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Ne Zha Arena Build - Up, up and away

4 1 92,544
by ashamon updated November 16, 2015

Smite God: Ne Zha

Build Guide Discussion 2 More Guides
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Ne Zha Build

Full Build

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item Malice Malice
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane

Other Optional last items

Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak
Build Item Hastened Fatalis Hastened Fatalis
Build Item Frostbound Hammer Frostbound Hammer


Build Item Aegis Pendant Aegis Pendant
Build Item Combat Blink Combat Blink
Build Item Fist of the Gods Fist of the Gods
Build Item Girdle of Inner Power Girdle of Inner Power
Build Item Greater Purification Greater Purification

Ne Zha's Skill Order

Universe Ring Toss

1 X Y
Universe Ring Toss
1 4 6 7 10

Flaming Spear

2 A B
Flaming Spear
3 15 16 18 19

Armillary Sash

3 B A
Armillary Sash
2 8 11 12 14

Wind Fire Wheels

4 Y X
Wind Fire Wheels
5 9 13 17 20
Universe Ring Toss
1 4 6 7 10

Universe Ring Toss

1 X
Ne Zha throws the Universe Ring, bouncing several times, dealing damage, applying a Physical Protection Debuff for 3s and Slowing by 12.5% for 1s. Each hit also stacks a movement speed buff on Ne Zha for 2s. Subsequent hits on the same target deal 35% less damage and double the Slow's effectiveness.

Ability Type: Line, Slow, Damage
Initial Damage: 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 (+40% of your Physical Power)
Damage: 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 / 175 (+20% of your Physical Power)
Bounces: 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
Protections Debuff: 5 / 7 / 9 / 11 / 13 per hit
Movement Speed: 5% per hit
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 14s
Flaming Spear
3 15 16 18 19

Flaming Spear

2 A
Ne Zha empowers himself with fighting spirit, igniting his spear for increased Attack Speed and Critical Strike Chance for a short duration. Upon activation, Ne Zha also heals himself based on each stack of his passive ability.

Ability Type: Buff
Attack Speed: 25 / 32.5 / 40 / 47.5 / 55%
Critical Strike Chance: 20%
Duration: 4 / 4.5 / 5 / 5.5 / 6s
Healing: 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12
Cost: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75
Cooldown: 14s
Armillary Sash
2 8 11 12 14

Armillary Sash

3 B
Ne Zha throws out his Armillary Sash hitting the first enemy god in its path. The target is Stunned as Ne Zha yanks himself toward the target, dealing a powerful blow to all enemies in the area as he arrives.

Ability Type: Line, Stun, Damage
Damage: 90 / 140 / 190 / 240 / 290 (+150% of your Physical Power)
Stun: 1s
Range: 70
Radius: 10
Cost: 75
Cooldown: 12s
Wind Fire Wheels
5 9 13 17 20

Wind Fire Wheels

4 Y
Ne Zha dashes forward, gaining bonus Protections for 4s and becoming CC immune. If he hits an enemy god he lifts them into the sky for 4s, unleashing a 3-hit combo. Successfully timed attacks during the combo result in these hits dealing Critical Damage. They are then smashed back to Earth, slightly knocking up and damaging the target and enemies around the landing location. When Ne Zha lands he gains bonus Protections for 5s and dashes back to where he cast this ability.

Ability Type: Dash, Crowd Control, Damage
Damage Per Hit: 23 / 40 / 57 / 74 / 91 (+45% of your Physical Power)
Damage (Initial/Landing): 50 / 105 / 160 / 215 / 270 (65% of your Physical Power)
Protections: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50
Cost: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120
Cooldown: 90 / 85 / 80 / 75 / 70s


[*] [*] Hi my name is Ash and my in game name is LePerfectionist. I have mastered every god in the game playing majority in the arena and have recently taken a particular liking to Ne Zha. I believe he has some of the highest DPS in the game and on top of that he is strong the entire arena match with this build order.

My win rate is currently 55% and KDR is 1.6, however I've only played 20 games and many of the games I first played with him were god awful before I learned all the nitty gritty stuff.

