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Maui GrandMaster Support Conquest Guide

18 5 38,931
by Dashboarrd updated February 8, 2025

Smite God: Maui

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Maui Build


Notes War Flag is a fantastic starter because it adds to your lane pressure, giving you and your allies movement and attackspeed. You also get really nice sustain from it. Use this starter when trying to get and maintain lane pressure and if you have multiple auto attackers.

Glowing Emerald transforms into Gauntlet of Thebes which provides you and your allies protections once fully stacked, since it's an aura item. This is very crucial on just about every support.

5 health pots to help you sustain while you're laning, this extra sustain can make it until you have to back to purchase Gauntlet of Thebes. Lastly, because you have 50 gold to spare, getting a Ward will help gain awareness on early jungle ganks. See the warding section below on where to place it.


War Flag is a fantastic starter because it adds to your lane pressure, giving you and your allies movement and attackspeed. You also get really nice sustain from it. Use this starter when trying to get and maintain lane pressure and if you have multiple auto attackers.

Glowing Emerald transforms into Gauntlet of Thebes which provides you and your allies protections once fully stacked, since it's an aura item. This is very crucial on just about every support.

5 health pots to help you sustain while you're laning, this extra sustain can make it until you have to back to purchase Gauntlet of Thebes. Lastly, because you have 50 gold to spare, getting a Ward will help gain awareness on early jungle ganks. See the warding section below on where to place it.

Build Item War Flag War Flag
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Ward Ward
Build Item Glowing Emerald Glowing Emerald
Build Item Sturdy Shard Sturdy Shard

Full Build

Notes War Banner is a nice upgrade from War Flag which gives your team even more movement speed and attackspeed late game if you get assists.

Gauntlet of Thebes is just one of the best overall support items. It provides a 10 prot aura when fully stacked and gives you 55 protections.

Prophetic Cloak is probably the tankiest late game support item. You get stacks by hitting enemy players. I typically don't really care if I get it fully stacked just because I like it's base stats and unlike Thebes, each stacks corresponds to 1 protection aura. You can build this before Thebes if you want.

Eldritch Dagger and Reverent Pridwen provide really nice cooldown for Maui.

Stone of Binding just has really good stats and allows you and your allies to deal more dmg to the enemy after you CC them because it provides prot shred. I like this because Maui has a ton of CC.


War Banner is a nice upgrade from War Flag which gives your team even more movement speed and attackspeed late game if you get assists.

Gauntlet of Thebes is just one of the best overall support items. It provides a 10 prot aura when fully stacked and gives you 55 protections.

Prophetic Cloak is probably the tankiest late game support item. You get stacks by hitting enemy players. I typically don't really care if I get it fully stacked just because I like it's base stats and unlike Thebes, each stacks corresponds to 1 protection aura. You can build this before Thebes if you want.

Eldritch Dagger and Reverent Pridwen provide really nice cooldown for Maui.

Stone of Binding just has really good stats and allows you and your allies to deal more dmg to the enemy after you CC them because it provides prot shred. I like this because Maui has a ton of CC.

Build Item War Banner War Banner
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Prophetic Cloak Prophetic Cloak
Build Item Eldritch Dagger Eldritch Dagger
Build Item Stone of Binding Stone of Binding
Build Item Reverent Pridwen Reverent Pridwen

Relics & Shard

Notes Emblem of Increasing Peril should be built just about everygame on any support. It slows, reduces enemy damage dealt, reduces their healing and shielding. This relics is bloated and has something for almost every situation.

Entangling Wings is very good on Maui, or any support for that matter, because the root from it adds to his CC and the slow immunity as well as movement speed boost is helpful to help prevent him from getting lockdown, especially into slow heavy comps.


Emblem of Increasing Peril should be built just about everygame on any support. It slows, reduces enemy damage dealt, reduces their healing and shielding. This relics is bloated and has something for almost every situation.

Entangling Wings is very good on Maui, or any support for that matter, because the root from it adds to his CC and the slow immunity as well as movement speed boost is helpful to help prevent him from getting lockdown, especially into slow heavy comps.

