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Hey everyone! This is my first guide on Smitefire! *crowd cheers*
Anyways, I always like myself some good ol' Chaac gameplay. Chaac is a terrifying creature that came from the depths of the- mayan jungle. Behind the stern look he's always giving you, there's a stone cold killer. Because by day, he is Chaac, God of Rain. By night, he is the murderer known as SLAUGHTERHOUSE CHAAC.
So you want to learn how to bring out that secret SLAUGHTERHOUSE CHAAC we all know and love? Well let's get going as we dive into a river of blood! :D
Update Notes:
I just published this guide, please tell me what you think! I'll be adding more onto it as I am very busy right now and I have to go! But I feel it's publishable and I'll go more in depth as we go on :D!
You should probably go straight into Transcendence, this lets you be a super beast while not even needing to stack your passive! How amazing.
Though be sure to ask your jungle if it's okay that you don't buy HOG at the start. It's not really necessary and I feel rushing Trans would make killing enemies 100% easier. (A healing pot also lets you kill more people for longer before you accidentally kill yourself.)
Head to finish your build. Honestly, you can build this build in any order at all, so long as you start with Trans.
(Note: this is still WIP! If you have any suggestions or are willing to help, comment below! This is my first guide so sorry if it's a bit bad :c)
Pros -
Great early game damage + OP Poke!
Great sustain
Great early clear
Huge AOE silence
Epic Skin
Cons -
Mediocre late game
His axe is as fast as someone walking :L
Rain is pretty depressing bro
![]() Bellona DIFFICULTY HIGH ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Tips and Tricks
Okay, early game she does have a good advantage, what I suggest (as my super aggressive Chaac gameplay would suggest), is to make her hit you multiple times while the wave is there (after the jungle is gone) you'll be able to clear her wave more aggressively and if she hits you once or twice the minions will start to focus her, this will give you a short early game advantage. Aside from that, once you can start one shotting minions you should probably hide until you can get a
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SMITEFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new god, or fine tune your favorite SMITE gods’s build and strategy.
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Check this out this should help you get started. There are a few other guides lurking around.
Thanks! It really helped!
Love this build, I've used a similar one in the past but this one is quite fun and gets good results consistently. On the more constructive part I'd recommend some bbcoding and additional segments. However for the time being you're getting an UpVote from me! Looking forward to seeing how this guide pans out
I don't know how to BBCode :C
Well ... I'm not going to lie, this build is a really well made for Chaac. The guide ( For a first guide ) is ok, you should try to get a god match up thingie ( Ppl who are knew to the god like that ... ) And a explanation for why you use those items and why does it help with your abilities, and explain your abilities ( I'm sure not everyone knows that doing Chaac's ult in he's 1's Area makes it go super KABUUUUM and does aditional damage ... right ? ^^ )
Besides from that, keep building guides ! I would like to see more from this guide ... Some BB Coding would be nice for the eye ... so yeah ^^
Nice Guide, Up vote from me <3
Thanks for the constructive comments!
Needs more sections (PerfectPrism covered which ones well) and needs a skill order at the top.
The build is mixed, most of it is fine, but parts could use some work.
You also need need need penetration. It just affects your damage output so much late game. I'd recommend grabbing either
Finally, your actives for a solo laner don't make that much sense. Sprint is good for pursuing and escaping, but
Aside from that though, your build makes sense, your alternative items are solid choices and your starter items are good. You have good material from what is written down, but there needs to be more there.
I'm not going to upvote this guide yet, but if I see improvements (mostly more content) I'll definitely give it a +1
I just like OVERKILL :D
Though you're correct. I like to play Chaac full auto attack late game, with the natural tanky-ness he has I enjoy going ham with my 3, and auto attacking. I normally use sprint and beads myself, Sprint is mainly for rushing to team fight or other things, also if you're trying to hit a for sure 1 kill, it's surprising to your enemy.
Anyways I'll factor some of this in!
The build is mixed, most of it is fine, but parts could use some work.
You also need need need penetration. It just affects your damage output so much late game. I'd recommend grabbing either
Finally, your actives for a solo laner don't make that much sense. Sprint is good for pursuing and escaping, but
Aside from that though, your build makes sense, your alternative items are solid choices and your starter items are good. You have good material from what is written down, but there needs to be more there.
I'm not going to upvote this guide yet, but if I see improvements (mostly more content) I'll definitely give it a +1
Besides from that, keep building guides ! I would like to see more from this guide ... Some BB Coding would be nice for the eye ... so yeah ^^
Nice Guide, Up vote from me <3