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Loki Arena Master Build

1 1 22,335
by Doom Reaper updated April 3, 2016

Smite God: Loki

Build Guide Discussion 16 More Guides
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Loki Build


Build Item Combat Boots Combat Boots

Core Items

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item Transcendence Transcendence

Usual Build

Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane
Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher

CDR Option

Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament
Build Item Mail of Renewal Mail of Renewal

Offensive Opiton

Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane
Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament


Build Item Frenzy Frenzy
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads

Loki's Skill Order


1 X Y
1 15 16 18 19

Agonizing Visions

2 A B
Agonizing Visions
2 4 6 7 10

Flurry Strike

3 B A
Flurry Strike
3 8 11 12 14


4 Y X
5 9 13 17 20
1 15 16 18 19


1 X
Loki disappears in a puff of smoke. While invisible, he moves faster, removes Slow effects, and gains immunity to Slow effects. His next Basic Attack from stealth (or for 2s after) applies a bleed to his target, dealing damage every .5s and reveals Loki. If Loki takes damage while in stealth he will be revealed for .33s.

Ability Type: Melee Target
Damage per Tick: 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 (+20% of your Physical Power)
Damage Duration: 2s
Stealth Duration: 4s
Stealth Movement Speed: 35%
Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Cooldown: 15s
Agonizing Visions
2 4 6 7 10

Agonizing Visions

2 A
Loki summons a vision of his tortured past at a target location for 4s. Enemies in range of the vision feel the poison themselves, taking damage and having their Damage Dealt reduced. This effect stacks up to 4 times. If an enemy gets 4 stacks they become Blinded, allowing Loki to benefit from Behind You! from any direction for 3s.

Ability Type: Circle
Damage: 13 / 18 / 23 / 28 / 33 (+15% of your Physical Power)
Enemy Damage Dealt: -5% for 3s
Vision Lifetime: 4s
Radius: 25
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 12s
Flurry Strike
3 8 11 12 14

Flurry Strike

3 B
Loki unleashes a flurry of 5 dagger strikes quickly in front of him, damaging and slowing enemies hit by 15% for 3 seconds. After this flurry he winds up for a final heavy strike that deals higher damage and slowing enemies hit by 30% for 3s. Loki cannot be knocked up while firing this ability. This ability can benefit from Behind You!

Ability Type: Cone
Flurry Damage: 19 / 28 / 37 / 46 / 55 (+25% of your Physical Power)
Final Damage: 55 / 75 / 95 / 115 / 135 (+65% of your Physical Power)
Range: 20
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 12s
5 9 13 17 20


4 Y
Upon activation, Loki teleports to his ground target location. If an enemy god is within the radius, Loki will slice that target doing damage and crippling them for 1s. After he teleports he will wind up a heavier strike, damaging all enemies in front of him and stunning them.

Ability Type: Teleport
Cripple Damage: 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 (+35% of your Physical Power)
Heavy Damage: 100 / 145 / 190 / 235 / 280 (+90% of your Physical Power)
Stun: 1s
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90s


Loki Arena Master.
This build is an arena build for loki, this build is focused on atack power and a little bit on lifesteal.
Loki isnt an easy god, he is based on timing and strategie.
I hope that this build help you on beeing the top frag on the match.


The items on this build are almost all based mainly on atack power, loki can do more damage if you atack by the enemy's back and he does a bleeding effect too so atack power is inportant, but loki is a low life god so you cant atack multiple enemies in the same time and atacking tanks isnt a good idea either, thats why you need to have at least one lifesteal item and thats the perfect items for an good arena loki.


All loki's skills are based on atacking on the enemy's back and killing one god each rush, exept for one skill that is a minion decoy that explodes and this skill has almost no efect on enemy gods.
The first skill is almost necessary for rushig on enemys and is very good to escape too, the second skill is a minion decoy that explodes, the third skill gives a sepeed debuf to the enemy and does great damage too, and the loki's ultimate atack teleports you to the enemy's back gives him stun and great damage too.

Pros And Cons.

Single target easy kill.
Easy escape from enemy gods.
Great Farming.
Good Stun.

Low life.
Weak attack against tanks.
No ragnged atacks.
Not too god at early game.


As loki isnt a good god against multiple enemyes, he usually goes on a single enemy lane or on jungle.
As a pro loki player you can play on a multiple enemy lane, but if you're not a pro i dont think its a good choice to play on a multiple enemy lane.
Those are positions for conquest not for arena, for arena i think that the better way to play is staying stealth and on the enemy's back waiting for one god to be alone and then if the god isnt a tank whith full health you can rush on his back and probably kill him.

Team Work

Loki is good and bad at team work in the same time, he is good because he can easily distract enemy minions and farm a lot for him and his team, but he is a bad team player because he doesn't have any buff abilities and he is good at killing enemy gods by himself.
But in my opinion loki is a good team play good.

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Bullfrog323 (27) | April 7, 2016 7:34am
When I play Loki in Arena, I always start with Combat Boots ( Warrior Tabi tier 2).

And I go for 1 of those 2 options :

Safe way

As soon as you complete the last camp, you back to the fountain to get your Warrior Tabi online.

