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Loki - The Trickster God (S4 Guide + Build)

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by ThanatosGaming updated February 27, 2017

Smite God: Loki

Build Guide Discussion 5 More Guides
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Loki Build

Transcendence Loki

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item Bloodforge Bloodforge


Hello Everyone.
I am ThanatosGaming.
Don't mind my name, doesn't matter anyways.
Today we're checking out Loki.
Also known as cancer...
Loki is a High Single Target god, which means BIG damage, on ONE god.
Loki's Golden Rule is: Don't focus tanks!
This god saddly lacks teamfight skills, which means he's bad in 4v4 or 5v5 matches like Conquest, Arena, etc.
I recommend using Loki in Joust or Duel.
Alright, let's get right into the Guide.

Early Game (Level 1-9)

At early game you should focus on placing your decoy on the minions, focus your decoy on the archers, because if you focus your decoy on the brute or the melee, you might not get the archers into the range of the decoy.
Don't focus players until you've build up Jotunn's Wrath.
But I recommend to quit contact with the enemy gods until arriving middle game.

Mid Game (Level 10-16)

Here is where the fun starts, you start to attack Hunters, Mages & Assassins...
Use your 1, then your 3, then use your 4 on the Hunter, Mage or Assassin. As soon as you're able to, use a basic attack while they're stunned by your ultimate.
If he still got some HP (1 bar, possibly 1 and a half bar), wait for the Bleed to do the rest.
If they got a Healer, you should focus the healer, so your teammates can eliminate the others...
Still, focus your decoy on minions, at this match time it should already 1 hit archers and melees.

Late Game (Level 17-20)

At this point, transcendence should be finished.
Your decoy should actually almost 1 hit the brute minion.
Same tactic, don't focus the tanks.
At this point your build is done, and you should get Strength Potions.


High Single Target Damage
Annoying to the Enemy Team
Everyone hates Loki
Good Chase/Escape
Behind you!

Useless if Enemy got Defense Items
Just a Tank Tickler
Do not use your Ultimate on Tanks...
Squishy Late Game
Heavy Crowd Control: RIP

This is my First Guide

This is the end of my first guide, hope you like it, ideas or recomendations are very appreciated in the comments.
Have fun 2 hitting people.
1 + 3 + 4 = RIP

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overld1 (18) | September 28, 2017 9:34am
People this guide has not been updated since February that was 7 months ago. So anything about this guide in outdated and this user is on the users that show up do one thing, then leaves. So anything that you have to say about this build is useless.
xZeroStrike (46) | September 28, 2017 9:38am
I wouldn't say that right away. There's always the possibility a creator of a guide can return, and make use of the feedback provided.

Even if the author doesn't return, comments are still a place for discussion and to share thoughts/ideas. The author may never read it, but other readers might which can help those who need it, or can make for interesting discussions regarding builds.

For this, their comments on this build are not "useless", not at all.
4L1B1 | September 28, 2017 8:49am
Wouldnt buy trans on loki, where is titans bane?
I would go, warrior tabi, hydras, jotuns, brawlers, titans, and last item bloodforge or more pen.
Combo should be: 1, basic attack, 3, basic attack, 2, basic attack, ult to stun and prevent from using relics. that all so quick that u ult->stun them before they can react. And when u want to instakill them use your passive and do it from behind ;)
Branmuffin17 (400) | September 28, 2017 5:48pm
Personally I would almost always save Vanish, almost never initiate. It's his main escape, so it should generally be used to finish if you're safe, or used to escape if needed. Standard combo should never start with Vanish.

Main combo, in my opinion, should be one of two things (with basics in between for the Hydra's proc, of course):... Walk up to an unsuspecting enemy and 3, ult, 1 (if safe)... Or ult, 3, 1
(again if safe). Use decoy when applicable before the ult to catch them with additional damage, with the ult stun helping keep then in range.

Now, with Trans, it was a very common 2nd item for him. Why? His abilities scale well, and early, one combo can wipe his pool. With the huge mana pool it provides, he can clear camps more quickly using both aimed and decoy, without worrying about running out. This, of course, is only for slower/longer modes like Conquest. But it's absolutely functional for him. This is outside the fact of current meta and his potential effectiveness in conquest these days, which is considered very poor.

Oh yeah, so my normal build without Trans would usually be Warrior, Jotunn's / Hydra's (whichever order), Titan's, situational, situational. Situational include Masamune, Shifters, Brawler's, Crusher. Titan's can be delayed a bit depending on lots of enemy healing (Brawler's) or enemies building very little protection overall.

With trans, fit it in 2nd, and just shift everything else down one.
soiceykartel | September 28, 2017 6:48am
why transcendence and why ult right after the 3
you should learn to auto-cancel and use hydras lament. In that case the "1st rule" wouldnt even be a rule because you can kill tanks too
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