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[S4 Build - Arena] Geb - The Master Baiter

2 1 37,790
by Vandalyzed updated March 3, 2017

Smite God: Geb

Build Guide Discussion 0 More Guides
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Geb Build

Starter Items

Build Item Watcher's Gift Watcher's Gift
Build Item Shoes Shoes
Build Item Chalice of Healing Chalice of Healing
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Core Build

Build Item Reinforced Shoes Reinforced Shoes
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin
Build Item Stone of Binding Stone of Binding

Full Build (S4 Build)

Build Item Reinforced Shoes Reinforced Shoes
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin
Build Item Stone of Binding Stone of Binding
Build Item Jade Emperor's Crown Jade Emperor's Crown
Build Item Shogun's Kusari Shogun's Kusari
Build Item Stone of Fal Stone of Fal

Alternative Build #1 (Classic Support)

Build Item Reinforced Shoes Reinforced Shoes
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin
Build Item Stone of Binding Stone of Binding
Build Item Heartward Amulet Heartward Amulet
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe

Alternative Build #3 (S4 Alternative)

Build Item Reinforced Shoes Reinforced Shoes
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin
Build Item Stone of Binding Stone of Binding
Build Item Jade Emperor's Crown Jade Emperor's Crown
Build Item Oni Hunter's Garb Oni Hunter's Garb
Build Item Stone of Fal Stone of Fal


Hi. My name is Vandalyzed. I've played Smite since Season 1, but it wasn't until Season 2 that I found my comfortable zone playing Support/Guardian. This is my first guide, so I hope you find it helpful.

My play style is a bit team-oriented. I've never been able to get high kills. I stressed out trying to do so. It wasn't until I entered the support role that I realized my entire thought process is built around supporting a team and having them follow me and get me out safely.

Geb, to me, is a baiter. His entire kit is centered around setting up kills for the team. His roll is both an escape and an initiator and with it's low cool down, I often use it as both in the same engagement. You make yourself an annoyance, get the enemy team focused on you, and your team cleans up. I've been able to lead my clan mates to several deicides (entire team kill) using baiting techniques with Geb.

Pros / Cons


  • High Defense
  • CCR Capped
  • Damage Mitigation
  • 50% of the Cooldown Cap (20/40)
  • Great Support Oriented Passives (Penetration, Attack Speed, and Power Reduction auras)


  • Approximately 300 less Health than Classic Build
  • Does not apply protections to team as Classic Build does. Applies other types of auras


Your personal preference on Geb skills order still applies.

I personally start with 2>1>3>2>4. Then I build the 2 first, going into the 3. Since we're only using the Roll as initiator and escape, leaving it as level 1 until last skill works just fine.

With my play style, the ult and 2 helps sets up kills after my initiation -- knocking up the enemy to keep them in place for my team to do their work. (works great with Awilix, Ah Puch, Poseidon, etc).

I then focus the 3 to give my team a stronger shield. Even though you initiate, understanding where your team is at all times helps you succeed with your Geb Shield. Example Explanations in Spoiler:

Spoiler: Click to view


God Builder Setup

God Builder Disclaimer

Let's talk about the God Builder for a second. You need to use it. It's surprising how many players do not use God Builder.

When you press I ingame, and it opens the shop, the first thing you see is recommended items. Most people choose from this, and if their item isn't present, they do a search under All Items.

Stop! When you set your build and options in God Builder, you don't see recommended items screen. You see Custom screen, that shows all YOUR chosen items and alternatives.

What's the most important thing for a Support (or any player) to learn? Speed. Get in and out of the fountain. You're needed on the battlefield, scrub. Especially if you're the tank.

Mages are dying out there, Man! Use the God Builder

Many people will disagree with this next piece of advice, but they can never honestly give me a reason that would change my mind and not do this.

Use Auto-Buy for your core items

Read the spoiler if you are interested in my logic on this.

