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The order of the bows, excluding Ichaival can be changed, check notes below for my thoughts.
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This build is very standard for almost all the hunters, and is certainly the meta build. As for the starter, I have seen some variation in my games. Occasionally, you'll see a Manakin's on Izi, or rarely a Guilded Arrow. In my opinion, Leather Cowl is by far your best bet. The MP5 is certainly nice early, along with the life steal, while not a huge amount, without it, you will not have any sustain barring you follow the meta build. Additionally, the upgrades for Cowl synergize very well with the build.
As for the order of the builds I do think there is some personal preference that can go into as well as situational different. Ichaival is the only item I would say is a must buy first. If your opponent is building the same bow build, and they have this item and you do not, you are guarantying your loss in lane. If they are going the bluestone build, i.e. playing a Chiron perhaps, this will help you in the boxing stage.
As for the rest of the bows, as well as the additional item here is how I view it. I like Odyssey second for the pure reason that it makes it harder for enemies to step up to you especially through lane. You do not need additional help clearing so if you are already ahead at this time, you should probably go Atalanta's second, or even perhaps your non-bow item. I prefer Silverbranch as the last bow even though with your stim you can have stacks on it earlier. As a fifth item, even without stim, you will have stacks, and if teamfight is beginning early, I prefer have the Atalanta's online. If you feel like you need prot shred early, get exec sooner, if you feel like you need more lifesteal, get Asi if you like it, I think there is a lot of personal preference that goes into this.
As for the non-bow item, here is my basic thought process. I personally do not like Asi, and don't really think lifesteal has great value in the ADC role in this meta. Obviously, if you like it buy it, I personally do not. It is very rare I will not go Qin's or Exec, and the thought process is very straightforward. Are they building health items, Qin's. Are they building Physical Prots, Exec. Super basic. If you need defense in the rare case get it, I am of the opinion that in 99.99% of games you should not be building it, but again your call. Dominance could have some value, but it does not give any attack speed, which is counter to what you want.
As I said, Ichi, definitely the first bow and item, after that find what makes you feel good. I lean toward a slightly later power spike, but if you like something else definitely go for it.
Izi's clear is by far the best of any Hunter, with that for it to matter, take advantage of it. If you have an aggressive support: Ymir, Sobek, Yemoja, really any one with hard CC. Go for an early kill, you will almost always get to lane before the enemy, so do something with that advantage.
Early game post initial fight, you will still clear significantly faster, if you are versing a low mobility god, take the fight, if you know they are passive or you cant lock them in place go farm, steal farm. My best games this season have been the one's where maybe I get a kill pre level 13, but I just gain such an XP and gold lead that by teamfight stage I am significantly ahead. Farm and take smart fights, late game you will be unstoppable.
Overall, most hunters behave very similarly. Farm, don't die, shred objective and tanks. If you play smart, you will feel great moving into the mid and late game. If you are falling behind early, just make sure to farm and be safe, and you should have no problem cutting leads.
Also, as a general tip, and not just for Izi, and not just for ADCs, please buy wards, they are so cheap.
This is my first guide in a while and it feels nice to make another. If you are wondering at what MMR my experiences have been with it is just around the 2K mark, though I do believe at any level this build is the best. I appreciate any and all feel back, thank y'all!!
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