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When going this build you have to understand the stages of the game and when to take advantage of power spikes. Scylla is very much a late game god (duh), so play her in that way. This build helps curve out her damage and helps it get online sooner, but don't force yourself to get kills until necessary.
The order of the build after picking up starter would be Boots > Rod of Tahuti (more on this below) > Spear of Deso > Divine Ruin > Upgrade starter (if possible) > Soul Gem
"Wait... why are you building Tahuti as the first item after boots, isn't it a late game item." Well yes, and as Scylla your early game will be poor regardless. You will struggle to clear lane early on and as such it is necessary to play a passive playstyle. While doing so, the best thing to do would be the get a bunch of gold to purchase a powerful, core item. More on this later.
Spear of Desolation is a broken item right now and should be core to all builds on mages.
With that, we have our core 3 items.
Following spear, there's divine ruin; considering the amount of healing in the game right now, having this as a fourth item will be around the time the healing starts to become noticeable and you will need a counter. Not all games will need this so if you want to start building soul gem here instead of divine you can, that said, divine is still a great item and there doesn't need to be lots of healing to warrant buying it.
Gem of focus allows you to stay in fights a bit longer with up to 9% damage reduction/damage increase, and since you'll be using sick 'em into crush combo that will almost always be at at least 6% and with cooldown elsewhere in the build it can easily be maintained.
Obsidian Shard is still a fantastic item and can be substituted against very tanky teams.
The Staff of Myrddin is my least favorite item to take in this slot mainly because after you ult with Scylla, everyone should be dead anyway, but it can help clean up with a double sic' em, and the cooldown and % pen helps out in the late game.
There's the more defensive option in mantle which gives you some added survivability to help get your damage off in the late game.
There's also Charon's coin, if you can fit this in the build as a 4th item, it will be the perfect time to rack up some kills on Scylla and get it stacked.
These items can replace divine ruin/soul gem if you are struggling against enemy aggression.
With all the crit going around in jungle and adc, a health/physical def item with anti crit properties allows you to take more punishment from the enemies, very good against Ne Zha, Merc and just about every ADC.
Mantle, again just a good one off def item with CDR and Prots as well as a strong passive.
If you really need defense in the early game, celestial legion helm is a good bridge item, but I highly discourage this as you really need to build damage items early so you can be a threat into the late game.
No discussion here, beads and aegis every game.
Tap each threat level to view Scylla’s threats
Scylla is broken.
Let's help you be broken with her.
When going this build you have to understand the stages of the game and when to take advantage of power spikes. Scylla is very much a late-game god (duh), so play her in that way. This build helps curve out her damage and helps it get online sooner, but don't force yourself to get kills until necessary.
The order of the build after picking up starter would be Boots > Rod of Tahuti (more on this below) > Spear of Deso > Divine Ruin > Upgrade starter (if possible) > Soul Gem
"Wait... why are you building Tahuti as the first item after boots, isn't it a late-game item." Well yes, and as Scylla your early game will be poor regardless. You will struggle to clear lane early on and as such, it is necessary to play a passive playstyle. While doing so, the best thing to do would be the get a bunch of gold to purchase a powerful, core item. When you are finally able to get Rod of Tahuti, you will be around level 8-9, which is perfect, because you will also be able to get the bonus 25 power from your passive if you max your crush at level 9.
Spear of Desolation is a broken item right now and should be core to all builds on mages.
With that, we have our core 3 items.
Following spear, there's divine ruin; considering the amount of healing in the game right now, having this as a fourth item will be around the time the healing starts to become noticeable and you will need a counter. Not all games will need this so if you want to start building soul gem here instead of divine you can, that said, divine is still a great item and there doesn't need to be lots of healing to warrant buying it. You can even go Charon's coin in this fourth slot, there's a lot of flex potential in this slot
You don't need a team, Scylla is the team.
Ok, maybe we do need a team, but still, Scylla has a lot she can do on her own. She has great peel in her 1, her 2 also comes with a slow so you can drop it at your feet when running from someone to deter the chase (the damage is also a big deterrent) and her 3 goes a long distance when maxed, not to mention the movement speed and cc immunity on the ult if you need to escape.
She also sets up a lot of damage on her own, sic' em > crush, the 1-2 combo, we nearly always cover 1/2 of a carry's hp minimum (this is considering auras from tanks as this will probably be closer to 3/4 without anyone else around). Teams with the ability to set up for a sic' em combo will make it a lot easier to confirm Scylla's damage. Don't worry so much about the ult, Scylla shines with her 1 and 2.
The 1-4 combo is also very lethal, without wasting time setting up the crush, which has an animation delay, if you see that your 1 is about to hit and it will drop them below half (rod of Tahuti bonus damage range) then ulting will probably kill and its worth to follow up the 1 with ult so you can get the kill and potentially chain I'm a monster for another kill.
As you can see the teamwork section has nothing to do with the team, Scylla does it all, any team that can provide cc for you and good peel will make the game feel unfair with the numbers you put up.
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