Spoiler: Click to view

Item Explanations

Firstly, don't let the reduction in health fool you. Most supports want either high defense or high health, or a mix of both. With the continual increases in power and penetration over the seasons, there has been good reasons for wanting both health and defense. However, Crowd Control in Smite has gotten Out of Control -- No pun intended.

Before, the sum total of CC mitigation on a support was Spirit Robe (and for those of us who have been smart -- and not gotten sidetracked by things like Traveler's Boots and Pen Boots -- Reinforced Shoes).

Supports still have not received any relief from farm/level issues in modes like Conquest, Clash, and Siege. However, in modes like Arena and Assault we only have to worry about Crowd Control and Damage Mitigation. This build seems to really hit the sweet spot in that regard.

So, let's talk about the items:
Say what you want about other boots items, but with a passive as OP as this, no support should be using any other boots. As you are damaged, you gain stacks equal to 6 of each protection, stacking up to 3 times. That's 18 physical and Magical Defense! This is a mini Hide of the Urchin built into your boots! These stacks only last 6 seconds, but it's a repeating passive.

And, after all the **** I said above about CC, do I even need to mention the CC reduction stats included? Oh wait... I just did. My Bad. If you're not using these boots and you're a support for your team, I hope you miss your roll and end up in the enemy fountain :P
Urchin is self-explanatory. If you don't get it on your supports -- Start Now. Period.

Why 2nd item, though? Urchin's Health and Mana is all you need early game. And since reinforced shoes gives you some health and a bit of protection, getting those stacks early means that in the late game, enemies will need to work very hard to kill you. And being an initiating support is all about imposing your will on the enemy.
New Item in Season 4: This item is amazing. This is another double protections item and -tada!- Supports are getting some power back on their items. That means when you're chasing down that fleeing enemy that your team couldn't get to, you will finally be able to kill him with something other than your ultimate. But, that's not what's exciting about this item.

The passive reads that your team gets +10 penetration for 5 seconds on any gods hit with your hard crowd control. For Geb, this is his 2 and Ult. Likewise, if you hit an enemy at full speed and send them flying (more on how to do this properly later)
New Item in Season 4: This item seems to be working great for me in this build. Think Witchblade, but with power reduction rather than attack speed reduction. It has power, health, and physical protections!

Guess what you Hastened Fatalis scum, you might be able to hit me 100x per second and ride me like I'm your prom date, but your damage sucks! ;-) (That's not entirely true, so let's not get too cocky)
New Item in Season 4: This item is amazing. This is another double protections item and -tada!- Supports are getting some power back on their items. That means when you're chasing down that fleeing enemy that your team couldn't get to, you will finally be able to kill him with something other than your ultimate. But, that's not what's exciting about this item.

The passive reads that your team gets +10 penetration for 5 seconds on any gods hit with your hard crowd control. For Geb, this is his 2 and Ult. Likewise, if you hit an enemy at full speed and send them flying (more on how to do this properly later)
New Item in Season 4: So, this item may be a preference item, but it caps your CC reduction (along with reinforced shoes) at 40% and has cool down reduction as well. The passive gives 15% attack speed to team mates within 70 units of you.

I think this is a really good item, and some players might like this. But, let's be honest. This build is made for Arena and you can't always control your archers and warriors from going ham out on their own, away from your kind offerings. So... I stumbled onto what I think may be a perfect replacement, which I will list below.
Shogun Kusari Replacement - Look, it's Spirit Robe's Ugly Cousin! Seriously, though. Remember the previous OHG? It seemed like such a good item at the start of Season 3, but everyone soon realized how bad it was and stopped using it. Well, they reworked it.

Spirit Robe gives you 15% Damage mitigation for 3 seconds whenever you are hit with a CC ability. The cool down on this is 5 seconds. With the Stats, this is a pretty damn good item, right? Well, here's OHG. The cool down is 90 seconds.. but you don't have to wait to actually be hit with anything to get those mitigations. You simply need 2 or more enemies within 55 units of you! This is hardcore.

