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Ne Zha Tank support (Sol Patch)

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by pmmurphy updated October 14, 2015

Smite God: Ne Zha

Build Guide Discussion 0 More Guides
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Ne Zha Build

My browser keeps deleting my guide on me, i'll edit later.

Build Item Greater Purification Greater Purification
Build Item Heartward Amulet Heartward Amulet
Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak
Build Item Mail of Renewal Mail of Renewal
Build Item Reinforced Greaves Reinforced Greaves
Build Item Shell of Absorption Shell of Absorption
Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty

Ne Zha's Skill Order

Universe Ring Toss

1 X Y
Universe Ring Toss
1 4 6 7 9

Flaming Spear

2 A B
Flaming Spear
3 8

Armillary Sash

3 B A
Armillary Sash

Wind Fire Wheels

4 Y X
Wind Fire Wheels
Universe Ring Toss
1 4 6 7 9

Universe Ring Toss

1 X
Ne Zha throws the Universe Ring, bouncing several times, dealing damage, applying a Physical Protection Debuff for 3s and Slowing by 12.5% for 1s. Each hit also stacks a movement speed buff on Ne Zha for 2s. Subsequent hits on the same target deal 35% less damage and double the Slow's effectiveness.

Ability Type: Line, Slow, Damage
Initial Damage: 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 (+40% of your Physical Power)
Damage: 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 / 175 (+20% of your Physical Power)
Bounces: 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
Protections Debuff: 5 / 7 / 9 / 11 / 13 per hit
Movement Speed: 5% per hit
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 14s
Flaming Spear
3 8

Flaming Spear

2 A
Ne Zha empowers himself with fighting spirit, igniting his spear for increased Attack Speed and Critical Strike Chance for a short duration. Upon activation, Ne Zha also heals himself based on each stack of his passive ability.

Ability Type: Buff
Attack Speed: 25 / 32.5 / 40 / 47.5 / 55%
Critical Strike Chance: 20%
Duration: 4 / 4.5 / 5 / 5.5 / 6s
Healing: 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12
Cost: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75
Cooldown: 14s
Armillary Sash

Armillary Sash

3 B
Ne Zha throws out his Armillary Sash hitting the first enemy god in its path. The target is Stunned as Ne Zha yanks himself toward the target, dealing a powerful blow to all enemies in the area as he arrives.

Ability Type: Line, Stun, Damage
Damage: 90 / 140 / 190 / 240 / 290 (+150% of your Physical Power)
Stun: 1s
Range: 70
Radius: 10
Cost: 75
Cooldown: 12s
Wind Fire Wheels

Wind Fire Wheels

4 Y
Ne Zha dashes forward, gaining bonus Protections for 4s and becoming CC immune. If he hits an enemy god he lifts them into the sky for 4s, unleashing a 3-hit combo. Successfully timed attacks during the combo result in these hits dealing Critical Damage. They are then smashed back to Earth, slightly knocking up and damaging the target and enemies around the landing location. When Ne Zha lands he gains bonus Protections for 5s and dashes back to where he cast this ability.

Ability Type: Dash, Crowd Control, Damage
Damage Per Hit: 23 / 40 / 57 / 74 / 91 (+45% of your Physical Power)
Damage (Initial/Landing): 50 / 105 / 160 / 215 / 270 (65% of your Physical Power)
Protections: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50
Cost: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120
Cooldown: 90 / 85 / 80 / 75 / 70s

Alittle about me

I'm silver 4. <

Take my guide with a grain of salt.

But I play ne zha. I'm 57-37 conquest with him , with like average 2-4-7 stats. Something like that. I tried him in ranked once and went 0-4-0 but like that's another story. I will go in great detail on how I play the game. I will also tell you right here and right now.

There are many many many better supports. I don't even know if ne zha support counters anyone or anything. Honestly, I think poseiden support is better.

(will edit this guide eventually ive had to type this stuff out like 4x now)


Welcome to my tutorial on Ne Zha Support. If you are using this guide that means you seriously want to play some Ne Zha in the duo lane.

So lets get to the facts. Ne Zha is not the best support. Your most likely gonna feed your first few games. Your gonna hear all your teammates tell you how bad you are at playing ne zha support every game you do it. If you lose, your a scrub for going ne zha support. If you win, Your still a scrub for going ne zha support. If you tell your team you main ne zha support in ranked. Expect your team to ban him.