Build Item Emblem of Increasing Peril Emblem of Increasing Peril
Build Item Entangling Wings Entangling Wings

Situational Relics

Notes Phantom Shell is the way to go if they have wall characters like Ymir or Yemoja. Or even if they just have heavy auto attack characters, since shell reduces auto attack damage.

Blessed Barrier is really good if the enemy has multiple ADC's or even if you have multiple ADCs. It's also really good into a heavy siege comp to help slow down their siege.

Temporal Beads is good to go if they have characters like Fenrir or Ao Kuang who can easily punish you for not having beads. Yes, even supports need beads from time to time.


Phantom Shell is the way to go if they have wall characters like Ymir or Yemoja. Or even if they just have heavy auto attack characters, since shell reduces auto attack damage.

Blessed Barrier is really good if the enemy has multiple ADC's or even if you have multiple ADCs. It's also really good into a heavy siege comp to help slow down their siege.

Temporal Beads is good to go if they have characters like Fenrir or Ao Kuang who can easily punish you for not having beads. Yes, even supports need beads from time to time.

Build Item Phantom Shell Phantom Shell
Build Item Blessed Barrier Blessed Barrier
Build Item Temporal Beads Temporal Beads

Situational Items

Notes Winged Blade is very important on Ares if they have multiple slows. You will need this item for survivability.

Heartward Amulet if they are magical heavy.

Sovereignty if they hare physical heavy.

Magi's Shelter really good into heavy CC lockdown comps that have characters like Athena.


Winged Blade is very important on Ares if they have multiple slows. You will need this item for survivability.

Heartward Amulet if they are magical heavy.

Sovereignty if they hare physical heavy.

Magi's Shelter really good into heavy CC lockdown comps that have characters like Athena.

Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade
Build Item Magi's Shelter Magi's Shelter
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Heartward Amulet Heartward Amulet

Intro / About Me

Hey there, I go by Dashboarrd and I'm a Grandmaster Support Conquest player. I've competed in the SCC (Smite Challenger Circuit) and I have won SOC (Smite Open Circuit). I have also won plenty of gem tourneys during the weekends, such as Iced and Vulpis. I have put in many hours into Smite and in particular Maui. I hope this guide can give you some new direction with Maui if you're struggling with him, or just improve your overall Maui gameplay.

You can reach out to me via the following channels:


Maui's Abilities

Passive - Manaiakalani

Maui passive is a really good CC tool. Don't just waste it on a random auto attack. Hold it and think about what abilities you can cancel with it or use it as a spare CC tool until your other abilities come back up.

Ability 1 - Master Fisherman

This is going to be your main form of engage. Maui hook is really nice because it's not considered a hard CC, which means you can pull people even if they have magi's up, and it doesn't even proc Spirit Robe.

The other nice thing is it cripples the enemy so they can't get away while you pull them in. I would also max this ability first because it makes it easy to steal camps and the burst damage you get from it is very good, especially early to mid game.

Ability 2 - Mystical Ulua

One of my favorite support abilities in the game. It gives you and nearby allies movement speed and protections. On top of that, 1 person can enter the bubble and teleport to Maui's location if they're within range, which will also refresh the movement speed and protection buff they get.

Use this every time it's up in a fight and try to throw it at your teammates. It's a really good escape tool for them especially if they don't naturally have one. So make sure you give them the opportunity to take it.

Ability 3 - Solar Swing

Solar Swing is Maui's stun and also his escape. I wouldn't really engage with this ability, unless your team is hard winning the fight or you're looking to ambush.

I would mostly try using this as peel for your allies or an escape if you need to get away or over a wall.

Ultimate - Landfall

One of Maui's best abilities. Landfall is really good for engaging, peeling, or separating a fight. You could use this as an engage tool, and in a lot of cases that's exactly what you should do. But in other cases, save his ult and let the fight marinate (progress).

Chances are at some point during the fight you'll have a very good opportunity to ult multiple players while they aren't paying attention. This will make it harder for them to beads or dash away from his ultimate.