The whole idea of getting hit first before proccing a passive seems a bit short-sighted to me. I mean, the damage is already done. Spirit Robe will still reign, I believe, because it has dual protections in it's stats, while OHG is only a magical protection item. But, OHG is definitely worth replacing Shogun's Kusari in this build.

OMG, Becky, if you had OHG and Spirit Robe in your build! But, I'll let you consider that for yourself. For now, let's move on to the last item in the build.
New Item in Season 4: So, we end this build with the other Stone. This item gives you magical protections, 70 power, and cooldown reduction. The passive is straight forward. If you are hit for damage higher than 30% of your Max Health, that damage is reduced to exactly 30%. The cool down on this is 1 minute. So, what does this mean for our build?

In this particular build (with no changes), your max health at level 20 is 2735 hp. That mean you cannot be hit by anything over 821 damage, or it is reduced to exactly 821. That might not seem like much of a helpful passive at first look, but think about the amount of 800+ crit damage happening. Or, Thoth. Do I need to say more about Thoth?

This may end up being a preference item, and that's fine. If so, I'd say go with the OHG Spirit Robe combo, Becky.

Play Style

I've seen many people play Geb badly. They roll around the arena, trying to get to top speed, just so they can hit someone and send them flying. Then, they hop away back to their teammates to get petting on a job well done.

If you play Geb like this. Stop. Now. Why? Read on:

Spoiler: Click to view

So, here are some tips and tricks to help you roll right with Geb.
  • Always choose a primary and secondary target before going into your roll. As much as possible let your team know who the targets are. (Voice Chat helps here)
  • Always use VVVR (Ultimate is Ready) to prepare your initiation with Roll/Ult. I use it twice. Once as an announcement and if there is no response form the team, I use it again. I then use VVA ("OK") to announce my initiation and go into my role. It is a good thing here to be aware of where your team mates are. Making sure that there are people ready to follow you in.
  • Rolling straight in at the enemy can be imposing, however CC can take you out of your roll before you reach your target. Good players will not run, but instead take you out of your roll. One tip is to start your roll against a pillar to get to CC Immune level, then shift over and roll to target(s). What I like to do sometimes is roll straight in and if they CC me out of my roll, I continue walking towards my targets. Next initiation, I will roll straight in again, knowing what will happen. (This is a setup). After that, I will roll way out to the side, and come back in to my targets. They will mistakenly throw CC where they expected me to be and I'm clear to roll in on them.
  • Many times, you don't need to initiate. The enemy will initiate on their own. You counter-initiate with your ult and 2 as they come in.
  • Geb is a beefy brute. You don't have to run away after you initiate and dump your ult and 2. If your health is fine and your team backed you up properly. Stay and slap someone around a bit. Trust me, it's going to either be intimidating to the enemy, or enrage them into focusing on you. The latter is exactly what you want, and what this build was made for. And, if things get a bit dicey, you can s shield yourself and roll out. Chances are they already used their CC and can't stop you unless someone body blocks. (But in my experience, the body block happens like 1 out of 10 times)
  • Being aware of your team mates throughout the match also means being able to pick out which ones constantly get in trouble. (Assassins, Mages being caught out, etc). Identify these people early on in the match and you will know who to look for to give a shield to in high pressure situations.
  • Stupid Story #1 -
    Spoiler: Click to view

  • Stupid Story #2 -
    Spoiler: Click to view

Final Words

So, I hope you liked this guide and my extra offerings of PNDG's Stupid Stories. If you disagree with something in the build, comment. Let's talk about it. Theory Crafting and build discussion are some of my favorite things to do with other Smite players.

If you're interested in seeing what kind of fun we have in Pandorum Gaming, hit me up ingame. Maybe you can be our next Rando ;-)

Let me know if this guide helped you at all. Cya!

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Vandalyzed
[S4 Build - Arena] Geb - The Master Baiter
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