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Into the Time Machine

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by SpicyMango007 updated March 22, 2017

Smite God: Chronos

Build Guide Discussion 12 More Guides
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Chronos Build

Conquest build Mid Lane

Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi
Build Item Book of Thoth Book of Thoth
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Telkhines Ring Telkhines Ring
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti


Build Item Hastened Fatalis Hastened Fatalis
Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon


Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings


Build Item Soul Stone Soul Stone
Build Item Magic Shoes Magic Shoes
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Pros / Cons

Pros :
Insane damage
God with the best Self-ult
Good chaser
Can take Pheonix in 5 seconds
Takes beads off everyone

Cons :
Mediocre early game
Difficult passive to learn (its fairly easy tbh)
Can be easily focused early game if not careful
Squishy if you dont build protections (I rarely build protections)
Ult has a large cool down (because it's so good :P)


Hello I am RLF1AVET. I am a PS4 player who mains mid. I have 3000+ worshipers with Chronos and is my go to God in mid lane. Many say Chronos was nerfed hard, but to me it feels like a small tweak with the god. His ability scaling is greater now, making him a very potent mid Laner.

Team Work

You should expect to be focused throughout the entire game. A fed Chronos is a nightmare and a late game Chronos is also a nightmare. Your 3 + 1 immedietely kills squishy assassins, hunters and mages that didnt build any protections (of course there are exceptions like Hades, Zhong Kui, maybe Thor). Activating your 2 at section 4 gives your AA CRAZY DAMAGE! 3 and 1 are down? Np! Use your 2 to become a temporary ADC. Split pushing is amazing with Chronos. Pheonix down in 5 seconds with build.


Shoes of the Magi are my boots of choice since mana management is amazing with Chronos. Though if you want more CDR, go Focus.

Book of Toth - Annoying to stack but gives you way too much damage. Cant avoid it

Chronos Pendant - After testing this item, recommended by Branmuffin in the comment section. It works exceptionally well with Chronos considering how much more you can snowball with your 1 and have all of your abilities up sooner

Obsidian Shard - Getting the pen early in the game allows for your 1 to do great snowball damage. Just get it, it will be worth your while

Telhkenesis Ring - This ability provides you with great magical power and AA power

Rod of the booty - Allows you to kick everyone's booty


All in all, Chronos is a very versatile god. Viable as mid laner, solo laner and a Carry if your team is ok with it. Thank you for reading my guide and please leave a comment and how this guide can be more organized and feedback on my build :)

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Kriega1 (143) | May 29, 2017 8:37am
Have you tried out Book of The Dead on Chronos? (Zyrhoes builds it on Chronos) In a build with Fatalis and Book of The Dead it makes up for his removed basic attack penalty removal and the health that you would get from winged blade , that you can not afford to get if you also want fatalis in your build, as you would lose out on too much power/damage and health. Also, I would switch the position of Telekhines Ring and Rod of Tahuti around, they are both luxury items and both are the last two slots in your build, but the enhancement from Rod of Tahuti is going to be much more effective. Polynomicon is also a great item if you have power to back it up, it makes Chronos' structure push even better than it was before. And lastly, if you go Fatalis in the build I would get it last item in replacement of Telekhines Ring, and also replace Chronos Pendant' with Bancroft's Talon to make up for the loss of power from getting Fatalis. (Though NEVER combine Polynomicon and Fatalis in the same build).
TwistedGengar | March 27, 2017 11:05am
What about polynomicon I use it on sol and I love the AA boost that it gives plus it also provides some life steal. I am not an amazing mid laner I am support most of the time... it was just something I thought of.
SpicyMango007 (1) | March 28, 2017 6:17am
My build in season 3 used Polynimicon purely for the power and passive. I would say it is Viable if you were to make a carry build though I wouldn't recommend it. My carry build goes as is : Magi Boots, Book of Toth, Demonic Grip, Fatalis, Telhkenesis Ring, Rod of Tahuti. You lose AA damage if you take Polynomicon, I wouldn't recommend switching any of these items for Polynomicon but you are always welcome to try
Branmuffin17 (401) | March 13, 2017 4:10pm
Hey Mango,

Chronos is an interesting one to me. Sort of like Sol, I guess...can build him with CDR for ability focus, or build him for basic attacks. Losing that Fatalis effect definitely hurt him, so yeah, I'd probably agree that switching Bancroft's Talon for Hastened Fatalis is the best option from that list, since he has 2 ways to regen health.

That said, I also wonder if you need Obsidian Shard that early. My suggestion, depending on how you like playing him, would be to get Hastened Fatalis 3rd, and Obsidian Shard 4th or 5th. The 20 flat pen from Shoes of the Magi and Fatalis should be plenty for the earlier game against squishy gods.

If you want to commit more specifically to basic attacking, I'd also consider switching Shard for Demonic Grip.

But for what would otherwise be an ability-based build such as the main one you suggest, I think Telk fits well anyway, due to the power enhancement, and I'd perhaps consider switching Bancroft's Talon for Chronos' Pendant. More opportunities to use Accelerate and get whatever extra boost he needs. Just a thought. I know you suggest switching Telk out in that case, but keeping that attack speed might also be helpful.

Anyway, seems like a solid build overall.
SpicyMango007 (1) | March 15, 2017 6:07am
Hello and thank you very much for the feedback. It is still early in the season so I am always open to changes on the build. I will definitely try out your recommendations and mention them in the guide. The only reason i am a bit indifferent with using Chronos Pendant is due to the lack of power it gives, but I'll definitely give it a shot.
Branmuffin17 (401) | March 15, 2017 10:31am
To me, it's more about the CDR than the power.
  • Having Rewind available more often is nice...means gets you back in the fight with potentially full health and all abilities available again. 80 second CD at max rank w/ Chronos' Pendant means under 60 seconds (64 seconds plus the passive decreasing 1 second every 10 seconds = around 58/59 second CD).

  • He only has one CC ability, Stop Time. It has a very long CD...14 seconds at max rank. This means it's around 10 seconds with the Pendant's passive.

  • Same with Accelerate...15 seconds is now more like 11 seconds.

  • Time Rift already has a very low CD, but the argument for Pendant is the same as it is for other gods with low CDs that like to spam in specific situations, like Chang'e and He Bo...he can theoretically get almost 3 of them off every 10 seconds.
Anyway, let me know how things work out!!!
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javi04 (1) | March 12, 2017 12:04pm
Don't you buy fatalis?
SpicyMango007 (1) | March 13, 2017 11:33am
Hello! And thank you for checking the build out. I forgot to add it as an alternative, but if you were to build Fatalis I would put it in Bancroft's Talon's slot. I personally don't build Fatalis only because Chronos got a buff making all his abilities hit harder. That's why i like him more in the Midlane than carry now
javi04 (1) | March 12, 2017 12:05pm
I forgot to say that the build is grat thank you.
DxIS SABOTAGE | June 17, 2016 5:56pm
Love this build, thank you so much for posting it!
SpicyMango007 (1) | July 1, 2016 8:24pm
Sorry for the late response! But thank you for trying it out :)
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Into the Time Machine
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