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In this guide I am going to attempt to show you everything I know about Loki, as well as to adapt you to being in his shoes. If you look at the title I have provided 4 different builds as well as some extra items to increases your comfort when playing Loki.
Loki is an assassin, and a very powerful one at that. His main job is to sneak into a battle scene while the enemy is distracted by teammates and burst them down and out, or to catch weakened stragglers as they attempt to escape the fight and make them regret every move they made. He does take a bit of skill but that skill is very minimal. If you can land your ulti as well as take advantage of the enemy's mind when using your invisibility or decoy, you should be in good shape when playing with Loki.
This is my first build so sorry for the flaws but enjoy!
Up votes would also help alot! I took alot of time on this build! Thanks!
High burst damage
High utility
Great escapes
Invisibility for ganks
Squishy early game
Useless for winning with bad team
Since it would take too much time to explain all items in each build, i have decided to explain each item.
* Heartseeker - Heartseeker is extremely viable when playing Loki mid lane, if you can avoid death after getting your full Heartseeker, the snowball effect is enormous. The full Heartseeker gives 25 Physical Power as well as 10% Movement Speed, and its passive allows you to stack up to 50 Physical Power by killing minions. The downside is that all stacks are lost upon death, so if you arent comfortable with Heartseeker I have provided some alternatives. Getting Heartseeker first is just to get stacks earliest.
* Warrior Tabi - This is essential for any physical carry, it gives you the necessary speed as well as provides physical power, attack speed, crit chance, and penetration. The starter kit for anyone playing a physical carry.
* The Executioner - The executioner is almost essential on every pysical carry as it gives 30 Physical Power and 20% more attack speed, but also gives you on hit penetration.
* Devourer's Gloves - D-Gloves are another stacking item, but these stacks you keep forever, meaning you can die all you want and still have your stacks. D-Gloves give you 30 physical power as well as 10% lifesteal, but with a full 50 stacks the total is a whopping 50 physical power and 20% lifesteal. Making jungling that much easier.
* Deathbringer - Again, another essential item on physical carry's, it provides 50 physical power and 20% Crit Chance, while its passive gives +50% Crit Damage. Which is absurd! Deathbringer is a great combo with Rage.
* Hydra's Lament - In my opinion I think Hydra's was put in the game just for Loki, because its passive fits Loki so perfectly because after using an ability, your next auto attack does 125% more damage, which pairs almost perfectly with Loki's Aimed Strike. On top of this you get 50 Physical Power and 15% Cooldown Reduction. Allowing you to use Aimed Strike more frequently.
* Voidblade - Loki is pretty squishy until way late game, so if you have so other physical gods on the other team, Voidblade is a solid choice, even if you don't need protections. It adds 30 Physical Power and 60 Physical Protections. It's passive is what makes it a very good item though, Physical Protections of enemies within 25 feet are reduced by 40, which is also amazing if you have some other physical carries on your team.
* Rage - Rage is useless without a Deathbringer, but with a Deathbringer, the combination is deadly. Rage provides 20 Physical Power, 30% Crit Chance, and 15% Attack Speed. Its passive when used with Deathbringer is devastating. Everytime you do not hit a crit, you have a 5% chance to hit a crit next hit.
* Frostbound Hammer - Frostbound Hammer gives Loki some sustain but that is pretty much it, its passive though is amazing on assassins. Every basic attack that hits will slow the enemy's movement by 25% for 2 seconds.
* Jotunn's Wrath - This item is literally everything you want and need on Loki, you get some mana, which is a minor upgrade, but you also get some Physical Penetration as well as a hefty amount of Physical Power.
All of these items are reccommended, not essential, so pick something else you feel more comfortable with if you dislike any items.
Passive : Behind You!
When attacking from behind Loki deals 20% more damage. Perfect for Loki's assassin style.
Spell 1 : Vanish
Loki is unseen from every enemy when outside of tower range. Movement speed is increased and is immune to slows, great against Ymir and other high CC gods. Next basic attack does bleed damage.
Spell 2 : Decoy
Decoy is the backbone of Loki mid. Loki summons a decoy that can block enemies and attracts enemy creeps, then explodes in a cloud of smoke dealing physical damage.
Spell 3 : Aimed Strike
5 seconds after use, Loki does additional damage and slows the enemy.
Ultimate : Assassinate
Loki appears wherever aimed (Enemy Gods) , deals physical damage and stuns. Great ulti that works amazingly with his passive and Frostbound Hammer.
Creeping (Mid Lane Loki)
Summon your decoy by using your 2 behind the enemy creeps, make sure that archers are within spell range, and attack melee minions with backstabs. After the decoy explodes clean up the mess.
Upon entering a jungle camp, basic attack the left minion, pull the buff camp out a bit, then summon your decoy behind them. Backstab the left minion until his health is low (decoy will get him later), then the right minion, then finally the buff.
Team Fighting
Loki is an assassin so as explained in the introduction, you need to clean up escaping enemies. If you get caught in the middle of the battle you are dead, Loki is not a tank, so try not to be the focus.
Assisting Teammates
To save a teammate being chased you can ulti the enemy chasing to stun, or Aimed Strike to slow them. On top of that you can block the enemy in some circumstances by using your decoy.
Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
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