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Nemesis-Super Build

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by WereVamp1819 updated April 16, 2014

Smite God: Nemesis

Build Guide Discussion 4 More Guides
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Nemesis Build

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais
Build Item Rage Rage
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament
Build Item Fist of the Gods Fist of the Gods
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings


Of arrogance and pride, the Greeks have but one word: hubris. It is a crime against Gods and Men, but a crime many commit with impunity. Even mighty Zeus is guilty. But when punishment is due, there is one from whom even the God of Thunder shrinks. She is Nemesis, the red-washed blade of Divine Retribution.

Recall the tale of Narcissus, so taken by his own beauty. Proudly, his visage was flaunted, to the detriment of all. Until, at last, he was led to a pond of crystal hue where his own reflection enraptured him. So long did he remain to gaze upon this self-image that hunger claimed his life. Thus does Nemesis respond to hubris. It is consequence equal to the crime.

Now, behold the war torn land, beset by the wrath of wanton Gods filling the air with blood and boasts. This battlefield is stained with hubris. Unwittingly, these foolish warriors have summoned their greatest adversary. Nemesis has come!

No longer will foul deeds engender success, no hoard of wealth held in undeserving hands, no legends told when falsely earned. Nemesis will unleash a tide of retribution. Punishment for the crime of hubris is death.


Warrior Tabi: Boots are the standard start to every build in most cases. Here is no difference. I am going to be wanting penetration boots so I can hit just that much harder. With my assassin build, I am going to want to be doing as much damage as quickly as possible, and penetration will help me much more then CDR will.

Hide of the Urchin: Hides are one of the main items you are going to need, for instance it will give you protections against physical and magical so you don't want to die early in the game and feed your opponent, so your gonna need both protections so you don't die from a mage or a assassin.

Qins Sais: Qins Blades could also do the job better, I dont care, Sais WILL do more damage more often then blades. So I prefer them. As for getting them third? Qin's gives a good bit of damage and more attack speed then any other damage item there is. The only ones with more attack speed, dont actually give you more power. This is a standard choice in many assassin builds, and with good reason. This item alone will make your DPS fly. You now hit 25% faster, harder, and with constant proc's of extra damage. Who could hate it?


You already have a solid 55% attack speed buff with our previous items. Because of that, I prefer to get this before Deathbringer. Tagged with an extra 9% attack speed, (bringing it up to 64% increase) it has an instant 30% crit chance. This is massive and you will be criting like a mad-man with how fast you are now swinging. It also will guarantee a crit after a couple swings if your luck is that bad. Wins all around.


Now comes the death stick. This item is all about raw unadulterated damage. You will swing harder, crit harder, crit more often, (we are now up to 60%) and all around rape someone's face off. If you aren't getting this item as a physical damager, then you have been sleeping under a rock. It is a must have and Nemesis is no different. Simple as that.

Hydras Lament: Is a good choice, because not only does it give you 50 physical power and 15% cooldown reduction but will give you the last thing you need to destroy your enemies but it will also make it hard for them to kill you

Other choices for Items

Malice: Would be another good substitute instead of Hydras Lament it will give you the upper advantage.

Titans Bane: This like Malice is another good choice instead of Hydras Lament


I would like you to tell me if you want me to add more info and if you do tell me what you want me to add.

I also would like your feedback on what god I should make a build for next.

What to do

I personally am really good with her like my K:D:A is usually 12:1:6 so if you don't wanna follow my advice DONT READ THIS, ok so if you wanna get kills follow these steps.
1. Gank or make sure its 1v1 or 2v2 but never 1v2
2. Start off with your Slice and Dice to get some health off
3. Auto-attack to get there health lower
4. Use your ult so that you can get the health to 25%
5. You should keep auto-attacking and then he/she will get to low life and you should use your 1 to catch up, wait for your 2 and then use it and that should secure your kill.
6. If your low on health and theres an enemy god coming after you the best thing to do is use your 2 to slow him then your 3 to heal because they will usually use there abilities to try to kill you.
7. Use your 1 to get away to a safe distance and the return to your base.

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darks352 (10) | April 26, 2014 7:16am
Love that you literally copy/pasted from my guide. Its so ethical. Even though where you put it makes it wrong lol. For instance, the copy/paste of Rage is completely wrong without buying Asi first. But yeah... Noobs will be noobs.
LunarFrost (1) | April 17, 2014 4:50pm
Hey thanks for putting some more stuff up, but i recommand some BBcoding to make it more colorful
LunarFrost (1) | April 15, 2014 10:08pm
Plz no Copy and Pasting as your only thing off info and it has nothing to do with the items
muas (4) | April 10, 2014 4:25am
Maybe give some information as of what to do and why build these items
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