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Tap each threat level to view Cu Chulainn’s threats
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 28 [display_name] => Hercules [url] => hercules ) [scoreVal] => 5 [notes] => ) 1
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 63 [display_name] => Bellona [url] => bellona ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => ) 1
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 53 [display_name] => Osiris [url] => osiris ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => ) 1
Tap each synergy level to view Cu Chulainn’s synergies
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 121 [display_name] => Lancelot [url] => lancelot ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => ) 1
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 95 [display_name] => Chernobog [url] => chernobog ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => ) 1
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 12 [display_name] => Ymir [url] => ymir ) [scoreVal] => 3 [notes] => ) 1
You'll want to play this build because it's kind of fun. Pridwen for your Ult.
Blue Stone for damage, Golden Blade for wave clear. Glad Shield for Abilities. Bul to keep you alive. Etc. Etc!
It helps with both ability and auto attack.
You want to play an aggressive early game. Use the one and three to wave clear. Immediately back once you have the gold to purchase Golden Blade.
Golden Blade gives you more wave clear and movement speed as Cu Chuliann can't clear with base attack very well and you have , unlike King Arthur, Bellona, Osiris and etc.
If your Solo Lane opponent is Hercules, do NOT engage too close to his tower where he can surprise you with his two and one you into his tower. And since Tier 1 tower does stupid damage at low level, well there you go.
During the Mid game, you want to farm their Mid Lane and ADC, while also farming minions. If you can't gank, don't fight, continue to farm. Especially when the damagers aren't there or already dead
I also suggest to invade solo's jungle buff and jungles xp camp so you can keep them from leveling up.
During the late game, you want to be as aggressive as possible. Dive under tower if you can, build that rage up with your Ult and keep base attacking and auto-attack cancel with abilities.
Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
SMITEFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new god, or fine tune your favorite SMITE gods’s build and strategy.
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