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My Conquest ADC Guide 7.9.bonus

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by tytheguy04 updated September 29, 2020

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Before You Read

I have played over 300 hrs with ADC in the past year and noticed that carry isn't the 1st choice for some people so I created a guide for learning and entertainment purposes. This is my first guide so I will love the feedback that I get from this.

Thanks, tytheguy04

The Basics

So you want to learn how to play ADC/Carry. It is not that hard you think it might be; you have a person that has low CC, the role that helps you out is the least well loved and acts like a bot half the time, and there is always an OP character that everybody picks that plays duo.

You still up for the challenge, good because now you have to learn the element of poke your enemy to low health with him not running away from you. The best way to do this is to use your non-line ability, but if you are trying to conserve mana make your line hit front minions and the enemy gods (preferable god is the one less tanky or less health).

Ward placement is the most basic task to complete but it will take time and remembering to buy/place them. The best place to put them is on the top and bottom of Gold Furry. At the beginning of the game right in the middle between enemy purple and harpy (this is to know how fast you clear your purple).

Team Work

Your positioning in teamfights is how you get rid of tanks and dive into the backline. At the beginning, you want your support to get CC and tank damage. You barely have kill potential until lvl 5 so play passive and hit your CC abilities if you have mana.

If it is a 5v5 and a tank is not in front of you, your probably might die. So don't be the one person that gets picked off and makes your team lose. Out of all the gods you don't want to lose your hunter for protection shred and tower damage.

If the enemy jungler is ganking your lane retreat no matter what the health bar looks like. only go back in the teamfight if your jungler or mid is starting to gank your lane. Don't spam GANK DUO GANK DUO because you just want to make your jungler do the opposite.

1 on 1

This is the part of the game where both of your supports actually make use of themselves and CC people in other lanes instead of feeding. You are on your own like it or not and show the support isn't holding you down/carrying you.

Attack based hunters are great 1v1 gods because they are able to outbox and go agro. Ability based/attack based mages are good for burst damage and turning around team fights but still having the ability to basic attack. If you decide to go mage ADC, your mid needs to be a hunter for tower damages and to shred different protections (same goes for the mid).


The reason why I made a separate column is because there is a lot of confusion of when an ADC should rotate. Let me just straight up tell anybody telling me that I need to rotate early (mostly lvl 12). If you want me to rotate, you suck at your role (VER VVX to people that like to spam chat). Now I can gank middle lane once or twice at lvl 12 if the enemy ADC is lvl 9-10 or lower.

Now before you rotate/invade you need to ask yourself these questions; do I have lane pushed up, is the enemy ADC backed or farming jungle camps, how much xp will I lose if I die or not farm. These questions are also good if you want to back.

After you are committed to rotating there are invisible lines you do not cross unless you have a global ultimate in the kit. You can't go across enemy red or purple without a tank or a enemy tower down on mid or duo. Also, DO NOT GO TO SOLO UNLESS YOU WANT TO GROUP UP.

My Top 10 Choices In Order

1) Cupid
2) Rama
3) Freya
4) Olorun
5) Ullr
6) Heimdallr
7) Chronos
8) Cernunnos ( or cern for short and nicknames)
9) Neith
10) Hou Yi

My Builds

I will post my builds when I am finished making them
Hou Yi-

Youtube/Twitch Channels I Recommend

PandaCat- ADC for Ghost (word champion)
Zapman- ADC for Pittsburgh Knights (word champion)
Duke Sloth- Does a lot of smite news
TheOtherFrost- makes guides and talks a lot about strategies and is associated with pros.

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