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Manticore S10 build (Carry Shred Build)

8 4 14,855
by Kranostix updated February 28, 2023

Smite God: Martichoras

Build Guide Discussion 1 More Guides
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Martichoras Build

Starting build

Notes Starting off the match with Death's Toll is good for recovering health and mana off of basic attacks for sustain. I also buy Spiked Gauntlet to eventually build into Devourer's Gauntlet. Buying potions is also a good and much needed help in any early game match. As Martichoras doesn't necessarily run out of mana too fast i highly recommend buying Healing Potions and Multi Potions as your healing would be focused over mana regeneration. Relics are player based but having little to no escape and relying mostly on his ultimate ability to get out of trouble having Purification Beads comes in handy to get out of hard CC fights. Finally using Claw Shard is very handy when trying to get the upper hand in an early fight. If you feel you aren't as aggressive as other players early then Wing Shard is a good second to get out of a sticky situation.


Starting off the match with Death's Toll is good for recovering health and mana off of basic attacks for sustain. I also buy Spiked Gauntlet to eventually build into Devourer's Gauntlet. Buying potions is also a good and much needed help in any early game match. As Martichoras doesn't necessarily run out of mana too fast i highly recommend buying Healing Potions and Multi Potions as your healing would be focused over mana regeneration. Relics are player based but having little to no escape and relying mostly on his ultimate ability to get out of trouble having Purification Beads comes in handy to get out of hard CC fights. Finally using Claw Shard is very handy when trying to get the upper hand in an early fight. If you feel you aren't as aggressive as other players early then Wing Shard is a good second to get out of a sticky situation.

Build Item Death's Toll Death's Toll
Build Item Spiked Gauntlet Spiked Gauntlet
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Claw Shard Claw Shard

Full build

Notes After playing around with many items in different matches this group of items seemed to be the most impactful way to play Martichoras. Not only do you have crazy sustain with life steal but the attack speed from all the items is high enough. Even players like myself that struggle with basic attack gods feel great using this build. The potential to run down your carry lane is there early. Team fights can be hit or miss early but late game this build is crazy powerful taking all gods down with ease.


After playing around with many items in different matches this group of items seemed to be the most impactful way to play Martichoras. Not only do you have crazy sustain with life steal but the attack speed from all the items is high enough. Even players like myself that struggle with basic attack gods feel great using this build. The potential to run down your carry lane is there early. Team fights can be hit or miss early but late game this build is crazy powerful taking all gods down with ease.

Build Item Death's Temper Death's Temper
Build Item Devourer's Gauntlet Devourer's Gauntlet
Build Item Dominance Dominance
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais
Build Item Asi Asi
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher

Devourer's Gauntlet

Notes After your first return to base you want to try to buy Devourer's Gauntlet ASAP to start building stacks. This item is used primarily for sustain and damage early. If you can't buy the full item Devourer's Gauntlet yet no worries buy Cursed Gauntlet instead and grab some Healing Potions and Multi Potions before returning to lane. When you have enough gold for Devourer's Gauntlet go ahead and recall to finish buying the item.


After your first return to base you want to try to buy Devourer's Gauntlet ASAP to start building stacks. This item is used primarily for sustain and damage early. If you can't buy the full item Devourer's Gauntlet yet no worries buy Cursed Gauntlet instead and grab some Healing Potions and Multi Potions before returning to lane. When you have enough gold for Devourer's Gauntlet go ahead and recall to finish buying the item.

Build Item Cursed Gauntlet Cursed Gauntlet
Build Item Devourer's Gauntlet Devourer's Gauntlet
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion


Notes Once you get Devourer's Gauntlet fully bought your next item to build into is Dominance. Dominance is going to kick off your attack speed in this build. Going great with Devourer's Gauntlet getting your life back and hitting hard early is the trick here. Having the early penetration on basics and mana to boot makes you feel like you're not struggling to keep anything sustained. Start by buying the highest tier you can afford being either Morningstar or Charged Morningstar. When you get enough gold to top off buying Dominance go ahead recall once more to complete the item. As always buy yourself some more Healing Potions and maybe even a Ward or two for map awareness.


