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Dagger and morningstar then whatever consums you want.
Get chalice if you will get blue buff or feel lucky.
Just aims for damage and pen to get objectives
All around a build to just get objectives
Tap each threat level to view Loki’s threats
Go with what you want. I recommend TP and Belt to insta kill towers
I pretty much only play Loki and select few gods. Used to play Shaco in League a lot until switching over to Smite. At first I was just trolling but now I only know how to play Loki. Loki is apparently the most hated god for some reason. Now you too can join the oppression of us Loki Gamers. It doesn't matter if the champ is trash with nerfs to either his kit, items, relics, reworks, or general meta-shift changes. We just want to one shot people, split push, and turn invisible. This is probably why my wife left me. Anyways he's fun. It doesn't matter what your teammates think about you. Why? Because you're Loki they already assume you're going to int but that's half of the joke.
Another thing to add, I only really play Slash/Clash and Arena. These builds should work for Conquest but I honestly have not tried them.
I plan to make a video if I get time from work/ college (the videos keep looking a bit laggy)
AA canceling helps with most of Loki's kit and is why his burst damage is high.
Please check the notes to see when I recommend a certain build. Do whatever you want though it's a free country.
If they have a strong healing team get beatstick or ankh
Most of the time just max what you use the most of. I find myself maxing 2 > 1 > 3 > Then ULT whenever I can. Honestly once you play Loki enough you will find out if a different max order suits you better. 3 is hard to use just because it takes too long to cast so I tend to not use it in most situations but it is good for AA cancels and slows.
Max 2 if you are farming
Max 1 if you are fighting
Max 3 if you are boxing or going tank
Get ULT if you are fighting
Still get a point in ULT if you're just going to use it as an escape
With that being said figure out how to AA cancel because that is a big part of the kit
As much as I hate people, I have to deal with them. Try your best to help your team secure kills. You're most likely going to lose early game and most likely get flamed for it. It's fine. You're doing great. Just keep a level head and keep going. As long as you don't fall for the same trap twice, it's funny. Loki does better late game where he can almost one-shot people so until then, just farm up and try to help with fights. Unless you can backdoor. Just make sure you actually can. Because you will get flamed for not 1 v 5ing when if you don't make it. There is going to be a lot of hitting and running. Just remember to ULT out unless you can secure the kill or help CC for your team mates to clean up.
For the love of god,
I gotta take a break from Smite.
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Heill ver þú nú, Loki
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