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so this is osiris
basically, osiris's bro severed his body parts and scattered his remains all over egypt
osiris didn't like being severed or having his rad bod all over egypt
so his bae put him back together with SUPER GLUE!
unfortunately, osiris is still partial
the rest of his remains are still hidden
a few are possibly invisible (that's what i'm thinking)
so osiris 2.0 said, "hey! i'm gonna rule over the dead for some reason!"
and as stated, he did and with the same benevolence he had in his reign over the living
osiris is very complex
but if your're that guy who just runs around killing people not knowing how...
oh, what's that, hi-rez?
you labeled him as HARD?
you use skills?
you use lots of skills?
you hold left mouse button?
you hold left mouse button AND press w?
osiris is NOT hard to play
you have a passive that does everything for you
it's your abilities you have to master
you have an projectile that slows, an aoe to snipe or harass people, a stun and damage reduction, and a better version of tyr's ult!
pretty much, hi-rez's definition of "hard" means that it does a lot of stuff
GOOD AND EASY stuff if used properly
ok, so let's get into this :P
osiris does a lot of stuff
i'm here to tell you if some of those stuff are good or bad
-his skill set allows you to shift very easily on what your team needs; osiris is a blank canvas, so paint on him whatever your team really needs :P
-he is AMAZING in teamfights
-osiris is a very good ganker considering he has slows, stuns, roots, healing reductions, damage reduction, etc...
-good ks :3
-you got good damage mitigation
-horrible at clearing
-bad at solo taking gold fury, bull demon, fire giant, apophis, etc...
-does absolutely no damage if your build sucks
-salty teammates
-you need VERY good communication with your allies outside of the in-game chat
osiris has skills
just like any other god
but it basically just combines almost every essential abilities for combat
and every ability either buffs you or gives enemies debuffs
every time you use an ability, osiris sheds a limb or two, gaining damage mitigation
if osiris sheds all eight fragments of himself, he walks through people like a ghost
also, you dont have basic attack movement penalty
ghost walking wears off when you hit 6 basic attacks
all fragments are regained when you die or when your ghost walking ability expires
use this offensively
as osiris, you have HIGH attack speed
but in your regular form, you cant hit gods with pretty much any of your basic attacks
clear the minions with your other abilities
(you can use judgement tether if you don't like waiting to get your passive up)
with your cooldown reduction items (which i'm sure you have) will get your skills up in just enough time to get the kill on enemy gods
you just throw your thing in a straight line
enemies hit will take damage and be slowed
the end
since you only have one movement ability, this can be a good way to catch up to enemies because you have the slow effect and all
it sucks, but it's what you have
one more thing, it's a horrible way to clear minions
it hits the first enemy hit only
you throw a thing into the sky and that thing drops
"drops just like the bass"
osiris is amazing if you have an amazing build
here are some items you should get:
oh dear, that crispy cooldown you get
cooldown for osiris is ESSENTIAL
it allows him to charge his passive up faster
skills are life to osiris; getting cooldown reduction for him would be a blessing
in addition to that, you get physical protection, additional mana, and some more mp5
breastplate of valor is a very crucial item for osiris
so get it now, or might as well surrender at 10
"but i thought his passive gives him immunity to basic attack movement penalties!"
goddammit, jimmy
if you don't have your passive, what are you going to do?
look, it's a good way to secure kills when you've used all your abilities
you have extremely high attack speed, it isn't going to be so effective if you can't get close enough to the enemy
use some cc to make the whole process easier
if you have your passive up, GOOD!
you just need that sexy damage, boiiii
this is going to grant you a lot of killing sprees and rampages (maybe godlikes)
if you have it in early game, you are a beautiful person and i hope you know that
just build it right after you get hastened fatalis
i cannot stress how important this is
osiris has just one major combo:
hydra's lament gives 30% damage increase on your next basic attack
this just adds to qin's bonus damage
if you haven't mained any warriors yet in season 3 and below, season 4 is a good view of items for warrior mains
blackthorn's passive is like a version of mantle of discord
(but for warriors like sun wukong and osiris)
it saves lives
if you become a bit low on health, you get cooldown reduction, and the next ability you use is absolutely FREE
that's right
100% discount on all mana!
this amazing deal lasts for literally 5 ******* seconds
only available every 60 seconds
enemy gods with physical damage get feared every 90 seconds if they damage you?
as a warrior, you're supposed to have high attack speed and basic attack damage
some defense is needed if your playing any sort of warrior
but i don't recommend you build this first item
get some damage and lifesteal, then some defense
breastplate of valor is better than this, but you still need something to keep you alive every now and then
remember loki?
yeah, he won't be able to backstab you because he's afraid that he might get feared, then slowed, then rooted, then stunned, then killed ._.