- You can use all your abilties on camp and clear faster, since you know you will refill your mana soon.
- You can tank the camps when your Decoy is in CD, since you know you will refill your health soon.
- You avoid being targeted by all the enemy team just after both teams regroup in middle lane.
- Slight bonus if enemy team didn't see you backing, they will be on guard until they see you back in lane.

Cons :
- You will get level 5 a little bit after the others, but not that much.
- You won't be there to help your team, in case of an early engage.

Early engage

If your team is killing the camps fast and go middle lane faster than enemy team, they will probably try to engage for a first blood.
So, if you expect an early engage, you want to be nearby for the opportunity.
In that case, you continue with your team, and when the teams disengage or you know the engage won't happen, you retreat to get your Warrior Tabi online, and maybe Mace in the same go.

Pros :
- You are present for your team.
- You have the opportunity for first blood, and snowball from it.
- You get more exp and will reach level 5 at the same time as everyone.

Cons :
- You won't have much damage. Even if you skipped Decoy and put 2 ranks in Aimed Strike (which I don't recommend) you should not trust your killing potential.
Doom Reaper | April 1, 2016 8:30pm
Bullfrog323, I'm remaking my build again and I don't know what is my starter item since my first and second item are Warrior Tabi and Jotunn's Wrath so, what should I put in the starter item?
Thanks for the help and patience you are having whit me.
Bullfrog323 (27) | April 1, 2016 11:28am
I keep suggesting what I said before :
Warrior Tabi / Jotunn's Wrath first and pick Transcendence or 3rd or 4th item.

However, this is just a suggestion, and this is your guide.
If you want to start rushing Transcendence, it's fine.

Since you left your starter item with Charged Morningstar, I assumed you were rushing Transcendence, therefore I gave you the advice to stick with leveling Decoy first to get stacks early.

However, if you are following my suggestion, then you should change your starter item section, as it doesn't make sense now.
Doom Reaper | April 1, 2016 11:08am
Bullfrog323, Transcendence is my third item and you gave me the advice to forget the potions to buy my Transcendence sooner, so I thought that I should put Transcendence in my fist place of the usual build, but in your first comment you said that Transcendence should be my third or fourth item giving space to Warrior Tabi(first)and and Jotunn's Wrath(second), so now I'm a little bit confused of what should I do, please help me one more time.
I appreciate all help and support of everyone and I would like to thanks Bullfrog323 and Branmuffin17 for the help on my build and all the major support of you two, so Thanks.
Branmuffin17 (401) | April 1, 2016 10:32am
@Doom, I appreciate how you are looking to improve your guide, rather than just publish and forget. I also appreciate your willingness to listen to suggestions and criticism, and also to hold your position when you are confident in it. Keep working on the guide. +1 from me based on this.

The main issue I have is with your build order. It just seems a bit all over the place. Also, you still need to fix it even if you want to stand by that general progression. You've got 4 points into your ult and 6 points into Decoy. Since you seem to be putting a point into your ult when it's available otherwise, you should put the point that's currently in Aimed Strike at 9 into the ult, and redistribute the points between that and Decoy.

You might also consider rearranging your items and they way they're ordered. Your starting items include Charged Morningstar, but you don't actually list Transcendence in your core build until item #3. Suggest arranging in general build order when possible for better clarity.
Doom Reaper | April 1, 2016 10:01am
Bullfrog323, man this is hard, I will change my build again and I hope that this time everything is correct.
Thank You.
Bullfrog323 (27) | April 1, 2016 9:56am
I now see it updated.

I won't comment on the build, since we already did.
However, I'm a bit surprised/sceptical about Winged Blade

There is a typo in your build subsection "OFFENSIVE OPITON".

Your skill order is still incorrect.
You put 6 points in Decoy and only 4 in Assassinate.

Unless some few exceptions, every god would benefit more by following a skill priority.
In the case of Loki in the Arena mode, the skill priority would usually be
Assassinate / Aimed Strike / Vanish / Decoy.

Now, I see that you kept Charged Morningstar as a starter item, meaning you are rusing Transcendence. Because of that, you want to have Decoy leveled first and therefore use this skill priority:
Assassinate / Decoy / Aimed Strike / Vanish.
I already gave advices about this, and I'll assume you continue to build stacks early game.

Your Skill order would be
Aimed Strike
Aimed Strike
Aimed Strike
Aimed Strike
Aimed Strike

Finally, you are buying too many options.
In Arena, the fountain if near and it doesn't cost you much to return back to heal and get mana.
So, this 300g spent on potions could be more useful by getting your Transcendence sooner and start stacking.
Doom Reaper | April 1, 2016 7:17am
Bullfrog323 yes sorry I was dumb, I think you can see the update now.
Bullfrog323 (27) | April 1, 2016 6:49am
I'm not sure, but I think you just updated your guide without publishing it.

Because I still see the same build and skill order as before.
Doom Reaper | March 31, 2016 8:45am
Kronusdivine, GameGeekFan, Bullfrog323 and Devampi do you guys think that this build is better or the old one was the best?
If you think this way is better and is a good build please vote for me.
Thanks for the tips.
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