Now lets get to the guide.


Ok so items

Here is the general guideline.

starting items.

watchers gift 4x health 4x mana tier 1 boots

lane till about 1400 gold get tier 2 sov

lane till 700 gold get sov

lane till about 1300 gold get tier 2 heartward

finish heartward, (build rest of build according to what is needed in the game.)

Now, for technicalities.

Lets say you get an early double kill and your adc wants to back early. This actually happens sometimes. So if that's the case go ahead and back with your adc, NEVER LANE ALONE. If this happens I normally grab tier 2 boots for the extra movement speed. Movementspeed in the beginning is VEYY IMPORTANT. So if you can move faster and avoid abilities and stuns early, that's great! Then continue the game and finish build as stated.

Are you facing a Janus? A Ymir? A god with a slow that just pisses you off? Then replace either gaia stone or renewal (depending on enemy team and how badly you need that sword that stops slows). That's all the flexibility you have, those 2 items. So if you REALLY REALLY need to counter something with an item, you either don't get gaia or you don't get renewal. But honestly even with slows, I stick to this build.

The only game I actually got that stupid sword was against a ymir and janus and a merc with stupid frostbound or some **** like that. I just couldn't set anything up without the sword cuz it was like "nope your slowed to death all day".

So items there realy isn't much to talk about. This is kinda boring. I'll move on.


So Ne Zha's abilities. What do they do? WHy should we care?

His 1 is a ring that makes him cc immune and bounces from target to target dealing damage slowing and lowering resistances.

His passive is 20 stacks (all I care is when I press my 2 it heals me don't really care about anything else).

His 2 is a attack speed steroid that is also like a heal.

His 3 is a stun that brings ne zha to his opponent does 2 basic attacks and makes him cc immune (and btw he is immune to damage mid air).

his 4 is pretty much (I remove you from the game for 6 seconds) or some **** like that. That's how I look at it.

Ranked Play


Don't just don't.

I think the only way he coulc possibly be viable in ranked play is if your team builds around him to compensate for lack of a tank. Such as solo or jungle building somewhat tanky and going tanks. So that would require you telling your team your going ne zha support.

All that will get you is, they will ban ne zha and call you a troll.

So right now, Just don't do it at all until I play more ranked games with ne zha and learn how to solo que as ne zha support and update my guide.

Pros / Cons


1. Good at picking off enemies.
2. Strong second jungler
3. Strong early game
4. high skill cap (will get into this later)
5. decent sustain
6. decent clear


1. Bad tank
2. damage falls off late game (you become non exsistant)
3. can't really push towers
4. You die very fast

Creeping / Jungling

creeping / jungling.

So this is very heavily dependant on the game and what the game dictates. But at around mid game you turn into a 2nd jungler. You pretty much just camp the lane that is struggling the most. Don't be afraid to dive towers and tank ****, you have a heal. You have an escape.

If your passive is at 0, go drop a red buff or something. Your ne zha (you might be tanky but youll still die in a few abilities at the point in the game or any point in the game).

While creeping and laning with your adc. You basically just spam your ring all day long. Max your ring out first. (you won't kill a full minion wave if you ring it once at highest level ring, as long as you hit it first and it doesn't bounce more than once on a minion, you will only help your adc clear faster and he will get ALL stacks)

Something you should do is. You want to be as far away from the opponent at all times unless you plan to all-in and get a kill. So that means, you should preemptively throw your rings so they hit the minion wave or gods before they are even in actual range. So like in other words, lets say you don't have auto cast on ( I wouldn't use autocast). You will normally see a box that says when they are in range. If you throw your ring when you see this box. Your probably dead now. You need to throw the ring BEFORE you ever see the box meaning, you don't KNOW 100% if itll hit but if it hits you can continue to poke and get out of all harms way with your speed steroid you get after landing a successful ring. If you miss your ring.. Not a big deal your still out of range of all hazardous abilities. Early game - mid game, if they land an ability on you, your dead. Last thing you want to do is feed early game as ne zha support.

Your team will not like you at all if you do this.

Team Work

Team work.

Laning phase:

Laning with adc Creeping part is above just reread that!

How to play ne zha in certain matchups.