Once you get Devourer's Gauntlet fully bought your next item to build into is Dominance. Dominance is going to kick off your attack speed in this build. Going great with Devourer's Gauntlet getting your life back and hitting hard early is the trick here. Having the early penetration on basics and mana to boot makes you feel like you're not struggling to keep anything sustained. Start by buying the highest tier you can afford being either Morningstar or Charged Morningstar. When you get enough gold to top off buying Dominance go ahead recall once more to complete the item. As always buy yourself some more Healing Potions and maybe even a Ward or two for map awareness.

Build Item Morningstar Morningstar
Build Item Charged Morningstar Charged Morningstar
Build Item Dominance Dominance
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Ward Ward

Qin's sais

Notes Forth Item to buy is Qin's Sais. This item will help even more with fighting tanks and having attack speed to help take down gods. The item tree items in order are Light Blade, Balanced Blade, Qin's Sais.


Forth Item to buy is Qin's Sais. This item will help even more with fighting tanks and having attack speed to help take down gods. The item tree items in order are Light Blade, Balanced Blade, Qin's Sais.

Build Item Light Blade Light Blade
Build Item Balanced Blade Balanced Blade
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais


Notes Fifth item to build is ASI. This item is when you really will start being able to stay in fights and run down gods. The life steal from not only ASI but Devourer's Gauntlet mixed with the total power and attack speed flows beautifully together. The items in this tree are Light Blade, Balanced Blade, ASI.


Fifth item to build is ASI. This item is when you really will start being able to stay in fights and run down gods. The life steal from not only ASI but Devourer's Gauntlet mixed with the total power and attack speed flows beautifully together. The items in this tree are Light Blade, Balanced Blade, ASI.

Build Item Light Blade Light Blade
Build Item Balanced Blade Balanced Blade
Build Item Asi Asi

The Crusher

Notes Sixth item to build is The Crusher. This item works overtime with Martichoras as his abilities benefit gratefully from this item. His abilities hit hard enough already but with the extra power on them and with the increased basic attack and penetration it's GODLY. The items in this tree are Mace, Warrior's Bane, The Crusher.


Sixth item to build is The Crusher. This item works overtime with Martichoras as his abilities benefit gratefully from this item. His abilities hit hard enough already but with the extra power on them and with the increased basic attack and penetration it's GODLY. The items in this tree are Mace, Warrior's Bane, The Crusher.

Build Item Mace Mace
Build Item Warrior's Bane Warrior's Bane
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher

Death's Temper

Notes This final upgrade will give everything in this build so far. Attack speed, sustain, and power. Giving a bit of health as well to help more with the sustain.


This final upgrade will give everything in this build so far. Attack speed, sustain, and power. Giving a bit of health as well to help more with the sustain.

Build Item Death's Temper Death's Temper

Martichoras's Skill Order Notes When it comes to the abilities of Martichoras his first ability Acid Rain is his best tool for clearing minion and pushing lane. It is also the best option for clearing camps at level 1 as the poison tic damage helps to chip away at the camps health while you and support finish with basic attacks. The second ability that should be focused is Poisoned Barb. This attacks helps keep enemy gods at bay while if directly hit will root them and could turn a battle in your favor depending on where the enemy has positioned themselves. Using your second ability Poisoned Barb through the minion wave followed by your first ability Acid Rain will do max damage to the back line minions killing them in the process leaving only the first 3 heavier minions to deal with making wave clear easier to deal with. Your third ability Stalk Prey is your main and practically your only real way of escaping unwanted ganks or fights. Being able to hide in your grass and the ability lay multiple in different positions can ensure your getting a movement speed buff almost all the way down lane if placed within distance of each other. Place these patches accordingly if you desire. In front of your tower, the middle of lane, and near enemy tower. These three positions help to have movement speed all the way down lane if your ward picks up and enemy and you need a quick escape. Your fourth ability and ultimate Death From Above is a good source of damage to finish off an enemy god. It can also go hand in hand with your second ability Poisoned Barb. Using Poisoned Barb and successfully hitting an enemy god followed by Death From Above can root and make continuing to hit the ultimate attacks easier.