maybe build this last item if you're dying a lot or having a hard time against this nu wa
it offers physical protection reduction aura to enemies
good for teamfights when you pop your ult and use judgement tether to stun
frostbound is an insane way to get people with basic attacks
paired with your hastened fatalis, this will slow enemy gods hit with your basic attacks and help you move better to either block the enemy god or just use your sickle strike-spirit flail combo on them
this will help you get into smite top plays
(or smite top console plays)
lifesteal is good for osiris
once you get damage, cooldown reduction, and hastened fatalis, turn your attention to lifesteal items like asi or bloodforge
this will help clear camps and minions quicker
build in mid-game
osiris fits lots of roles as a warrior
basically, warriors are just the swiss army knives of smite
they may be kinda average at what they do, but they do a lot of things
more things than any of the other roles
but what does osiris need?
here's a trick i learned from somewhere:
1. examine the character's strengths and capacities
osiris has lots of cc and high attack spped
2. find what the character lacks
horrible at clearing minions and low damage
3. look for characters and/or items that has those things the character lacks
so these are the teammates osiris really needs:
adcs are what make teams with osiris in them a good team
osiris is very capable of ganking people in mid even in early-game
but what he lacks is the capacity to deal damage without having many items at a low level
adcs, on the other hand, have amazing damage capabilities in the early-game
if you are the osiris playing, farm as fast as you can
take camps only after you're done clearing creep waves and if you're with your friend
don't take every minion for yourself
leave some for your adc bro
your goal is to get to level 5 or 6 and build qin's sais
then, you can be really useful to the team
but if you are playing the adc, play right next to osiris as long as possible
you and osiris, if playing conquest, never go mid
stay in a side-lane together
if there are two or more adcs, good!
in arena, assault, and joust, it may not make much of a difference
(other than the very weak start your team may have)
in conquest, clash, and maybe motd, things may turn out good
as a carry, you will have a bad start
do some farming and take some xp camps and jungle buffs with your bro
when you start to reach the 10-minute mark, try to find some easy ganks
(possibly in mid if you're playing in conquest)
these adcs will also help you take down the guys in your side-lane and push faster
mages, go mid and clear minions and push whenever possible
harass the enemy going mid when they come closer to your minions
osiris, put down wards in the part of the jungle near your mage
defend the mage if you see any enemies attempting to gank
ra, nu wa, thoth, janus, are good mages
hel isn't
ok, let's summarize what i told you so far
-judgement tether is amazing for teamfights
-sickle strike-spirit flail combo is good for securing kills for your team
-breastplate of valor is an amazing defense item for osiris
-hastened fatalis does wonderful things
-damage for osiris is beautiful
-you need better and more positive teammates
-get a discord or skype account
-i like eating soap and getting drunk on bleach
-i'm very depressed when i play against loki, zeus, and neith dream team
in short, osiris isn't easy to main
i played 5 matches straight with him, and i lost 3/5 times
i played 5 more, and i got better
i played 420 more, and i destroyed everyone so hard, they all left the game right before the 10-minute mark
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Thats why you would pick Osiris instead of Erlang shen because of his kit so you dont need to pick up weak items.
To use Osiris well requires timing and you need to know whats going to happen before it does happen so you can prepare your passive and ult to fill your passive a 2nd time. time things well or use his great combo kit to combo with another god. Thats why his labeled as a (Hard) God.
Cooldowns are good 20% will work but breast plate is very situation not always the best pick up when you could get other Great items like mystical mail/urchin/spirit robe/mantal of discord.
Your build is not an osiris build its an erlang shen build and you talk like your the best osirs main there ever was and you must have what I say.
osiris use basic attacks but they are like half as good as erlang shans if you want to go to slap city just use erlang shen osiris can basic attack pretty well but its not what he was made to do.
Osiris can have good ability damage and insane consistent poke dominance and a high damage basic every 2nd hit. a high damage build just poke and chase down a target that is where osiris's power is and synergy combos with another god almost any god likes to attack a 40% slowed squishy god with 60% health after osiris initiates with sickle+whip. also he has a great deterrence able to save weak team mates or to keep it a distance game until osiris decides it going to be a close game.
fatalis is just to keep mobile
i built him this way for ks-ing
i would agree with the mystical, urchin, mantle of discord, etc...
mantle of discord, i agree with that most
breastplate of valor is to give osiris some more "usefulness"
(i'm not sure if that's the right word to use)
breastplate is something i use on lots of gods
my team kills when i engage an enemy
as osiris, you do lots of damage, cc some enemies, etc...
i just play him as an assassin m8
taking camps, ks-ing guys
you know what i mean .-.