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Sell Boots for Elixir of Speed and Rod of Tahuti, Chronos' Pendant or alternative.
Sell Boots for Elixir of Speed and Ethereal Staff, [[Rod of Tahuti or alternative.
Sell Boots for Elixir of Speed and Chronos' Pendant or alternative.
Sell Boots for Elixir of Speed and Chronos' Pendant or alternative.
Sell Boots for Elixir of Speed and Chronos' Pendant or alternative.
Sell Boots for Elixir of Speed and Rod of Tahuti, Book of the Dead, Chronos' Pendant, or alternative.
Sell Boots for Elixir of Speed and Staff of Myrddin, or alternative.
Sell Boots for Elixir of Speed and Rod of Tahuti, Book of the Dead, Chronos' Pendant, Staff of Myrdinn, or alternative.
Sell Boots for Elixir of Speed and Ethereal Staff or alternative.
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2. just the tags of anti-heal, vs tanks, vs squishies, burst, sustained damage would be enough.
3. Ah makes sense
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I disagree. In my updated mage builds I do tag a certain build as recommended though.