I'll be going into some minor tips and tricks with him to maximise his potential and help your team as much as possible.

This is my first guide so any comments are greatly appreciated.

Pros / Cons

- Very high single target damage
- Can nullify damage dealers right before team fights
- Long range CC
- High skill cap

- Sub par mobility
- Squishy
- Missing your ultimate often puts you in bad situations


[/code]So your first item Warrior Tabi is a better choice than the possible Ninja Tabi because this build doesn't revolve around attack speed but more pure damage so that extra 20 physical power is very handy over the attack speed bonus Ninja Tabi gives.

Secondly I found that getting the early Deathbringer gives you a huge damage spike early and this is why; firstly, a massive 50 physical power which speaks for itself, secondly with combination with his 2 (Flaming Spear) he has 35% crit chance very early game so if you get 3 basic attacks off you are more than likey to get one crit, and finally this gives his ultimate (Wind Fire Wheels) an almost guaranteed 25% increase in damage because of the 50% increase on each critical strike, and that's not including the 50 physical power it adds on to it's scaling. If you look at the description of the ultimate hitting all three crits with a Deabringer deals 360/560/740/930/1120 (+275% of your physical power) that is enormous damage and on of the highest single target damage ults in the game.

The Third item Jotunn's Wrath is a great pick for most assassins, CDR, penetration, mana (not that it matters too much in arena but it's helpful) and some damage. Enough said.

The fourth item, Malice I wasn't too sure about there may be some better options out there but I decided to stick with it purely for the damage over time on each crit, considering your ultimate is three guaranteed crits over 6 seconds they are taking 150% of your physical power which by this stage is a fair amount. Plus it ties in nicely for deathbringer when you are not using your ultimate. Plus the crit bonus your 2 gives I found it a better pick than Rage.

The 5th item you may want to switch out for a Titan's Bane at this point instead of Executioner if the enemy team has built a lot of physical resistance. If they are mostly damage dealers (ie. One tank, no warrior) then pick up executioner, as you can usually squeeze in a couple of basics after your stun before you ult lowering their protection plus gives an attack speed buff to build your passive stacks faster.

The 6th Item is situation really, if they are a tanky team, definitely build Titan's Bane (or Executioner depending what you built last item). Magi's Blessing is a great pick for most games to stop that pesky CC when you are trying to go huge on them and you just die to a 4 second CC chain. I put Fatalis in their but I haven't found it much use really, I'm just so used to putting it on a lot of my gods a better pick would be Frostbound Hammer over Fatalis because it also gives a bit of Power and gets the job done for how quickly you melt them anyway. Generally though, Magi's Blessing or Titan's Bane are solid picks.

All the actives I have are handy for different scenarios, I usually have Greater Purification by the time I reach full build but Aegis and Girdle of Inner Power work well too. The last active is a test in progress, sometimes I find that the stuns isn't quite long enough so that stun could definitely come in handy for securing kills and escapes. S


Immortal Spirit: This in short gives you HP5 for successful basic attacks (max 50 stacks) but reset on death. So timing your attacks to ensure you don't die is even more important for this assassin than others so you can keep the stacks you build.

Universal Ring Toss: This is the ability you will max first as it gives so many additional effects as well as damage. HINT: A useful tip for this ability for hitting the skill shot is to realise that a minion as far easier to hit than an enemy god, meaning aim at a nearby minion to a god you want to target and it will simply bounce to that god and deal the same damage. Another useful thing to keep in mind is if you see two gods isolated hitting one of them will allow the ring to bounce between the two of them for a hefty amount of damage and slow. I've also noticed in early game not to use this on jungle buffs, because although you will clear the camp faster for your team, you will get in less basic attacks to stack your passive. This ability is also an amazing camp stealer, which can then lead into a kill. Simply through it at the camp minions and it will bounce around hitting the enemy gods potentially stealing the jungle camp, slowing the enemy, increasing your movement speed, decreasing their protections which sets you up very nicely for a kill. Especially if they blow their abilities kill the camp.

