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Generally, you'll end up wanting these items for those small bits of dmg that ends up costing time or can optimize Set's Engagements.
Match-up Dependent
Hello and Howdy. Since Set's release, I have dedicated quite a bit of time playing Set like no tomorrow and have found him to be one of if not my absolute favorite assassin to take into the jungle. That being said, allow me to go over this Sand-Flinging Usurper.
Set's go-to for poke damage/jungle clear/and slow
This ability is a line attack that is able to command spawns to charge a targeted location; dealing additional damage per clone but scaled down with each.
I absolutely adore the very low cooldown on this ability as allows Set to consequently have quicker time to clear even when used in between rotations to allied lanes.
This ability is often used during the initial engage on targets/ to provide self-peel when retreating/general poke/or to finish off kills that would otherwise be out of range. (The primary skewer is able to go through walls.)
Spawn of Set:
This ability has a max of two charges that upon cast deploys a pet that attacks enemies within melee range automatically. The spawn also provides vision within range.
This ability I find useful for disrupting enemy back attempts/Jungle clear/and providing a sort of temporary ward for yourself.
Set's blink-esque engage and disengage tool. This ability provides Set with a semi-blind "aura" that deals damage to enemies within its radius repeatedly for its duration and also enables a one time teleport cast per duration to any targeted spawn of Set. This ability also provides Set with damage reduction for its duration
Set's ultimate ability. This ability acts as a stim to Set that grants him movement speed and additional/potentially limitless stacks to his passive. Set applies marks of set per hit on each and every enemy god he manages to hit with his abilities or auto attacks. Upon reaching 4 stacks, the afflicted enemy detonates dealing damage and healing set.
Set from my experience is very efficient and being able to get into the enemy backline in an instant or harass targets of choosing with his long range poke. You will find that you need to pick and choose when and where to engage, or if it is safer to opt for poke while your tanks setup potential windows of opportunity. Keeping track of the enemy teams cooldowns is key for playing to engage as Set as going in at the wrong time can result in a trade at best and a hard feed at worst. Being able to appear almost instantly at a targeted location via a blink-esque ability on a decent cooldown is very strong when engaging on a situation that favors you. Sometimes, its also worth simply engaging a vulnerable target by running at them and attempting to force cooldowns by using skewer/sandstorm at their location prior to their escape and chasing with your one charge of teleport to their new location. Set is one of those gods that really starts laying the smack down once his ult and items come online; namely hydra's. Making sure to safely farm and poke until then is another very important factor as your early game influence isnt too high but is still there if played well in coordination from your team.
Jungling with Set is a fairly simple process. You poke things, walk a little bit, then poke some more things.
In reality, after level 2 there's a specific yet optimal method of securing jungle camps as quickly as possible.
Level 1: You have a point in skewer and should be attempting to take speed with your mid laner. Auto both side creeps twice and skewer to kill them and be sure to outbox the large creep. Rotate to the next camp and repeat until level 2. Spawn of Set should be your next point to enhance your 1 and quickly stack your passive.
Level 2: Walk to your desired jungle camp you intend to clear. Place a spawn near an adjacent wall in the camp and proceed to auto and rotate to the wall opposite of your spawn. Skewer the creeps and this will then have your spawn model stacked with you or somewhat near you against the same wall you now stand and you now have a smol Set helping you auto the camp in tandem with your own Autos.
As item's begin to be purchased it should feel like nothing but a leisurely stroll walking to each camp and taking camps.
The whole concept of Spawns providing vision also provides as alternative pathing. Instead of possibly walking into an enemy ward hotspot you can instead "peek" an enemy camp and teleport onto the camp or act accordingly if camp is respawning.
Splitting xp: You can toss a spawn into a lane with an ally clearing and still receive split xp without having to linger in lane/spend skewer.
Set will often find himself scouting the enemy formation to look for weak points of opportunity. Once an opportunity shows itself, you will want to engage as quickly as possible, deal as much damage as possible, and then get out.
The most optimal method is via building into hydra's and having at least 1 charge of set available.
1. Choose your intended target
2. Deploy a spawn of Set near them
3. Teleport with SandStorm onto the intended target (both this and the spawn of set deploy proc hydras so your next auto will deal bonus damage)
4. auto attack followed by either another spawn deploy overlapping the current location of your target for the spawn damage from at least one hit then auto
5. Activate skewer for another hydra proc and auto
With Ult available:
1. Activate Kingslayer
2. Refer to the previous list
3. If the target is still alive, alternate between actually spamming autos and overlapped spawn casts on top of the target youre chasing until they die or weave until your very short cooldown on your one activates for the kill.
Utilize the movement speed increase to avoid damage by moving irratically if potential retaliation comes your way and reset the situation to the prior list.
Ideally, youll want to secure the kill on an enemy damage dealer and not die for it.
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And, I would remove
Swapping the timing on asi if building trans or not
you will overcap AS so easily. Especially on his ult. So I think you should get SB if you gonna run too much AS on him.
I don't like it either, but if you gonna build so close to AS cap, then when you ult you go over... might as well for more power ?
Ofc better option is to not buld so much AS :P
I already pointed it out to him, but if he insists to get AS...
Something like... crusher, jotun, hydra, "Def item", Ardonight, BF
Want to try crusher, boots, hydra, trans, Genji, Void/Shifter.
Not sure what to replace boots and crusher with. MAYBE Malice + Rage/DB? or Ichaival + BF.
In my game as him I was at 2.4 with just Hastened Katana for AS item
Set Match
Rather go Masamune than HK. More PWR, HP and DEF
Is 2 def item too much? Should I just settle for Mantle of Discord?
I just like genji -3s for CDs is nice.
Priwden + Masamune sounds nice. (Trans/Ichaival, Hydra, Priwden, Urchin, BF, Masamune as final build w/ Crusher and boots replaced)
What'd you recommend on him?
I guess sometimes you have no tanks and allies feed but enemy is too bad to end game =/ , like my game yesterday I was jungle Nike. Forced to rebuild cause someone needs to frontline to deal w/ Poly Ymir, Anubis and Merc...