When it comes to the abilities of Martichoras his first ability Acid Rain is his best tool for clearing minion and pushing lane. It is also the best option for clearing camps at level 1 as the poison tic damage helps to chip away at the camps health while you and support finish with basic attacks. The second ability that should be focused is Poisoned Barb. This attacks helps keep enemy gods at bay while if directly hit will root them and could turn a battle in your favor depending on where the enemy has positioned themselves. Using your second ability Poisoned Barb through the minion wave followed by your first ability Acid Rain will do max damage to the back line minions killing them in the process leaving only the first 3 heavier minions to deal with making wave clear easier to deal with. Your third ability Stalk Prey is your main and practically your only real way of escaping unwanted ganks or fights. Being able to hide in your grass and the ability lay multiple in different positions can ensure your getting a movement speed buff almost all the way down lane if placed within distance of each other. Place these patches accordingly if you desire. In front of your tower, the middle of lane, and near enemy tower. These three positions help to have movement speed all the way down lane if your ward picks up and enemy and you need a quick escape. Your fourth ability and ultimate Death From Above is a good source of damage to finish off an enemy god. It can also go hand in hand with your second ability Poisoned Barb. Using Poisoned Barb and successfully hitting an enemy god followed by Death From Above can root and make continuing to hit the ultimate attacks easier.

Acid Rain

1 X Y
Acid Rain
1 4 6 8 10

Poisoned Barb

2 A B
Poisoned Barb
2 7 11 12 14

Stalk Prey

3 B A
Stalk Prey
3 15 16 18 19

Death From Above

4 Y X
Death From Above
5 9 13 17 20
Acid Rain
1 4 6 8 10

Acid Rain

1 X
Martichoras fires hundreds of venomous spikes from his wings, creating a circular rain of spikes that deals damage as it rolls forward. As the rain moves, it leaves behind a toxic trail that slows and damages all enemies within the trail.

Ability Type: Area, Slow, Damage
Range/Radius: 40,60 / 11
Initial Damage: 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+70% of your Physical Power)
Trail Damage: 6 / 10 / 14 / 18 / 22 (+12% of your Physical Power every 0.5s)
Slow: 25 / 27.5 / 30 / 32.5 / 35%
Trail Duration: 3s
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 14s
Poisoned Barb
2 7 11 12 14

Poisoned Barb

2 A
Martichoras shoots a stinger, dealing damage, piercing minions, and stopping on the first enemy god hit. The stinger then persists for 3s attached to the enemy god, reducing their healing, or at a point on the ground. Martichoras can explode it by hitting it with a basic attack or ability. The explosion deals damage, reduces healing, and Roots the god who held the stinger.

Ability Type: Line, Root, Damage
Range/Radius: 55 / 20
Projectile Damage: 45 / 80 / 115 / 150 / 185 (+55% of your Physical Power)
Explosion Damage: 35 / 75 / 115 / 155 / 195 (+50% of your Physical Power)
Root Duration: 1 / 1.2 / 1.4 / 1.6 / 1.8s
Healing Reduction: 40% for 5s
Cost: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60
Cooldown: 13s
Stalk Prey
3 15 16 18 19

Stalk Prey

3 B
Martichoras creates a patch of stealth grass in which he and all allied gods may hide. While inside and on exiting the patch, Martichoras gains Movement Speed. Martichoras’ Basic Attacks from stealth gain 10% additional Basic Attack Damage up front and apply 8 stacks of Venom. Enemies may reveal anyone hidden in the patch by entering it or by placing a ward inside its range.

Ability Type: Area, Buff
Range/Radius: 55 / 27
Patch Duration: 120s
Max Patches: 3
Movement Speed: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30% for 3s
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 25 / 24 / 23 / 22 / 21s
Death From Above
5 9 13 17 20

Death From Above

4 Y
Martichoras becomes CC immune and untargetable as he soars into the air, raining down 12 bursts of damaging toxins over 3s. Each time an enemy is hit with a burst, their Physical Protections are reduced.

