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Like i said,we have the anti-heal build and my build.They have the same start but they are very different afterwards.Also,I wouldn't recommend that you start with t2 warlock's and 3 pots simply because SMTIE has made pots and starting items much better than early stacking.Also it's VERY important that you use your abilities correctly and ESPECIALLY the passive which gives your abilities extra power and you can get the passive points by auto attacking and since your 2 can hit 3 enemies then it can fill it up fast correctly and the soul stone power which is givien after 5 successful auto-attacks.So how does one use poseidon correctly?You 3 the wave then 1 then spam the person with auto attacks while in the effecr of the 2 an if they are low enough or have spend their escape then just ulty them and auto attack them.I forgot to mention that pos's also gives him movement speed.How do you kill someone or how to kraken someone successfully?The are going to be 3 types of people:1)He straight up goes for you,he keeps his abilities and does not care about the wave and does not try to bait or juke you,in that case dont get confused just set the 3 in front of him and kraken him,the 3 has a cripple effect which won't allow them to use movement abilities.2)He/She is being really agressive and tries to hit you with his abilties and the wave or rushes the wave so he can damage you and tries to juke or bait your abilities,pretty does nothing or almost always use one ability for the wave then cmes close and just runs around holding his abilities to kill you if you miss the kraken or the 3 in the case you ignore his bait,clear wave as usual,box him with the 2 and if he comes too close you snipe with the 1 to get him off of you.3)Plays it super safe and passive and is willing to take it late game,in that case outpressure him and put him in such a spot where he has his damage ability/clear ability/poke ability on cool down and you have all your abilties up+full passive and with it's extra movement speed and the 2 also gives you movement speed and if they look at you and back step or side step in general they have a movement penalty so if youare at the point of the game where you have gem of isolation it is guaranteed that you will get your combo off.Note:the whirlpool does deal additional damage in the centre or anything like that and suck people inthe center even if they are knocked up so what that means is that if your 3 gets them and they are about to leave the whirlpool u can ulty them,they will be ****ed up and stunned,right back into the whirlpool and then you change the direction of the 1 more to his side than the centre.The builds are what you see:The anti heal with cdr so you make them have less healing and the gem os iso witht he slow and in the normal build late game you are pretty much unstoppable,i guarantee you that you may not have armor but the damage that you will be devastating and almost instant so they will die before you die also your 2 does a lot of damage and with gem of iso and fatalis it's pretty much a frtostalis ;).One more thing don't forget to change the pen boots to cdr boots and if you already have 20% cdr with the pot you wll max it out(40%).
Poseidon is the ype of mage that can clear fast and dpeends on burst damage but has no movement ability like a leap etc.You definitely want to change your build if they have one healer or more simply because the anti-heal is "damage" against them and then you will need cdr so you can have that constant divine ruin proc on them and your 3 can do a good job apllying effects and your 2 is actually procing everything.Early game in conquest you start with 3 do red while ahving that 5 soul stone stack then 3 the wave and clear and stuff like that.I upgrade my abilities that way because the 2 does more damage and is more useful than the 1 but in the early game i need the damage from the 1 to clear for with the combination of the 3 while I am in a safe distance also good cc ability if you manage to full combo someone with the 3 that has cripple,then kraken,then you 2 auto attack,and 1 at the center since the whirlpool sucks them there and that 2,1 combo is pretty much an auto attack cancel you get your auto from the 2 fast then immediately 1 while being as close to them a spossible to guarantee that it hits but dont over extend and watch out your surrounding an where the enemies are.Poseidon is countered by sanctuary,you use it to stop the pos combo with kraken.As a posedio you definitely want to get that off of them asap and dont re-engage since you won't have your abilities up and the enemy has unless you are in a good position.
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