tank destroyer)
(your cleaner for the jungle)
To play Ao kuang you need to know how to play a jungler. At early you need to farm GANK only if that a free kill. The way is yellowâ–şblueâ–şHarpyâ–şredâ–şOracleâ–şback harpyâ–şyellowâ–şreturn to the base
At mid game you can kill ennemy easily so now you an gank.
At end game Ao kuang is the anti tank so your job is to kill tank
Your ultimate
is NOT only a finisher you can proteect your carry like an ***ba ult and combo the ennemy.
Your passive
make you very powerful at 1v1 because it's heal you and you can spam your abilities
With Ao kuang you have no difficulty to clean gold fury or pyromancer solo you just need to place a sentry and clean them ^^
To clean jungle that's easy you use your 3 and your 1 if you need to clean quicly (to stole red for exemple)
On a team fight focus the carry with your invisibility and if ennemy support is too embarrassing focus him with your dragon call. Don't forget Ao kuang is not a guardian so don't try to engage or try to attack behind the ennemies.
You can protect your allies with your
dragon call because when he is throw he slow the ennemies. you can use your ultimate like a kumbhakarna ultimate that very powerfull with a scylla because you can use your ultimate to knock up and scylla can combo with his 2 on the floor (if it max) and her ultimate
Thiq video is a commentary of a game grandmaster with some pro like LASBRA
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