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early in the morning?
Loki is, as you probably know yourself, the newest god in SMITE and as well the first dedicated 'ASSASSIN' character as well. Loki can create a large burst, has one of the best init ultimates... and totally lacks any sort of defense.
If you use Loki, you can crash HARD, feeding the enemy and constantly dieing. And as with all gank-specialists: If they go underlevel'd, that's the game for you. Even more so for Loki because he's not exactly a teamfight specialist either.
The start doesn't need to be commented, it's simple and obvious.
Mana Potion for right lane,
Healing Potion for left (opposing your own buff camp).
Why Jotunn's Wrath? Simple: Every build needs a CD item. Loki's speciality is burst, which requires raw physical power. There is no CD item which gives physical power AND CD, but Jotunn. ADDITIONALLY you get an increased mana pool. Which is perfect for Loki, given his mana-hungry playstyle.
Getting Jotunn's Wrath second will vastly increase your sustain midgame and even lategame.
Obviously, after that you get The Executioner, as it's the best dps item there is (next to crit-ones).
For the last three items, your best bet is to check the enemy builds. I quite always recommend Qin's Blades as 4th item.
If you feel like the enemys are often running from you, grab Frostbound Hammer. It will as well give you some health (which is always good to compensate your squishyness with).
Voidblade will give you some protection against other DDs, whilst increasing your damage noticeably,
Deathbringer is obviously raw power, whilst
Titan's Bane will help against a tanky team.
And no, it's not 'hitting all keys at once'.
You CAN intiate with 1-3, but keep in mind you will be open to stuns whilst attacking the target. And Loki usually doesn't survive focus longer then 2-3 seconds. Initiating this way will often cause either both your target AND you to die (bad) or forces you to bail out by using your ult, eventually surviving (since your target survived as well, that's not much better).
Instead, use 3 first. Only engage if you can hit the enemy with 3. This can either be by means of someone else initiating (stun from a mage f.e.) or by sneaking up behind the enemy.
After dealing 3+a few autoattacks, the enemy will react. Most often, this means he will pop his escape-move or a CC.
If your enemy has a stun, instantly use Vanish and back off after hitting him with Aimed Strike. Most enemies WILL throw the stun around in an attempt to hit you. Sometimes you will have to abort here and just run off. F.e. if Artemis dropped her boar (which will not stun you whilst your invisible, but afterwards). Still a success, you traded some mana vs tons of damage (and maybe even wasted an enemy ult).
If your enemy does not have much CC, but an escape move, instead dont back off, but run towards his tower. In most cases he will dash right into you. If so, punch him some more. If not, start running after him. Wait until 3 is off cooldown (did I mention it's cooldown is LOW). Pop 3, ult the enemy, apply 3 by using your free first attacks on the stunned enemy.
If he isn't dead by yet, you either picked the wrong (overleveld or tanky) target or are horribly underleveld.
NEVER attack head-on into a group of enemies. However, if there's a low-hp (as in REALLY low hp, 30% or les) target in the enemy group, preferably at it's back, you can try to onehit it with 3, then use Vanish (or, if necessary, your ult) to make a quick escape. Just ensure noone saw you before (aka, flank them via jungle and strike from behind) or you will die, regardless whether you killed your target or not.
Since you're running HoG, whenever it's on 10 sec or off cooldown, use VVVJ VVB and dash off to the nearest adequae jungle camp. Exspecially green and blue are important to loki (early game) to compensate his squishyness and the mp-hungry playstyle.
To kill a camp, simply run in, drop your decoy BEHIND the buff leader, hit HoG and then keep attacking the leader. In case of ogre's, you can drop Aimed Strike onto him to speed things up (watch your mana consume, though).
Try to never use Vanish against the camp itself.
Junglers are VERY easy targets whilst clearing camps. And Loki is quishy. Loki in camp = food.
When you see an enemy engaging during your camp, hit vanish and run off. This will automatically de-aggro the camp, resetting it's hp. Use your ult if necessary to escape.
Though often you can just use Vanish to run around a corner, wait two seconds, then rush back in and steal the buff with your Aimed Strike (or HoG), before ulting off (or killing the enemy, depends on his level, god, hp).
Lokis is an excellent Counter-Jungler as well. If you predict someone to be grabbing a camp, get into range (usually this equals hearing range). If you know it'S somebody who can't outright kill/stun you, drop vanish, run into the camp and use HoG/Aimed Strike to steal the buff, then attack the (hopefully low hp) enemy.
It's fun to steal a low-hp enemy's green or a low-mp enemy's blue and then proceed killing them.
Utilizing Loki's assassin-style burst damage gameplay to it's fullest, this build will give you loads of power, combined with the casual CD item and a good chunk of health to compensate for his lack.
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I'm currently messing around with decoy+mediations, it'S an quite effective laning tactic, probably going to add it here / rewrite the guide.
In a couple of other games, a basic-attack enhancing move is called Focus Strike (or Focus Attack), got that switched up.
Nontheless thanks for mentioning it.
More importantly then Vanish, it turns Aimed Strike into a spam-able skill. Much more important it gives you 18 seconds less of waiting for your potentially life-saving ult.
That's only my oppionion, of course. Still like it for 40 physical power and a good chunk of midgame mana.
A lot of misplaced letters and I do not think there is a point to get
Well, I never said I would guarantuee for flawless English :P
If you do not see the point of HoG... well... for me it's obvious:
Obviously Loki cannot grab any sort of buffs without HoG (early on), whilst his squishy AND mana-hungry playstyle makes him dependant on green and blue buffs early on (unless you want to spend a lot of time CBing or passive).
And so far, I've yet to see a Loki ingame who was not useless to his team whilst not running HoG (Oh, except of that Meditation+Decoy-Spamming one, though he went feeding HARD after midgame).
Of course, everyone is entitled to his own oppinion, but I found HoG to be a must-have.