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11 25 84,817
by ShaoTheGreat updated July 17, 2014

Smite God: Rama

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Rama Build

It hurts

Build Item Asi Asi
Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item Hastened Fatalis Hastened Fatalis
Build Item Bloodforge Bloodforge

Chapter Title

Sorry, it's just a build but it's a mean one. I'm not normally a fan of CDR as I'd rather build more power and bide my time, but on Rama, it makes all the difference in the world. Full CDR means that you can spam your 2/1 constantly for an inane amount of kills. Fatalis means no one can run from you and also helps to process his passive faster. I played Rama 3v3 joust from the moment I woke up yesterday until I was passing out at the computer screen. "Rama OP", "F U Rama", "Are you ranked?" and "They're going to nerf Rama, you know that right?" are just some of the comments I received. After tweaking this build I went on a 12 game winning streak with so many triple kills I lost count (level 30 account). Ignore the hater(s) in the comments section as they've obviously never tried this build. It is meant for 3v3 only and it has only been tested there. With this build I would usually finish the game with more kills than the enemy team combined!!! 26 penetration is usually plenty and the 35% lifesteal and 40# CDR means I can duke it out 1v1 with anyone in the game. Once people catch on, it's not unusual to see two enemy teammates run when they see me coming.

Be sure to set your 3 to instant cast. With Fatalis and full CDR it gives him an amazing amount of mobility. Use it not only for escape but to secure kills from running gods. No god can run from this build. If they can, then they lack any offensive capability to be of any use anyway. If they do manage to cross their tower line to safety, use his ult to finish them off.

Anyone who doubts this build - try it before you knock it. I tried many items and many build orders before stumbling on this wicked combo. It doesn't look like it would work, but the proof is in the pudding. Just remember to spam his 2/1 like crazy.

I'll pick up meditation last and once that's done I never even have to return to base. It is a high sustain, runner chasing, kill securing DEATH build and if anyone doubts me, PM me to 1v1 so that I can show you the true power of Rama.

Chapter Title

Build two - forgoes CDR and and attack speed for more penetration and crit damage. To make all of you haters happy.

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Sparky911 | February 9, 2015 4:45pm
Haha xD
This build is a lot of fun! I would never play this build seriously, but man did it provide a huge laugh!

The damage output is quite good. Ranging from about 120-180 damage per hit without the buff. The buffs (Attack speed maxed brings it to something like 2.60 attack speed, and damage brings your damage up by 50 per shot) increase that damage output incredibly and it's a really fun time watching your enemies being barraged by some crazy Rama who's holding the "W" key and holding left click.

A lot of fun. Really enjoyable.

Anyone who hasn't tried this, try it out. It's worth the good laugh and you can really spam all of your abilities for maximum damage.
Though at my professional advice (Qualifier league) don't play this competitively. Everyone will laugh at you.

Also anyone who can stop your auto attacks and/or stun you destroys this build. Though beads and aegis might fix some issues!
CichaWoda | October 31, 2014 9:16pm
first match with this build (IT HURTS) and got the Most Kills
HammaSmite (7) | July 24, 2014 6:55pm
ShaoTheGreat wrote:

Funny, I don't know you either but I can certainly tell that you're roughly 15-16 years old and rage over people who haven't even had correspondence with you. Sometimes I forget the age group that I'm communicating with here. I'm an ******* for defending my build? What did I do to you? You have so much anger for someone who hasn't even seen your posts until today. Let me guess - another bullying victim. Sorry bro, should have focused more on the outside world instead of wasting away into a stick figure playing games all day. I don't care what people think about me. I'm opinionated and I'm an *******. Awesome!!! I have a wonderful life and love killing little punks like you in Smite, then lying up in bed and having two beautiful women wait on me hand and foot. Please, go continue to wallow in your poop-stained office chair and hurl insults at people you don't know if it makes you feel better. All of you meta-following zombie pork skins need to realize that there's a lot of depth to this game and just because your favorite ranked/pro player uses a certain build, doesn't mean that it's the only build out there worth using. Use your brain - think for yourself, and actually try the build before bashing it. Let me guess, just like the first poster - You've played so much Smite that you know EXACTLY what the end results of a build will be when played by someone you've never even met. I bet I've kicked your *** so many times in Smite and you never even realized it. In 90% of my matches I lead in player damage, creep damage, structure damage, with the least amount of damage taken. This really is my last post here. You little 12 year olds can continue to fight it out amongst yourselves, as you have apparently been doing so. I will continue to play and kill small children like you. SHAO OUT!