Map Play

Game Start:
  • Support should start purple and pull it outwards. In this time your ADC should be pulling Green and dragging it towards you (or vice versa). When both buffs are grouped, as you clear them pull them towards the lane. Watch out for invades!

  • From here you should be sitting in duo lane for a majority of the early game. You want to stay there to contest protection (or shield) buff and pressure with your ADC. If you have enough pressure you can also invade their camps, such as Purple buff and their backcamps, even Green buff.

Mid Game:
  • Around the mid game you want to now start to play around the middle of the map as more objectives are spawning now.

  • These objectives consist of Beacon, Oracle, and Pyromancer. Try to pressure mid t1 tower too if your team has the pressure for it. Once that's down it creates map pressure from mid lane.

Teamfights (Late Game):
  • Here you want to make sure to use your kit effectively. Maui is great at starting a fight. Try to initiate a fight with Master Fisherman or by using your ultimate to pull in multiple players.

    Maui has a lot of CC. If spaced out and used correctly it can both engage and peel. Make sure you're stepping up and being a frontline by engaging but don't lose sights on your backline. You have a ton of peel and buffs for them. Consistently throw Mystical Ulua at them to buff them, especially when they're getting dove.


Early / Mid Game Warding:

That ward you're buying in the early game, you want to place it at the area between their purple and shield camp about 23 seconds or sooner before the game actually starts, if you think you'll have pressure.

If you don't think you'll have pressure, place that same ward on your side in the same area about 10 seconds prior to the game starting. This will give you early gank info.

If you're able to get 2 wards at the start, place one defensively and one offensively in the same spots.

As you're playing through duo lane you really want to ward their backcamps for info for your team. Get 2 wards, typically after you buy Thebes, and place them at their purple buff or their back camps and their green buff.

Try to refresh these wards as often as you can. They give very good info on where the enemy jungler is at and if the enemy team is mobilizing towards duo side to setup for a Gold Fury.

In the map below, the red circles indicate the spots that you should ward aggressively and the blue circles indicate the spots you should ward passively.

Late Game Warding:

Of course this depends where you're at in the game. But around fire giant, same concept. Try to get high wards around their backcamps, red, and even blue buff to give your team info.

On offensive sieges, try to place a sentry ward between their phoenixes that you're about to siege to gain info on people playing that gap. These wards are indicated by the Red circles on the map.

On defensive sieges, place a sentry between phoenixes they're about to siege so you and your team can play that gap area without worry. These wards are indicated by the Blue circles on the map.

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1 | September 3, 2024 3:30pm
what items do i switch the situational items?
Branmuffin17 (401) | September 4, 2024 8:35am
I think generally you'd consider Thebes and Prophetic to be the base/core items. High dual prots form the base for your tankiness.

The rest of the items in the main build are more situational, with good utility but not as necessary. As needed, I'd say you could switch out Dagger, Stone of Binding, and Pridwen, though I'd say to be mindful of how many you switch out. For example, if you're thinking of Magi's Shelter against high enemy CC to help teammates, you might switch out Dagger or Prid (swap one CC item for another). If one of the aura items is preferred, probably switch out with Binding...a bit less damage for your teammates, but better survivability so it perhaps balances.

Dash may have other comments/recommendations.
Freddy59116 | August 5, 2024 9:43am
Bonjour, merci pour ce topic. Je revient sur Smite après une longue pause, et ce Maui m'intéresse énormément, as tu un build pour les niveau de compétence a investir stp?
Branmuffin17 (401) | August 5, 2024 11:10am
Translated from French to English:

"Hello, thank you for this topic. I'm coming back to Smite after a long break, and this Maui interests me a lot, do you have a build for the skill level to invest in please?"

If this is a legitimate inquiry, @Freddy, you can use this base build and have it be functional at basically any level. If you are considering this for a specific game mode, please advise and we can potentially recommend a build or two.

@Freddy: vous pouvez utiliser cette version de base et la faire fonctionner à pratiquement n'importe quel niveau. Si vous envisagez cela pour un mode de jeu spécifique, veuillez nous en informer et nous pourrons potentiellement vous recommander une version ou deux.
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Maui GrandMaster Support Conquest Guide
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