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"I made this build on an assumption and it worked" Ullr Build

1 0 11,436
by Nothing Yet updated March 6, 2016

Smite God: Ullr

Build Guide Discussion 0 More Guides
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Ullr Build

Everything You Need

Build Item Hastened Fatalis Hastened Fatalis
Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Asi Asi
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item Rage Rage
Build Item Cloak of Meditation Cloak of Meditation
Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet

When Should I use this Build?

If you're wondering when you should use it ie. which game mode, I advise Assault, since Joust is ruined after season 3, and Conquest is still a piece of **** (they can polish it all they want, but then they'll just end up with a polished piece of ****). Assault is the fairest, most balanced game mode, when it comes down to it. The only point I don't like in assault if you're asking will be explained next chapter.

What Don't You Like about Assault? or ARAM?

Well, both are centered around 1 lane, there are no jungles, no buffs you have to take and deal damage for. You ALSO can't return to your fountain until you have died. This means players who suck but farm their lane for several waves can return after you've killed them once with better weapons and have a greater advantage over you. YOU CAN'T EASILY DESTROY A TOWER UNTIL YOU HAVE KILLED AT LEAST 2-3 OF THE OTHER TEAM MATES. At that point in the mid-game (with at least up to Warrior Tabi) around level 12, your team should be able to both sustain tower damage and deal damage to both the tower and to scare off or even kill the other team.

TL;DR It's really easy for people to come back with better stuff than you, after you've killed them. Unless you are good at the god you're playing with (bee tee dubs, did I mention this build is useful with any hunter? Because it is).

How to win

Use Hastened Fatalis with Asi and Executioner and the regular Hunter Items (Death Bringer and Rage) to destroy the other team. I advise Assault with the usual team setup, 1-2 Hunters, 1-2 assassins, 1-2 mages, and 1-2 Tanks/Support/Bruiser. There should always be a tank with Sovereignty and Heartward Amulet (and one that can engage well, always use your cc first, and switch to ranged when you hit someone).

So just be really aggressive and use your buffs (your 2, Expose Weakness and Invigorate). Hastened Fatalis is used to chase, you can sustain your running speed as if you weren't attacking while shooting people. Isn't that sweet!?

What Music Should I Listen to While Playing?

On repeat forever.

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