Ability Type: Circle, Debuff, Damage
Range/Radius: 55 / 10
Damage per Burst: 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 (+12% of your Physical Power)
Protection Reduction: 3% per stack, max 8 stacks
Debuff Duration: 4s
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 100s

Martichoras Threats

Tap each threat level to view Martichoras’s threats


Martichoras Synergies

Tap each synergy level to view Martichoras’s synergies


Main Start Camps

Starting off buying Death's Toll, Spiked Gauntlet, three Healing Potions, two Multi Potions, Purification Beads, and Claw Shard. Upgrade your first ability Acid Rain for camp and wave clear. If you feel confident enough with your support start at the purple camp while your support starts at Green Camp. Pull boths camps to white camp and clear. If you feel less confident then start at Green camp while your support starts at white. This is easiest as you can hit the camp from a far range where support would have to get in close. Drag the green buff to white camp to meet your support and clear. Then together clear purple. Either way you clear camps make sure to gather all minions then use your ability Acid Rain to help tick damage and clear the camps. Focus green buff a bit more as it can heal other surrounding minions. After clearing all camps you should now be level two. Level your second ability Poisoned Barb and head to lane.

Lane Phase Level 1-6

When getting to lane you first want to use Poisoned Barb through the whole line of minions then follow up with Acid Rain. This should tick damage and almost kill all back minions leaving only your supports ability to finish followed by your basic attacks. IF YOU CLEAR FIRST then try to start putting pressure on the enemy gods. Attack with mainly Poisoned Barb and basic attacks saving your Acid Rain for wave clear only. When pushing up make sure you keep an eye on the jungler on the map to make sure you're not going to be ganked. If you are in the clear then push one more wave before running to the new Over Shield camp. Take this camp and move back to lane. At this point you should be level three. Level your third ability Stalk Prey. Stalk Prey is good in two ways that I have found. Because the speed boost is given to you no matter what once you leave the area standing in the ability and attack is a safe action besides just placing it to run. You could place this ability under you where you feel the safest clearing wave while having the other two locations further up or behind you to chase or retreat. Continuing this strategy by clearing wave and pushing for early kills will get you ahead if not put great pressure on your lane. If you feel you're being pushed back don't worry this build is best Mid-Late game so don't fee; defeated if you aren't getting kills in the first minutes. Leveling is top priority. Around level 6 usually the supports rotate.

The Remainder of The Match

After your support rotates for the majority of the time you'll be attacking a 1 on 1 battle. If you feel you're being pushed back at this point ask for a gank from your jungler. Martichoras has great range with his first ability Acid Rain making ranged battle easier for this god than most. Just continue to clear wave and grab your purple and possibly Over Shield camp when possible. Rotating to gank mid is also possible with Martichoras. As you can easily slip into your jungle with a well-placed Stalk Prey grass and go attack middle lane for additional help. Your second ability Poisoned Barb is a great initiator as when basic attacked you root them making a follow up attack easier to obtain.

Attacking Combos

Starting off with a Poisoned Barb and hitting an enemy god can start a really good encounter. You could follow up with a basic attack your ultimate or Acid Rain to root the enemy god. If a god is running away after Poisoned Barb is applied but you can't reach with a basic attack or minions are in the way Acid Rain's range is really good to successfully apply the root to the god. Its a rinse and repeat at this point. Basic attack as much as possible. When going in to attack a god use Poisoned Barb and follow up how you choose. Your ultimate ability is good with damage but is better off to finish a fleeing god or to escape and do damage while running. Don't forget to use your third ability Stalk Prey as well to chase down gods or run away if necessary.

Closing Note

Thank you for viewing my guide. This is my first guide ever so I do apologize if my writing and typing is all over the place. It's not really my strong suit but I thought it'd be a welcomed addition to SmiteFire guides since not a lot of people really go in depth. I'm open to feedback and comments or concerns if there are any! Happy Smiting!


Something that is looked over a lot is that you can secretly back inside of your third ability

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VividHydra86 (1) | September 6, 2023 5:27pm
very good build and in depth guide
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