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Eyyyy, wazzup? I've been playing Freya for a while now and I thought it would be a fun idea to make an updated Freya guide to help people out. This guide will be quite lengthy and go very in-depth, but hopefully the chapter titles are clear enough to lead you in the right direction if you are only interested in a certain aspect of playing Freya. This is my first guide, so constructive criticisms are welcomed and appreciated.
In the current meta there are two main jungle routes:
If the solo lane (short lane) is on the left side of the map it is as follows:
- Start at speed buff, for you obviously.
- Proceed to blue buff for your solo laner.
- Stay in solo lane until 1:40 or so then go to mid camps.
Mid camps are the MOST important thing when jungling, if you're falling behind the enemy jungler it is probably because they are getting the mid camps more often than you.
Mid camps take 1:40 to spawn (100 seconds). So if cleared at the beginning of the game and consistently throughout they should spawn at:
0:09 ... 1:55 ... 3:40 ... 5:40 ... 7:20
By then the timers are usually off whack due to fighting, and keep in mind that both mid camps don't always spawn at the same time and are usually 5-10 seconds apart especially as the game progresses.
Now if the solo lane is on the right side the jungle route is as follows:
- Solo your red buff while your solo laner and mid laner do the right side mid camps
- If your solo laner has HoG meet up with them at blue buff
- If not go to lane until your HoG is off cooldown and then do their blue buff
(This is to prevent invasions which can set you or your solo laner seriously far behind)
- Stay in lane until around 1:40 and then make your way to mid camps
As Freya your level 5 is amazing so you should generally be looking to gank once you get your ult. At level 3 with 2 points into irradiate and one point into pulse you also do a ton of damage if you're able to get your shots off so if an opportunity arises then go for it!
Freya scales very well throughout the game and does not fall of at all, late game your ultimate can do ~1500 damage to squishy gods if you land all four shots, and late game polynomicon is so scary because it adds ~500 extra damage to your first basic.
Freya is one of the most deadly gods in Arena, because she is able to pump out insane damage without putting herself much at risk.
The Arena build is fairly straight forward. You want to put a few points in your Pulse early on so that you will be able to help your team farm, but you still want to max your Irradiate first.
Before the fight starts: Position yourself outside of where most of the fighting will be happening, Freya is way too squishy to be in the middle of things.
Your main goal should be to focus out the other teams squishier gods, so try to catch them out of position or flank around if the fight is in the jungle.
Don't hesitate to use Valkyrie's Discretion if you get focused, it can save you from quite a bit of CC and burst damage.
Do not use Banish during a teamfight as it essentially gives the person(s) banished a free
Aegis Amulet, instead save it for chasing kills or helping your teamates/yourself escape.
Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
SMITEFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new god, or fine tune your favorite SMITE gods’s build and strategy.
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Nice "critique", oh wait you didn't you just whined about how it doesn't suit your qualifications for a good guide.
I would respond to your criticisms but they are ****ing pointless, sorry I don't have a "flexible" guide, your definition of flexible is probably throw out 50 situational items and the don't explain when to use them LOL. Oh and sorry I didn't put in guidance for gameplay... here let me do it:
Run around farming buffs with your abilities and then ganking people with your abilities.
Happy? Hope so
The funniest part is that you don't even understand what the downvote is there for. It's not to express your jealousy that even as an "editor" you can't get as many upvotes as this, or that you don't consider it to hold people's hand while they jungle as Freya, it is used to express that you actually believe that the content in it is bad i.e. Bad build, bad explanations, etc...
Anyways I'm done talking **** to you because you are clueless, if you actually think you're tough **** come 1v1 me in Smite <3
Went on a really long train that ended me up here. I laughed at this so hard. Sub has like 9 of the best guides on this site. >.> Most of them are so in depth that you have to sit down with your coffee and read them every night for a year to digest all the information he provides in them.
Nice "critique", oh wait you didn't you just whined about how it doesn't suit your qualifications for a good guide.
I would respond to your criticisms but they are ****ing pointless, sorry I don't have a "flexible" guide, your definition of flexible is probably throw out 50 situational items and the don't explain when to use them LOL. Oh and sorry I didn't put in guidance for gameplay... here let me do it:
Run around farming buffs with your abilities and then ganking people with your abilities.
Happy? Hope so
The funniest part is that you don't even understand what the downvote is there for. It's not to express your jealousy that even as an "editor" you can't get as many upvotes as this, or that you don't consider it to hold people's hand while they jungle as Freya, it is used to express that you actually believe that the content in it is bad i.e. Bad build, bad explanations, etc...
Anyways I'm done talking **** to you because you are clueless, if you actually think you're tough **** come 1v1 me in Smite <3
Please calm down. He's allowed to have an opinion. Personally, if you're not going to put guidance for gameplay, you shouldn't put guidance at all, because out of everything, the gameplay is the most crucial. I can't wait for you to ***** me out.
This guide, frankly, does not deserve the amount of upvotes it has gotten.
My problem is not only the short length, nor the inflexible guide, but the complete lack of gameplay and any actual guiding.
This may look pretty, but this is no guide to me. Downvote.
Nice "critique", oh wait you didn't you just whined about how it doesn't suit your qualifications for a good guide.
I would respond to your criticisms but they are ****ing pointless, sorry I don't have a "flexible" guide, your definition of flexible is probably throw out 50 situational items and the don't explain when to use them LOL. Oh and sorry I didn't put in guidance for gameplay... here let me do it:
Run around farming buffs with your abilities and then ganking people with your abilities.
Happy? Hope so
The funniest part is that you don't even understand what the downvote is there for. It's not to express your jealousy that even as an "editor" you can't get as many upvotes as this, or that you don't consider it to hold people's hand while they jungle as Freya, it is used to express that you actually believe that the content in it is bad i.e. Bad build, bad explanations, etc...
Anyways I'm done talking **** to you because you are clueless, if you actually think you're tough **** come 1v1 me in Smite <3
My problem is not only the short length, nor the inflexible guide, but the complete lack of gameplay and any actual guiding.
This may look pretty, but this is no guide to me. Downvote.
I would recommend trying
Statistically it is NEVER worth it to buy items and then sell them later. Also Freya doesn't have room for fatalis, demonic grip, AND telkhines.
I remember reading this a while back - what happened? I mean, the information is still great, and I like concise guides, but you seem to have simply deleted a bunch of information for no real reason?
A lot of the information was outdated or irrelevant. This guide is a WIP as of now but I am very busy with school so I don't have much time to work on it.
Edit : after trying i have too admit the fatalis is useless looking those items but on a long game (88 mn) i realise that this build don't have at all enought life so i put
ethereal staff
bulwark of hope
and keep tahuti demonic grip polynomicon and bancroft's talon i end with 3 k life and still pretty good damage (killed gold fury pretty fast and without loosing life)