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This is the basic full build you can sell boots or change it slightly with other items for something with lifesteal for example
These are the items you will buy after the start of the game in the exact order shown with boots first.
Silverbranch gives you a little extra power however if you feel too weak you can buy mantle to give you some procs, cooldown and the safety of its passive stun.
Note silverbranch works well with your ultimate as if you have max attack speed in your build or over stack it like with this build the attack speed buff from your ultimate can stack silverbranch even more than normal in the moments you use your ultimate giving you that extra killing power on your chosen target.
Bloodforge will replace Arondight as it has the same power its up to personal preference if you want more cooldown or lifesteal.
Berserkers can replace Arondight if you feel you want more procs than the build would usually give you but again its down to personal preference.
Golden Blade will replace Stone Cutting Sword as this will give you more attack speed earlier in the game and a slight AOE basic attack which can help with camp clear and when team fighting for that little extra damage when the enemy are grouped up.
Blink is a must have for nemesis especially with the size of the current conquest map.
Bead or Aegis its dependent on the game, if the enemy team has a lot of CC beads is essential as being CC'd can be a death sentence, if the enemy team doesn't have a lot of CC but has easily anticipated skills aegis is your best bet.
Tap each threat level to view Nemesis’s threats
Tap each synergy level to view Nemesis’s synergies
Nemesis is an amazing AA god, her auto attacks are what help her thrive, learn to auto attack cancel with your abilities to give yourself the best chance of dominating, there is a reason nemesis has her fair share of bans and its because she can shred a player before they know what has happened, I like to think if her as the smite roster's premier tank killer, her ultimate steals procs and gives them to you while increasing your attack speed and slowing the enemy down for you.
Nemesis is an amazing assassin and is well worth learning.
I'm no expert smite player but I hope this guide can help people to some degree.
Scales of Fate
Nemesis holds the scales of balance. Hitting enemies with basic attacks tips the scale in her favour, when she hits an enemy with a basic attack she reduces her target's Physical and Magical power all the while increasing hers
Power loss and Gain
Max stacks
5 seconds
Swift Venegence
Nemesis dashes in a line dealing damage enemies in her path and may dash again within 2 seconds after the first one in any direction she chooses. She can use basic attacks and her other abilities between the dashes.
50/80/110/140/170 (+35% of you current physical power)
Mana cost
14 seconds
Slice and Dice
Nemesis swings her blade dealing damage in a cine area in front of her, the outer edges of the cone deal damage once while the centre cone deals damage twice and are slowed for 2 seconds
45/75/105/135/165 (+30% of your current physical power
Mana cost
11 seconds
Nemesis activates a temporary shield that protects her from a set amount of damage or until time expires. some of the damage taken with the shield up is reflected and all of the damage taken within the shields limits is healed. Hard CC remove the shield.
Damage reflect
Shield Health
2.5 seconds
Mana cost
16 seconds
Divine Judgment
Nemesis chooses a target reducing their health and movement speed as well as stealing some of the targets procs for a time period, she also increases her movement speed for a short period of time.
This is an unmissable ability.
20/22.5/25/27.5/30% of current HP
Movement speed
Target debuff duration
5 seconds
Nemesis buff duration
5 seconds
Mana cost
90 seconds
As a jungler nemesis will be fighting a lot of camps in the negging of the game, it is essential to learn when to use mana on a camp and when not to, in the begging if the match I will tend to use mana on my peed buff and preferably the bigger back harpy camp, as this allows me to get to the blue buff quicker and hopefully leading to my solo laner getting to lane quicker. However this is personal preference and with the set idea that my solo laner will start speed with me and we will attack all camps along the way, this is because we can counter jungle early in the game, if chosen we can start solo at blue buff and le6 them solo it and go straight to lane why we tackle the other camps alone however this could possibly set us behind the enemy jungler and leads to solo entering lane below level 2, or as a pair jungle and solo can attack speed, small harpy and blue buff together, and on our way to mid we can tackle the bug harpy camp alone this leads to solo lane getting to lane quicker while still making sure neither jungle or solo laner are too far behind the opponent who probably took the classic route of tackling all the camps together.
After our back camps have been done I would advise going towards mid lane this is because there are 2 neutral camps for mid laner and jungle to tackle together IF you can win pressure from the enemy. As a jungler I have had many fights with the enemy jungle at level 2 because of the fire giant side harpy, if you believe you have the chance and the upper hand it is possible to kill the enemy jungler here but place safe at this point its not always best to kill right here.
From here I would advise entering mid lane as you will most likely see the enemy jungler do this as well and keeping your mid laner safe is a necessity, you may have a stand off at this point but what is important to remember is due to the current state of the game you CAN NOT stay here long, if the opportunity is around kill the mid laner as it can provide relief to collect the side camps safely even a kill on the enemy jungler would provide the same safety but DO NOT risk your or your mid laners life here as it is critical to get more farm than the other jungler. If no kill arises i advise staying for longest one wave but after that go leave mid lane and go prioritise other camps, if you can get the gold fury side camp go for it but if you feel too unsafe i usually go for the oracles.
once from here check the mini map and check speed buff tome left, it may be advisable to back here and do the back camp in the gold fury side of the jungle ad then run across to your speed to be there at the moment it respawns so you can have better toming fo the solo laner and harpy camps.
In the current meta please prioritise camps over kills as snowballing is a huge problem at the moment, if you get the chance go for a gank but your best option is to scare the enemy laner your ganking and leave before you miss out on jungle.
while doing all of this it is best to figure out which lane is your strongest is it duo? mid? solo? choose early and get them ahead the most.
As a good jungler you will want to be where the enemy jungler isn't, are they ganking left? gank right. Are the in the left jungle farming? go farm the right jungle, be on top of your camps as you don't want to lose them to the other jungler however keep on top the enemy's back camps, can you deny the enemy junlger the small harpy camp without being caught go for it? do it its not alot of xp but its xp the enemy isnt getting, ont forget to scare lanes, just running through a lane can push the enemy back, showing up in the left lane? its going to push the enemy back to tower for safety giving your lane chance to farm and gain pressure but remember DON'T STAY TOO LONG.
Although I have given you some threats and synergies in the actual Smite Fire section for it, a more detailed explanation is required.
As nemesis like any other assassin CC is the bane of your existence which is why with the god I have mentioned its all about CC, being caught with CC can spell insta death for you as you would expect.
However don't worry as there is really no real counter for nemesis in my experience all you have to be careful about is getting caught in CC as it can be your downfall but even then not always for example Cerbs CC can only bring you a short distance and doesn't give him the necessary distance required to close a kill on you with his allies due to your dash and the fact he doesn't have a silence to counter your retribution and dash to safety.
I only gave one synergy as nemesis usually plays well in most team compositions due to her amazing kit and ability to rely on her AA, but a well timed CC of any kind or *** mentioned Sylvanus grab can nab you a kill before the player knows what happened.
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