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What's going on Smiters, this is one of my favourite Kali builds. It focues a lot on movemnet speed and damage. But obviously you can change it around depending on what you like or need compared to the other team.
I'd appreciate some feedback, and how I can improve etc.
As I said earlier, this build is heavy on movement speed, hence level 2 Boots of Celerity right away (if you want more damage, get Warrior's Tabi). Boots really help with ganking and chasing, as you move faster than any other god early game.
Devourer's Gloves really help with survivability, with some extra lifesteal on top of Kali's passive, and give you some much needed power, as with Boots of Celerity you have no added damage (apart from Kali Rage).
Excutioner also gives you some good damage, especially with it's defence debuff. Its 20% attack speed boost is also really useful for dealing a lot of damage very quickly.
Heartseeker is a great item, giving you huge damage, plus good movement speed.
Deathbringer again is an obvious choice, as it gives huge damage benifits. Bu if you don't think you can afford it, I would go for a Quins Blade or Golden Bow for more crit. But a Soul Eater could work if you need more survivability.
Finally, Titan's Bane is there assuming the other team has built defence that Executioner won't cover.
Creeping Curse is just an added slow to ensure kills, but isn't a nessessity. You could buy another item and it would still work.
As I said earlier, change these items as you see fit, this is just an idea.
With this base build, you'll put out huge amounts of damage, and easily chase people down; I've had 500 plus speed without using Kali Rage. If you buy Purification Beads then it's very hard for the enemy team to catch you.
However, your only survivability is lifesteal, so you die very easily, especially if you get focused or caught jungling. You may also have some mana problems early in the game.
Jungling is great on Kali, as you move very quickly and clear camps in seconds. Plus, with Siphon Blood and Enrage (her passive) you can do it from around level 7 onwards without really taking much damage on 'Easy' buff camps (with Harpies in). If you do decide on Golden Bow, then late game you clear camps in 3 basic attacks. Early game, use Blood Lash and Kali Rage to get that buff very fast. And don't be afraid to use mana getting the mana buff, or health on the health buff' you'll get it all back relativly quickly.
In team fights, I found it was best to flank the enemy team, and catch them unawares. Lead with Blood Lash, then auto-attack with Kali Rage activated. If you do find yourself on low health, use Siphon Blood in a group of enemy creeps or gods to lifesteal it back. I generally save Frenzy (her ultimate) for escaping if things go wrong, as you are immune to Crowd Control in that period, and it's scaling is terrible, so it doesn't do much damage.
However, you always need to make sure your team supports you in a team fight (solo you're ok, or even 2v1) as you will get probably focused and die within a few seconds. You need teamates to distract your opponents, hence the flanking idea.
To conclude, you are a semi glass cannon, as your lifesteal will often save your life, but you can put out huge amounts of damage, and melt back into the jungle. You are very much an assassin with this build.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, please post some feedback, and vote however you see fit.
Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
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