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S5 - Joust

1 1 23,561
by ThiccJiggly420 updated February 19, 2019

Smite God: Sun Wukong

Build Guide Discussion 4 More Guides
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Sun Wukong Build

Full Build Sequence

Build Item Warrior's Blessing Warrior's Blessing
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Bulwark of Hope Bulwark of Hope
Build Item Void Shield Void Shield
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin


Notes Change for Bulwark of Hope if they have Heals on their team


Change for Bulwark of Hope if they have Heals on their team

Build Item Pestilence Pestilence
Build Item Shifter's Shield Shifter's Shield


Notes Choose Upon the situation


Choose Upon the situation

Build Item Magic Shell Magic Shell
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings
Build Item Shield of Thorns Shield of Thorns
Build Item Cloak of Meditation Cloak of Meditation
Build Item Teleport Fragment Teleport Fragment

Chapter Title

Classic Sun Wu Kong To have tankiness and damage at the same time

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Branmuffin17 (400) | January 7, 2019 3:10pm
Skill order is screwed up again. Can't max a skill by level 8. Please fix it.

Frostbound Hammer is generally unnecessary for SWK, agreed with Kriega. It can be a flex/optional pick, but since he's got a slow in his 2 and a stun/knockup in his 3, he's got enough CC to be functional without it.

For Joust, the rest of the build is somewhat okay, with a clear intention to max CDR by 3rd item. Jotunn's 2nd means SWK shouldn't be the main tank though, at least not in the early stages...and that makes it difficult to have him set up kills for teammates. But without much pen (like Void Shield at least), the power that he IS building (Jotunn's + Shifter's Shield) is being mitigated a good amount. So he's not really being relied on for much damage either.

This means I'd prefer getting BoV and other protection items first, and following up later with offensive potential, if the situation fits.

Pestilence is good, but with 0 alternate build options (like with other builds Thicc has proposed), it's not a core don't get it if you're not facing significant enough healing.
Gulfwulf (81) | January 7, 2019 1:25pm
Why Warrior's Blessing? I'd get Attacker's Blessing instead and maybe Gladiator's Shield as a bridge item. Also, I'm with Kriega in that I don't think Frostbound Hammer is a good item on Sun because most of his damage comes from his abilities and not his basic attacks.
Kriega1 (143) | January 7, 2019 12:06pm
Don't think Frostbound is a good option on Wukong if im being honest. Shifter's is questionable but not the worst. Im not sure how Soul Eater would be in joust, but you could try it out.
Gulfwulf (81) | January 7, 2019 1:27pm
I don't think Soul Eater would be bad provided it was built right after boots so you could stack it early. I think it would depend on what your position on the team is because most warriors are meant to be tanks/initiators; Stone of Gaia would probably provide better sustain than SE.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ThiccJiggly420
S5 - Joust
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