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Nu Wa but She's Broken

44 8 44,885
by AkuaChan updated October 20, 2021

Smite God: Nu Wa

Build Guide Discussion 9 More Guides
Choose a Build: Ronnie Coleman Type Beat
Ronnie Coleman Type Beat Extra (Unnecessary) Damage Build
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Build Summary

Lightweight Baby

Build Item Bumba's Dagger Bumba's Dagger
Build Item Lost Artifact Lost Artifact
Build Item Chalice of Healing Chalice of Healing
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Yeaaaah Buddy

Build Item Bumba's Hammer Bumba's Hammer
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon
Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti

Extended Build

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Lagalicious2002 | February 27, 2022 5:31pm
So is this a jungle build?
AkuaChan | February 28, 2022 2:04pm
No it's a mid build. I haven't used it with the new season though. Don't know what I'd change.
Branmuffin17 (400) | February 28, 2022 4:48pm
Some suggestions:
  • Conduit Gem -> Archmage's Gem is great for her ult if you have full stacks. I get Bumba's Hammer being interesting, but while you're getting some really good CDR, you're sacrificing some burst damage.

  • In S9, current popular build direction is to go double flat pen early, from Magus, Deso, and Ruin. S9 got buffs to these items, increasing their flat pen from 10 to 15, and it's pretty strong.

  • Your build has very little % pen. You want to hit harder. You need Obsidian Shard in the build. Means you need to create space elsewhere.

  • Said space could be taken from Chronos' Pendant. I know that moves away from your build concept (max CDR), but in considering the flat pen items and added % pen, you can get some CDR from Spear of Desolation, and you can also consider Soul Gem.

  • Rod of Tahuti is now a glyph item, and the standard upgrade for a non-ADC mage is Calamitous Rod of Tahuti, and that should be reflected in the build if you update it.

  • Strongly suggest not going with a Chalice for a mid-laner.
I know this is probably too easily meta, but you might try Conduit Gem ( Archmage's Gem -> flat pen (e.g. Spear of Desolation -> flat pen (e.g. Divine Ruin or Spear of the Magus -> Calamitous Rod of Tahuti -> Obsidian Shard -> Soul Reaver. Reaver can be purchased earlier if preferred, and you don't have to immediately upgrade Rod of Tahuti.

Another option would be instead of a 2nd flat pen item, fit Soul Gem in there for more CDR.
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CookieTheBest | November 4, 2021 6:19pm
sa va mal
ssnorlaxx | October 23, 2021 11:46am
can confirm goes hard
AkuaChan | February 28, 2022 2:03pm
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AkuaChan
Nu Wa but She's Broken
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