Not trying to cause any drama, but anyone, when he wrote "I bet I've kicked so many times in Smite," anyone else wondering what is his IGN to see if he really did kick our ***?
All4Games (54) | July 17, 2014 9:29am
RazeMage wrote:

Okay, guys, stop it, i think, it's enough

I agree.

I gave him all option open to him guys and now he simply has to pick one... For now just ignore him. If he repeats his behaviour he will end up getting a ban and of he changes his behaviour for the better he is welcome to stay or he simply packs up and doesn't return.
RazeMage (58) | July 17, 2014 8:49am
Okay, guys, stop it, i think, it's enough
FerrumSlash (70) | July 17, 2014 8:35am
ShaoTheGreat wrote:

Alternate account... really... I'm 37 and work 80 hours a week, you think I have the time, desire, or inclination to waste time trying to convince people how cool my build is?

That's what you've been doing, actually :)

You treat our feedbacks like insults, you attack people like All4Games and Firraria, and you've certainly brought nothing useful with this drama.

Makes me laugh on how big of a hypocrite you are.
Firraria (58) | July 17, 2014 8:34am
(Can someone please lock this/delete this/ban Shao/stop this drama somehow?)

Shao, no one is getting mad at your for making a bad build, we're getting mad at you because of how you react to the littlest of criticisms.

I thought your reply to HammaSmite was your last? You've disappointed us all by sticking around for another post, you know?

I don't think you realize that you started getting personal with people simply for critically reviewing your guide, and you started belittling their problems which are completely irrelevant to the situation at hand, and yet you verbally assault me for being irrelevant to this discussion. How ironic.

I also think you have yet to notice that this is a public forum, where I can comment wherever I want to.

I had honestly hoped the hiatus you took from the site would mean you were never coming back, but obviously I was wrong.

Really, the stupidity in your posts could be explored for days, but suffice to say that I don't think someone who's living as good as you are needs to amp his self-esteem by caring about kids like us, am I wrong?

Notice how editors and veterans and regular members alike are coming here to tell you you're wrong?
It's clear as day that you've already lost. I truly pity you.

P.S. Most of Morrissey's fans are guys but I like that you can make biased assumptions.

your behavior is disgusting and you should leave and never come back. On the off chance that you fell of your high-horse long enough to make an apology, nobody would forgive you. After this post, I strongly suggest we all stop posting here. Period. This is just getting stupid.
Greenevers (105) | July 17, 2014 7:41am
lel what makes this sad is the amount of attention this guide gets compared to a good guide
Pentargonite (62) | July 17, 2014 7:40am
ShaoTheGreat wrote:

I lead a busy life and don't have time to play little kid games to try to prove my point to people I don't even care about. All of you little kids tossing insults are just making yourselves look like just that - little kids. Facepalm yourselves until you have a big red palm print in your face, you deserve it for being elitist meta-bound bandwagon jumpers.

Alternate account... really... I'm 37 and work 80 hours a week, you think I have the time, desire, or inclination to waste time trying to convince people how cool my build is?


I'm so jealous of your life, I wish I was so good. Maybe we should worship him?
All4Games (54) | July 17, 2014 7:20am
Shao as the person you tried the hardest to offend i will say this only once.

Nothing you have ever written here/created here was usefull to anyone who has the slightest bit of knowledge of this game, this site and these people here was usefull in any way what so ever nor will it ever be.

The one thing you have continuasly tried to do was create drama on this site by doing nothing but offend people and use internet cliché's. You serve no purpose here. You are just some random person here on the internet wanting attention by screaming stuff about your life compared to ours and how that some how makes you a better person even though you know nothing about them.

If you want to stay on this forum and ONLY if you want to stay you need to learn that what you have been doing is not how you behave on a forum, you need to learn how to take critism to your guides/builds or your opinion and most importantly you need to show respect to other people (something you didn't do at any point).

If DON'T want to stay and be a usefull contributer to this site then there are 2 ways you can leave. Leaving by your self and never revisting this site ever again or getting banned by mowen.

Those are your options and the only ones you will get.
Subzero008 (112) | July 17, 2014 7:09am
Also, Meditation is a commoner's item. Ew.
Subzero008 (112) | July 17, 2014 7:02am
Peasants these days...disgusting. You don't even seem to realize that All4Games and Firraria are two separate accounts.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ShaoTheGreat
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