Flaming Spear: You will max this ability last, it just gives you a few buffs which combo nicely with your items. Use this ability on jungle camps at the beginning for increase attack speed and therefore more passive stacks. I should note that you should use this ability RIGHT before your stun as it is only a short buff maximising your attack speed and crit chance when you need it most.

Armillary Sash: This ability will set up all of your kills virtually, but it is very important to learn when and when not to use it. This ability has ridiculous range on it, pulls you to them and stuns them. Personally it took me a while to get used to because I'd use it at bad times and I'd get myself killed. If your ultimate is down this is how the combo works; 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> basic attacks. Your 1 lower their protections and slows, 2 buffs you increased crit chance and attack speed and finally your 3 deals damage allows you to squeeze in some basics with the stun. Sometimes it is not viable to use your ringtoss, but remember if you do hit the god you want with your ringtoss it isn't absolutely necessary to follow up with the whole combo, make sure you have an escape plan ready before you dive in because once you go in your only way out is running and maybe a movement speed buff if you manage to hit your ringtoss. Always however pop your 2 before using this ability unless they are grievously low on HP that the stun is enough damage to kill. Also keep in mind you do damage when you reach them that's something I didn't realise when I first played him and put me off him a lot. Mastering this ability takes time, sometimes if a squishy god is chasing you half health it might be a better idea to turn and fight initiating with this, after a few kills Ne Zha chunks very well and can easily do half health with this and a basic attack if it crits.

Wind Fire Wheels: Ahh, your OP ultimate, your lifesaver, primary damage dealer, 4 seconds out of combat allowing your team you precisely calculate when you will knock them down (if the ridiculous damage doesn't kill them) to finish the plebians off. Few tips for this abitity, do NOT be afraid to use it to escape, it is a very long dash amd will 70% of the time get you out of dire situations. However if you are surrounded, ally team a fair distance away, simply take the enemy god with the lowest HP up in the air. There's a good chance you will kill, if not after 4 seconds you'd hope your team will be there to save your butt. Also this is very useful to pop straight after you stun and get one basic attack in. ANOTHER great characteristic about this ult is that if you dash into an enemy team and nail it at max range, when you land you will jump backwards to your initial dashing location. giving you an easy escape. Remember if you use your stun first then ult you will jump back no distance at all so keep ring toss to throw immediately after you land to slow enemies waiting for you and increase your move speed.

Video Guide

Soon I might add some gameplay of my playing Ne Zha to show you how to play first hand.

Other than that leave your comments below :)

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ashamon | February 23, 2015 7:55pm
Thanks @Selanic, I'll test that out and remove executioner and shift purchase order down 1 to prioitise heartseeker see how it matches up. And yes I couldn't agree more definitely use flaming spear immediately before your stun I'll add that in there. Also I tested out the fist of the gods active and it was a great success, I think that with the crit chance and attack speed it'll work even better. Thanks for the input

Edit - I tried it out and it just doesn't fit my play style, theoretically it offers huge potential but not dying at all in arena is pretty difficult halving your stacks. And I noticed that maxing flaming spear for my build is pretty useless as it doesn't scale the crit chance with levels only the attack speed, and this build isn't attack speed based at all since you can kill them with a stun and 2 crits. In short it doesn't offer the early game damage to snowball quickly, simply have to stick to them too long which for a squishy assassin just doesn't fit.
Selanic (1) | February 23, 2015 5:11pm
Very good guide. I think it's good to put more stress on Flaming Spear, because when it's maxed, it gives insane amount of attack speed and crit chance, increasing damage by a ton. I find it best to use Flaming Spear RIGHT before you leap someone with Artillery Sash, and the reason to stress the RIGHT BEFORE is because it's only a 6 second skill when maxed, not giving much time to deal damage if you have to chase down to close a gap between enemies. For Arena, I feel like it's best to build Heartseeker before anything else be cause you get stacks and increase damage overtime, which is a BIG plus if you keep it till late game and have tons of stacks. Great guide.
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Ne Zha Arena Build - Up, up and away
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