Basic guidelines:

1. Stay FAR AWAY in the back of your adc, your adc is the front liner, your the anti-engage.

2. If you got to lane faster than enemy (you should if you used your rings for speed buff and clear at start and popped a mana potion) you just focus on out clearing and keeping a strong minion wave at all times. Your minion wave will help you and your adc stay alive. If they super agro you and all in you (they will most likely kill one of you) but you + your minion wave should turn it around for a double. (but this is scary none the less, just land your rings and stuns and hope for the best).

Bsaically what you wanna do is, stay about a sash distance away from your adc at all times. If they engage your adc, sash them stun them peel for him then GET BACK. Repeat the process.

Continue to spam rings at minions to help clear, if they are focusing the adc Think about this.

"who deals more damage?"


"or amc with a red pot"

So go sash AMC save your adc and suicide yourself. Your a support, be a bro.

you have a 2 with a 400 hleaht heal, you might just live, maybe your jungler is coming over to help out. Or maybe your adc pulls the whole lane around cuz your ring is dealing lots of damage. Who knows. But your 100% goal is to remember , your adc lives at all costs even if you have to feed to keep him alive.

Unless its complete hopeless and hell die anyway, then don't.

But basically if you make it to lane before them, and start clearing before them. Control the lane with strong minions, once you see about 2 back minions left start sashing the adc, smack him twice, throw a ring. RUN

Repeat the process.

Focus the adc keep sashing him when minion wave is low.

DOn't be afraid of an Athena taunt.

Don't let them scare you.

You have a strong early game with lots of burst and damage between you and your adc and a heal. That you can pop every 10 seconds or so.

BUT WHATEVER YOU DO DO NOT DO AUTO ATTACKS. I don't care if they live. DO NOT USE AUTO ATTACKS IN FIGHTS. Just spam sash and ring. <---- this might sound silly, but your just too squishy. Your going to be a target in the lane and nobody is there to peel for you. Also you never know when the enemy jungler is ready to camp your lane. Hes gonna do it.

Try to throw rings when there are 2 gods next to each other. That will deal a lot of damage, tahts your goal. Just throw tons and tons and tons of sashes and rings and the farthest possible distance, and GTFO. Then rinse and repeat.

Don't let them hit you but its ok to tank for a few seconds if you have to.

Team fights.

So this is where ne zha kinda struggles compared to other supports. If you didn't snowball your lane and you have to play the team fight game, you kinda don't want to do this. You want to try to gank mid or solo lane or get someone snowballed and pick off gods in the jungle steal buffs do something creative. Avoid team fights. Because all you really CAN do in a team fight, is ult a carry or enemy tank and hope for the best.

Throw a ring first though, definitely.

Oh and pop shell, your items + shell is basically all you can do in team fights. Your very very weak here, don't let team fights happen in your game without a snowballed god.


So like my summary and what not. You like ne zha? You like support? Do you like the idea of being capable of doing crazy plays but dealing no damage all game long but feeling statisifed you totally just dodged a ton of **** and still lived?

Then Ne Zha support is for you!

Get ready to be treated like a red headed step child no matter what you do or how good you play and even if you win.

Get ready to have your main banned in ranked.

Get ready to unleash tons of toxicity on you.

Your a Ne Zha support! If you lose, its your fault. If you win, Your still bad. Get use to the abuse now its gonna happen.

But basically I'm still practicing my ne zha support because there is so much poetential and ability to do stuff with him. You can turn fights around.

I've had situations where it was 1v3 I was almost dead I a neith ult was coming to me from across the map. I used my sash at the appropriate time to become damage immune from the neith ult then threw some rings popped my passive and ended up dying getting a kill in the process. It felt good to pull that stuff off.

Or maybe that time where I was getting chased by a janus and I throw a ring to become cc immune from a portal to escape after 180 no scoping them for the extra speed boost.

I mean its just fun to do this stuff and there is potential for high level skill plays to be had! I don't care what anyway says those escapes and plays make me feel good inside.

but last but not least.

Remember, your a counter engager.

When they engage, you sash or ult someone. Other wise your spamming your ring. and being annoying.

If you want to engage, ult first, sash 2nd.

only sash before ult if you KNOW YOU WILL KILL AND LIVE.

Never engage on a suicide mission (unless its a team fight, your basically useless in team fights anyway).

So yea I am going to continue to work on this guide and I would like some tips and advice on this or anyway to improve my guide for you guys. Sorry I'm a noob to bbcode and what not. So please go ahead and help out if you wish :)

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