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Scylla:The Absolute Monster (Just the conquest Build)

1 0 14,041
by SmilingFellow updated February 21, 2015

Smite God: Scylla

Build Guide Discussion 2 More Guides
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Scylla Build

Starter Items

Build Item Vampiric Shroud Vampiric Shroud
Build Item Tiny Trinket Tiny Trinket
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Core Items

Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi

Other Items

Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Book of Thoth Book of Thoth

Possible Final Build

Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard

Actives (Choose 2)

Build Item Greater Purification Greater Purification
Build Item Greater Aegis Greater Aegis
Build Item Greater Sprint Greater Sprint

Pros / Cons


Very Strong Team Fight
Good CC
Destructive Ult
Has An Escape
Lots of Damage
High Burst


Weak Early Game
Useless if can't land anything
Hard to hit Ult
When Sentinel is down Easy to kill


This section is where i show my reasoning for these items.

1.Bancroft's talon- It gives you lifesteal and the passive is good since you will probably be low on health a lot and +100 Magical Damage

2.Warlock's Sash-The reason i use Warlock's sash than book of Thoth because of sustain.Scylla sustain is Horrible with out it.As a Scylla you want to live longer so you can wipe out your enemies.

3.Shoes of the Magi-This gives you Magical Power and mana.(Also you will be getting cooldown from Chronos' Pendant)

4.Chronos' Pendant-This allows you to spam your Abilities more and it gives you decent amount of power

5.Rod of Tahuti-It gives you +100 Magical power +15% magical power

6.Obsidian Shard-Scylla can't put how multiple attacks in a few seconds so she has to use obsidian Shard for a strong penetration.

Beads-You want to get out of CC at all cost you do not want to die.

Aegis-this is for not taking damage and surviving from enemies.(you can use this to not get affected by CC but only before it happens)

Sprint-If the enemy team has a lot of slows you might want to get sprint since it removes slows and gives you a speed buff for a few seconds(only on lvl 2 and 3 sprint)


Sic' Em-It Roots and Cripples the enemy so you can pair this with Crush AND I'm A Monster.
Crush-Your way of clearing the lane and heavily damaging the enemy and killing them!
Sentinel-It Gives you mp5 And acts like a ward,But you should really use it as an escape tool.(If you push it again you teleport to it
I'm A Monster-A move that hit in a small area doing massive damage,And if you kill someone with it you can use it again! This said you can kill the whole team with just this move.

Early Game

In the early game Scylla isn't strong yet. As Scylla in the lane you want to play passive a little bit and just clear the lane with your 2. You can still try to poke and kill the enemy you are facing but you shouldn't kill your self just to kill the enemy because Scylla's late game is really strong.

Mid Game

You should be around lvl 9-11 by now. During this time you are probably still building Warlock's sash.You kind of want that fully stacked before the late game. The enemy or your team will probably be contesting the Gold fury during this time. You want to join them to kill the GF. If the enemy is trying to kill the GF you can try to steal it but it's probably going to be really dangerous since you have to be close to them.Or in the other Hand ganks will be going at you multiple times.

If you are ganked you can either:

1.since the support and/or jungler are probably around you lane or in it,you can stay and fight the.

2.Or if you don't want to die you can just use your 3 and set it at your tower of close to it and teleport to it.

Late Game

You probably have most of your items.Warlock's sash should be fully stacked by now.What you want to do during this time is stick with your team mates.You pretty much want to pick off weak targets with your 1 and 2.If a big team fight has started and your a few feet away from it you can use your 1 if your 1 hits you can follow up with your 2 and either pop it and use your ult on them or use your ult then pop it if your didn't get any kills from your ult.They will probably beads out of your 1 so it may be hard to kill them. You are really squishy so don't be the person to initiate.The person who initiates would be usually people who are tanky and have a lot of cc.(Usually your Guardian or Warrior).


Scylla is a Glass Cannon,this means she can deal a lot of damage but she will die easily.
Scylla has many ways to kill and escape.She can root and cripple them and bring mass destruction upon thy. But just because you have a decent build doesn't mean you will do good. Usually you want to practice hitting your abilities. Practice on hitting your abilities so you won't be completely useless.

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SmilingFellow | March 8, 2015 8:57am
Greytower wrote:

Nice build overall, the items are solid. Good information too, but the formatting makes it a little confusing. And I'm not referring to the lack of bbcode

"If a big team fight has started and your a few feet away from it you can use your 1 if your 1 hits you can follow up with your 2 and either pop it and use your ult on them or use your ult then pop it if your didn't get any kills from your ult.They will probably beads out of your 1 so it may be hard to kill them. "

All you need to say is just


Focus on one or two gods at a time
Initiate with Sic 'Em to bait out beads and trap people
Drop Crush and detonate when needed
OR I'm a Monster before dropping Crush in case you need to secure with Crush

I prefer Spear of the Magi over Obsidian Shard, any comment on that?

lol i forgot about this guide lol. but i used obsidian shard because scylla can't shoot out multiple abilities at a time without using her 2.
Greytower | March 1, 2015 8:11pm
Nice build overall, the items are solid. Good information too, but the formatting makes it a little confusing. And I'm not referring to the lack of bbcode

"If a big team fight has started and your a few feet away from it you can use your 1 if your 1 hits you can follow up with your 2 and either pop it and use your ult on them or use your ult then pop it if your didn't get any kills from your ult.They will probably beads out of your 1 so it may be hard to kill them. "

All you need to say is just


Focus on one or two gods at a time
Initiate with Sic 'Em to bait out beads and trap people
Drop Crush and detonate when needed
OR I'm a Monster before dropping Crush in case you need to secure with Crush

I prefer Spear of the Magi over Obsidian Shard, any comment on that?
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SmilingFellow
Scylla:The Absolute Monster (Just the conquest Build)
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