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DOUBLE STACKS for max damage. Your laser will...well...laser fools.
Oblivion Stone isn't near what it used to be on RA, but here we are. If you go Myrddin than initiate with ult. If you go lifesteal, then stay in the fight a bit longer and utilize the 2 to juke. Spear of Deso should be subbed in main build for Rod of Asceplius if you don't need as much healing. Tahuti is just good on its own, but why not glyph since its season 11. Rod of Asceplius is good if you're getting dove or trying to heal team more.
Rarely would I ever build these unless there is a team comp that is all one damage type or something. Also, Genji's can be good early against pressury mages before you can get fully online.
Tap each threat level to view Ra’s threats
Tap each synergy level to view Ra’s synergies
Ra was surprisingly not my first God to master, but he is incredibly fun to play. His abilities take a bit of know how to land, but when you melt someone with his ultimate, Searing Pain, it is incredibly satisfying. He is a very strong mage, well balanced. This guide, when used correctly can work wonders for you. You can melt all of the squishies on the other team while also having the sustain to survive a Loki. Your only real counter against this build is Silence, so beware the likes of Chaac and Eset.
You will not regret choosing Ra. He is a consistently solid choice. LET'S BURN SOMETHING!
This is a list of the foreseeable pros and cons of my build! This is simply the strengths and weaknesses of the build.
You hit like a truck starting in the mid-game
Your ultimate is always up when you need it late game
After your mana pool is secure (Third Item) you shouldn't have to back
The power of your heal mid/late game will repeatedly surprise assassins, earning you kills (if played correctly)
Large amount of health keeps you from being "squishy" and makes your heal worth its weight in gold
Lots of stacks, full power doesn't come quick
Silence is death (Chaac, Nox, Eset, Khepri, etc.)
Landing all abilities takes a bit of skill
I'll start with his skills. Familiarize yourself with the skills young grasshopper. Wax on...Melt off.
A bit of a different build, but it's power is wonderful. Also, you must try Warlock's Sash before you refuse it because of the Health meshing well with Ra's Heal, Solar Blessing.
These items can be exchanged for Chronos Pendant or Spear of Desolation if you feel like you have a situation that merits it. Being behind in gold is a good reason to skip Spear. If your abilities are normally off cool down when you need them, then you might not need Chronos (I always need it though). Here are some options:
Thanks for reading my guide, if you have any comments, comment down below and I will try to address them as soon as possible. Have fun playing as one of my favorite gods, RA.
UPDATE: Added Pros/Cons section, Updated friends and foes list, Added Update Log.
UPDATE: Updated for Season 5
UPDATE: Added Spear of the Magus and Mages Blessing
UPDATE: Updated for Season 11
UPDATE: Altered and updated build for removed and added items
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With double stacking in the build im even considering it to be a troll build.
And there's this:
Essentially you only want to build one item (outside of blessings) that requires you to actively stack it. Any more than that and there's a good chance that you won't be able to fully stack all of your items and get their benefits. Also, is